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Author Topic: Dreams  (Read 183142 times)


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #270 on: January 25, 2015, 10:53:53 AM »
ah yes i just casually saw a terrorist group

i had a dream something something old house

then i went outside with tmc and my parents at night and i took pictures of the comet, my parents went inside and slept, and then i went inside got my telescope (to look at other comets, because of the way they looked on my iPhone app, wat) and started looking at a star that had like a tail and then i remember getting distracted several times and then one time i looked up and the sky was bright because clouds were illuminated (but i have no idea where the clouds came from) and i swear they were legit beautiful i was amazed they were lit up all blue and purple (they looked like a nebula of forming stars) and then over the course of a minute or so they went through a few different colors, like there were some stokes of red and yellow, and in small sections it was rainbow-y, and then they faded. then something happened and i was woken up in the middle of it


tbh that was one of the more realistic dreams i've had
« Last Edit: January 25, 2015, 10:59:10 AM by atomic7732 »


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #271 on: January 25, 2015, 11:35:38 AM »
2015-01-25 #2
This one begins with me and someone else looking at a timeline of people's lives, it was quite interesting. It also showed their sexuality and for some reason there were patterns in it (like there was one person that ignored the different aspects of sexuality and then because of that a cascade of people did it too). We focused on one particular person, a lesbian woman who got married around 50, with her dream to become a pilot level 8. For some reason, becoming a pilot level 8 was extremely dangerous, and the other person said that it's because "it's like the megaton scale for TNT". Like, she became level 5, and could do all sorts of stuff, but she never got further than that because it was too dangerous.

Then, I became her and I was flying around between houses and flew up and over a butte that was in front of me that had a house dug into the bottom of it. Then, I went into their backyard behind the butte and kept going through an orange tree repeatedly. There were lots of baby insects and the person said that I shouldn't try and kill them because of reasons (I don't remember what). Then, I got bit by a bunch of them and I had to go inside to get it treated, and I somewhat remember a conversation that occurred:

"You shouldn't put bug spray on it, because they already bit you. You have to use alcohol, otherwise they're going to spread." I walked into the house in the butte and began to put alcohol on it then woke up.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #272 on: January 25, 2015, 11:42:07 AM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 01:47:00 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #273 on: February 06, 2015, 08:19:08 PM »
2015-02-05 to -06
another odd dream, this one was about my journey home from school in a van, except that i was driving the van (it was one of those 15 passenger vans if you know what i'm talking about) and i failed spectacularly in regards to driving. luckily though, nobody got hurt or died, i was just a bad driver. also causality was pretty broken, unless I wasn't driving for the whole trip.

we started at school, of course, and everyone loaded in. there were quite a few people in the van, i'm pretty sure it was overfull. we drove away from the school and i was sat upon by Lindsey was sitting on me and Jake was sitting right next me to. I wasn't driving however until some time had passed and the van had emptied somewhat as we had made one stop or so.

We were driving along with me at the helm and there was a very large fire which was burning and forced us to go around, however what happened next was quite unexpected. I drove the van into an absolutely enormous concrete construction with multiple levels, lots of construction equipment around, and a few people who were telling drivers where to go and what to do. The entrance to the place was slightly dilapidated, but overall it wasn't like ruins and was being restored from its previous dilapidated state. There were multiple levels composed of concrete, with cars in them and some massive pieces of concrete which had fallen off from the higher floors onto the ground floor. The floor of the place was rather dirty too. It also glowed orange as if the fire was nearby, and it very well may have been as I think that it was an inferno of catastrophic proportions burning through the section of Phoenix I was supposedly in.

It was quite a bit of a maze and I had a hard time navigating around. I turned and wove through the building for a good ten minutes, however I was making progress towards getting out the other side. I eventually found my way to Stella, as I seemed pretty confused. She directed me as to where to go from there after I got out of the van for a moment and then I continued on my journey. I finally exited the massive concrete building after several minutes and found myself in a parking lot with the odd bright incandescent atmosphere of the building behind me.

