The map of Denmark can be downloaded in areas that are 10 km by 10 km in size, and there are 6 public servers people can join, however, on their website they say that their servers are having trouble keeping up. download the areas, you must register a user, I've registered one but am still awaiting an email that should make me able to use it. I'll post a guide if I manage to download the areas later.
I've tried joining some of the public servers, their IPs are shown here, and each server seems to contain the areas shown on the map (so Greenland and the Faroe Islands aren't included, and the capital Copenhagen is in server 3 and 3b):

I started trying to get on server 3b, and it didn't seem to respond, I then tried server 3, which appeared to be full, then server 2, which I got on.
The servers seem to have space for 70 players and appear to be full most of the time atm.

You can type /warp to get a list of places to warp to, if you type a number after /warp you can see all the different pages in the warp list. I tried warping to Odense, and it was obvious that here have been griefers - or maybe the flooding of the city just hasn't reached the news yet.

I think some people are griefing the major points of interest with water which causes lag and such. The server runs in creative mode so you can do pretty much anything. I warped to some random, less known cities

The inside of a building in Dyrup - I built the doors/entrance - the buildings seem to have a lot of windows and random torches on the floor inside, they're generally very vibrant in color, built out of stained clay. I'm not sure if some places may have other materials. Besides from the trouble finding a server to get on, I didn't notice lag on the server while playing.

I'm pretty sure the building colors are randomly picked and have nothing to do with the real buildingss.
An area in Dyrup from above:

There's a "Dynmap"-like thing here where you can also show a layer with warp positions.
Looks like an interesting project, but to improve it I think they definitely should disable water (and lava if that isn't disabled, I think it is), or possibly disable world manipulation entirely (or maybe just the most popular areas). And reset the worlds. I don't think I'll even bother to check out Copenhagen after seeing how Odense looks.

Maybe some of the districts away from the warp locations and some of the more natural areas and fields.
Edit: Got on server 3 for a short time and 3b. On 3 Copenhagen's warp at the central station amazingly wasn't griefed.

On server 3b, there appears to have been a flood, but fortunately some people were so kind to mark out the way to an amusement park in a suspicious material.

I then warped to Nørrebro, the multifloor buildings seemed to be empty inside besides from the few torches on the floor, so everything was generally very dark in the night.

Found the Institute of Datamagics

The world doesn't seem to have tunnels

Bike path

Navigating around really puts into perspective how tiny the stuff we've built on Blacraft is. It feels like an eternity to travel down the roads, probably because it is so devoid of details and immersion compared to irl, which is how most computer games tend to be. I'm also unsure if forest is mapped at all, I don't think trees were generated where they are and the fields I've appear to be only flowers and grass. But over-all cool.