Idiotic Commands
>AAAA MAH COUNTRY NO LONGNR SAUVVRGN: Make a country become non-sovereign anymore.
>addnation: Make something Independent
>AfghanistanNotRecognized: Make a country or dependent territory or Observer state recognize the Taliban.
>AfghanBordersTajikistan: Make a country or dependent territory recognize Afghanistan.
>allay: AAAAAAAAAAA don't do this OOOOMMMMGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>aoooert89efn4n7t8w9848r3hwj8r7j3tbv y3o4y: make a country speak Gibberish
>ASTEROID: Yeet a rock into solar orbit
>BAD nation: makes a country BAD, STUPID.
>BANNED for _______: Bans a nation for Tech Hacks or other Cheating
>Bay: Makes a country have coastline
>Bye Bye You: Lets a nation leave a union! (AA, AFU, ASEAN, BU, CU, CAU, EAU, EU, NAU, SAU, UIO)
>C: Name your nation C
>Can: can can can can can can can can can can can can can can
>Dick: USA
>Dissolved: Splits a country into 2 or more countries.
>Dy: :yD<
>fuk: FUCK U
>gay Hate: Decrease by ___%
>gay Love: Increase by ___%
>GUS: put gators/crocodile in any us state
>Hit me: HIT
>Independence: Makes a dependent thing Independent