It was very dark outside, but it wasn't nighttime. There were extremely thick and heavy clouds above, yet somehow they weren't pouring. I drove across the parking lot, got in a position where it seemed I was parked in a space, then backed up and turned and exited the lot onto a small side street. I drove down it and came upon a rather forested area and an entrance into a larger, more main street. This is where my driving became somewhat terrible, although for now I drove down the road mostly calm and collected. I swerved across the road and almost hit several people, losing control of the van, and for some reason my feet could not reach the brake or accelerator, although they had been perfectly capable before. I felt much smaller than I had been before, perhaps four feet tall and unable to reach the wheels. I wanted Marie to drive, but I persevered as driver despite my pitfalls.

I eventually reached somewhere that Elana said I had gone too far and I was at 76th St, and I had to turn around and go back. I went back to 72nd St, and turned onto a small neighborhood road still with many people in the van. I parked it outside of what was supposedly Elana's home, and everyone got out. The children of the driver that ride with us sometimes in the van spat at me and said "You're a terrible driver and it's 1:30am." We all (everyone that has so far been mentioned in the dream) went inside Venus's house to relax for the night. Her house had a pretty large entrance which had a large, open room that branched off to the left of the entrance which had a table, many chairs, and a TV. Like Nue's house but with two stories and bigger.

Elana and I went outside while it was raining slightly and raced in the neighborhood on go-kart motorcycle things, with houses to the right of us and a forest to the left of us. And this is about where the dream trailed off and became fuzzy, then blurring into reality as I awoke.

somewhere in there jake said "you're my best friend" i have no damn idea where
« Last Edit: February 06, 2015, 08:37:33 PM by Darvince »


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #274 on: February 07, 2015, 01:30:48 AM »
How to Remember Your Dreams

Remembering your dreams is the starting place for learning to have lucid dreams. If you don't recall your dreams, even if you do have a lucid dream, you won't remember it! And, in order to be able to recognize your dreams as dreams while they are happening, you have to be familiar with the way your own dreams work. Before it will be worth your time to work on lucid dream induction methods, you should be able to recall at least one dream every night.
Getting plenty of sleep is the first step to good dream recall. If you are rested it will be easier to focus on your goal of recalling dreams, and you won't mind so much taking the time during the night to record your dreams. Another benefit of getting plenty of sleep is that dream periods get longer and closer together as the night proceeds. The first dream of the night is the shortest, perhaps 10 minutes in length, while after 8 hours of sleep, dream periods can be 45 minutes to an hour long. We all dream every night, about one dream period every 90 minutes. People who say they never dream simply never remember their dreams. You may have more than one dream during a REM (dream) period, separated by short arousals that are most often forgotten. It is generally accepted among sleep researchers that dreams are not recalled unless the sleeper awakens directly from the dream, rather than after going on to other stages of sleep.

It can be useful while you are developing your dream recall to keep a complete dream journal. Keep the journal handy by your bed and record every dream you remember, no matter how fragmentary. Start by writing down all your dreams, not just the complete, coherent, or interesting ones--even if all you remember is a face or a room, write it down.

When you awaken in the night and recall what you were dreaming, record the dream right away. If you don't, in the morning you may find you remember nothing about the dream, and you will certainly have forgotten many interesting details. We seem to have built-in dream erasers in our minds, which make dream experiences more difficult to recall than waking ones. So, whenever you remember a dream, write it down. If you don't feel like writing out a long dream story at 3 AM, note down key points of the plot. Also write down the precise content of any dialogue from the dream, because words will almost inevitably be forgotten in a very short time.

Possibly, all you will need to do to increase your dream recall is to remind yourself as you are falling asleep that you wish to awaken fully from your dreams and remember them. This works in a similar manner to remembering to awaken at a certain time in the morning. Additionally, it may help to tell yourself you will have interesting, meaningful dreams. A major cause of dream forgetting is interference from other thoughts competing for your attention. Therefore, let your first thought upon awakening be, "What was I just dreaming?" Before attempting to write down the dream, go over the dream in your mind, re-telling the dream story to yourself. DO NOT MOVE from the position in which you awaken, and do not think of the day's concerns. Cling to any clues of what you might have been experiencing--moods, feelings, fragments of images, and try to rebuild a story from them. When you recall a scene, try to recall what happened before that, and before that, reliving the dream in reverse. If after a few minutes, all you remember is a mood, describe it in a journal. If you can recall nothing, try imagining a dream you might have had--note your present feelings, list your current concerns to yourself, and ask yourself, "Did I dream about that?" Even if you can't recall anything in bed, events or scenes of the day may remind you of something you dreamed the night before. Be ready to notice this when it happens, and record whatever you remember.

