Rules, by NeutronStar:
I. IntroductionCivil War Map Game takes place in the 1850's, when the North (blue) fought against slavery in the South (red). You may choose a side.
II.Governmenta.Any 3 players can run for President, Jury, or Legislature. They may do what their real places are in the US. President... doesn't do much. Jury passes laws, and Legislature makes laws. Any one player may be any one of the position.
III. Turn lengtha. Your turn may be up 24 hours in length. If you excede this limit, it goes on to the next player's turn.
b. If you are on vacation, and you post so, people are not allowed to post, as you have no control if you can do anything.
ba. If you post on any part of this forum when you are on "vacation", your turn will automatically end, and you will not be able to hold up the game.
bb. If you declare "vacation" then gameplay is still going, but no one has to wait for you, but no one must interfere with your country.
IV. Fightinga. You must declare the region you are fighting over, and then attack it.
b. Divide the area into pieces
c. Winner must be declared, or or someone must retreat to end the battle for that region.
d. You may take a neutral zone without a battle, or found a country in them
V.Turnsa. Any player may take a turn, as long as, another player (not them) has gone before.
VI. Secessiona. You may secede to create your own country with your own laws, and fight for your own cause.
b. You may create a nation in neutral zones, as stated in Section IV.
Below is the first map.
I am siding with the north.
So... pick a side, run for something if you choose.