Internet Relay Chat (IRC)This is an off-topic channel frequented by users of the Everything Else board. Although entirely welcome, don't expect us to be talking about the current version of Universe Sandbox when you join
RulesDon't spam/flood.
Have morals.
Overall, be considerate to others and just don't be a jerk. We're all humans here.
How to JoinIf you have an IRC client, simply join
##universesandbox on the freenode network.
this link.
Type in a nickname you would like to use. Preferably, your username on this forum.
For "Channels:" type "##universesandbox".
Answer the captcha, and you're in!
Better way to JoinNote: You need Firefox.Download
Type in the address bar: irc://
In the Chatzilla client, type /join ##universesandbox
Configure to your tastes!
Other Relevant InformationPlease sign up so that you can get auto-voice privileges.
Use the command /msg ns help register
To sign in, use /ns id <password>
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