If you find that you sleep too deeply to awaken from your dreams, try setting an alarm clock to wake you at a time when you are likely to be dreaming. Since our REM periods occur at approximately 90 minute intervals, good times will be multiples of 90 minutes after you go to sleep. Aim for the later REM periods by setting the alarm to go off at 4.5, 6, or 7.5 hours after you go to sleep. Once again, when you wake up, don't move and think first of what you were just dreaming before writing.

To remind yourself of your intentions and get yourself into the spirit of your dreams, read through your dream journal at bedtime. Learning to remember your dreams may seem difficult at first, but if you persist, you will almost certainly succeed--and may find yourself remembering four or more dreams per night. Of course, once you reach this level, you probably won't want to write them all down--just the significant or compelling ones. And, the more familiar you become with the style of your own dreams, the easier it will be to remember you are dreaming while you are dreaming--and explore the world of your dreams while still on the scene.

Source: http://www.lucidity.com/NL11.DreamRecall.html


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #275 on: February 07, 2015, 09:43:14 AM »
   i went thru my parents bedroom to eat food and i didn't like that i had to go through my parents'bedroom

i was on the google doc for the universalis solar system and was writing things on the side of the page about how saunvare's weather would work, and i was working with someone
« Last Edit: February 07, 2015, 10:33:35 AM by Darvince »


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #276 on: February 07, 2015, 12:05:46 PM »
remembering dreams sounds skari


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #277 on: February 07, 2015, 01:32:22 PM »
why does it sound scary


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #278 on: February 11, 2015, 05:26:34 PM »
mr. shoeman yelled at my english class and told us we were too gay and needed to be straighter

i really wanna know what lead up to that because usually my dreams have plots


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #279 on: February 13, 2015, 07:05:13 AM »
i was invited over to eleana's house for an evening and also tom was there but i did the most snacking at eleana (i didn't bother to reconstruct this one because school)


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #280 on: February 13, 2015, 07:33:37 AM »
i had some dream where me and dar went a places like a bookstore-like-shop and some weird park thing in a bus with mostly males but everyone was very... unclothed

i remember losing everything i bought idk how i basically dropped them without knowing

earlier or later or another dream (idk they had some similar facts/qualities but i know i woke up) i went to someone's house on a street near a park and it started snowing and i was messing with the dream-properties of snow (it could become like ice but also be like dust kind of, and there was this snow ring lik a snowflake but a donut) and suddenly dar was there and there was a female who for some reason it seemed like she was interested in both of us and i think thats where i woke up actually so probably earlier


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #281 on: February 13, 2015, 02:59:31 PM »
I took some pills that made me fall asleep around the end of February and I didn't wake up until late June. Once I woke up, I checked what weather things had happened between when I fell asleep and when I woke up, and it had rained a bunch in March after I had said that there would be no rain until the monsoon (July). However later I went outside on July 1 because there were a lot of cumulus clouds and it looked like it would storm, and sure enough, there was a giant, towering cumulonimbus approaching. As it approached, the sky became darker and darker until it was almost black outside, and then it began to pour. It was pouring for several minutes and the clouds were descending and then I went back inside and saw a lightning strike happen literally right where I had been standing outside before.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #282 on: February 13, 2015, 03:02:49 PM »
another weathery one that I sort of remember and don't know when it was:

2015, late January
I was inside my house, except it wasn't my house, and I was walking around, there was a supercell coming our way. There was a cloud bank below it and a tornado touched down in the big space that can be seen from behind our house, and it almost reached our house but just barely clipped it, and then there was another tornado that touched down nearby to our north that was going to hit the house, but it also avoided the house and then they continued to grow bigger as they went further from my house and caused lots and lots of destruction as they went southwest. Also my sister was somewhere.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #283 on: February 14, 2015, 12:47:34 PM »
I had a dream once about floating in space, and then I woke.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #284 on: February 28, 2015, 07:43:03 PM »


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #285 on: March 01, 2015, 07:24:24 AM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 01:37:50 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #286 on: March 01, 2015, 02:07:40 PM »
then write it out


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #287 on: March 01, 2015, 05:03:06 PM »
holycrap i had this dream
me and yqt were in this arena and everyone was so op omg
and then i had this other dream but its skirit ;)

Gordon Freeman

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #288 on: March 03, 2015, 07:15:45 AM »
Bong Lotz had a Tew Mærd


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #289 on: March 04, 2015, 08:37:38 AM »
My dream's are filled with the lovely site of those animitronic's all huddled around me in a circle just groaning they're robotic little groans and tweaking out and the like


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #290 on: March 04, 2015, 09:36:26 PM »
I find it a bit odd that I don't have very many dreams where I'm doing something on the computer, seeing as that takes up almost all of my waking life when I'm not at school...

I was looking at the weatherspark dashboard and saw that it was really cold outside, and the colors for the icons were strange and not normal for those temperatures, like black and brown and orange instead of the more normal cyan and purple for those colors, and Los Angeles was supposedly -5F. I went outside to see how cold it was (it said 28F for phoenix) and I was really disappointed because it didn't feel that cold to me when I stepped outside and I wanted it to get colder, but alas, it would not.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #291 on: March 04, 2015, 10:18:34 PM »
I find it a bit odd that I don't have very many dreams where I'm doing something on the computer, seeing as that takes up almost all of my waking life when I'm not at school...

I was looking at the weatherspark dashboard and saw that it was really cold outside, and the colors for the icons were strange and not normal for those temperatures, like black and brown and orange instead of the more normal cyan and purple for those colors, and Los Angeles was supposedly -5F. I went outside to see how cold it was (it said 28F for phoenix) and I was really disappointed because it didn't feel that cold to me when I stepped outside and I wanted it to get colder, but alas, it would not.
how low did ya want it to go?


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #292 on: March 08, 2015, 11:55:33 AM »
probably like -15C or lower @ cryo

2015-03-08 #1
This one was a bit interesting, it involved my family which is pretty rare in my dreams it seems, even though I spend every waking moment with them. There was also nue for the first time in any of my dreams that I've written out. (kol yee)

There is a girl at my school who was only there about two thirds of days to begin with, but then she mysteriously disappeared some time in mid-January and has only come back once. In this dream, she had showed up several times at my house to which my father was relatively displeased. Every time she showed up at my house it was dinnertime, and she had joined us and talked for the first two times, but this time Miriam didn't get the chance because my father just blew up. He took her from there and drove off with her and the rest of my family was very concerned about her because he can get really angry and irrational sometimes. He said that he had taken her to some place out west.

We were trying to figure out where he had taken her so that we could get her back to civilization. The only thing we knew is that he had taken her to somewhere like 43rd Avenue and something, and also there was a large Netflix farm nearby at her location. The next day I woke up and got on the bus because it was a school day and instead of taking our usual path to school, we were on a mission to find Miriam and bring her to school or at least back to her home because nobody deserves to be taken out in the middle of nowhere and dumped for pretty much no reason. I was giving advice to the driver to get us to where she might have been dumped off and we were in a large farm area but we did not see her. I was pretty confident that she was nearby, however. Unfortunately we didn't find her in the dream.

2015-03-08 #2
This one again involved the monsoon/storms (probably inspired by the storms that existed on radar yesterday like wut???) also this is more abstract all I remember is that there was a storm and lots of heat and I made myself content with my room being like 85 and ridiculously humid, but i couldn't really do anything about it and there were big cumulus/cumulonimbus everywhere
« Last Edit: March 08, 2015, 12:03:44 PM by Darvince »


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #293 on: March 08, 2015, 09:38:29 PM »
i was walking with my oldest sister during the nighttime, somewhere I dont recognize. The setting was very dark and grim; there were street lamps and the buildings looked very old, like something out of Victorian England. As we were walking, there was a swimming pool nearby with no underwater lights. We saw something suddenly rush out of the water and we were both grabbed and sunken into the water, whether they were hands or not. I had a strong sense of drowning, and even though I couldn't tell I knew that my sister died from drowning. After a while, I was pulled out of the water by the strong arm and I was held roughly 20-30 ft above the ground (the creature must'd been extremely large, its hand crushed my waist. As I was strangled, i attempted to push myself out of the strong grasp. I turned 180 degrees to see a figure walk out of a building, roughly 100 feet away from me. I yelled for help repeatedly, but the person ignored my calls and kept walking away. By this time I wake up and I yell to my parents. kol


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #294 on: March 12, 2015, 01:35:56 PM »
2015-03-12 #1
There was a school dance for the people that don't "get" to participate in the other dances, so that they had a chance to, even though at my school they're pretty much free entry and almost everyone has gone to multiple of them (I personally have gone to one). In the dream it was mentioned that it was a sort of Sadie Hawkins (only in name, in the dream it was just whatever) dance which is oh so progressive not like it even does happen the way that they intend it to.

In literature class everyone was just screwing around and things and that was part of the dream yeah I don't remember this one very well as you can probably tell. For the dance, everyone was supposed to choose an alternate name for while they were there, and remarkably I didn't choose Doctor Vince or some such gimmick, although I might've, I don't remember if I even chose a name. Tom was going to go to the dance and he had chosen a name for himself, I think it was something like "Twister" or something. Sarah said, "So I heard you're going out with a guy." to me, and my reaction consisted of "of course you silly nugget". Tom overheard this and looked at me with a knowing glance and we were like "hue".

2015-03-12 #2
I don't really know what part of the dream this was in, but it was running across a sakir field which had been painted with a bunch of designs on it, I wish I remember what they were in more detail, but there was an arrow with curved edges at the north end of it (it was long in the north-south direction) and a bunch of people were running across it including me, I was at the northern end pretty quickly though and then I ran back to the other side.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 01:42:10 PM by Darvince »


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #295 on: March 12, 2015, 05:32:36 PM »
2015-03-12 #3
This one was the one that in IRC I said started out hyperrealistically and ended in me sliding down ancient stone tubes in one of the holiest Incan temples.

I showed up at school early, around thirty minutes before school started, but thee were already people there who hadn't been doing something else before school. I think this is intermixed with the last part of dream #1 from today, as in Sarah asked the thing. Soon it was almost time for school to start and the bus that I normally ride to get to school had just arrived. One of the girls that regularly takes that bus said "Oh no! We're going to be late!" So, then school shortly thereafter started and I went into Mr. Mustache's class and quickly discovered that all I had was my pink notebook which I write about Himalian in and a pencil. I did not have my backpack, which if you're a student, you know that at least some of the contents of the backpack are necessary for school.

So, I called everyone in my family to see if someone was available to bring me my backpack, and luckily my mom was. However, instead of waiting for my family to come which might take an incredibly long time, I hopped into a small little compact car with a pretty large black man with abt. 4 inches of hair on top, and his clothing was pretty nondescript, although there was a tan leather jacket on his top that looked hella wicked. We were driving down a street which had moderately heavy traffic and we were rushing around people in order to get home faster. He drove through the central lane and my heart was pounding as we passed between two motorcyclists and around some cars, but luckily we did not get scratched at all. We then went on to the freeway on which he was a lot better about not running around cars, so it went a lot smoother. He turned off the freeway and onto the main artery road that takes you to the entrance to my neighborhood, when I got a call from my mother that she was only five minutes away from school. Dammit. We kept going south towards the freeway near my house when he suddenly told me to drive the rest of the way home, but I was very nervous about this.

I then went into an odd state where the entire world was just a grey mess, and then I came back and was in some incredibly high mountains, but I was still linked with the other world (think quantum entanglement) and felt as if I was driving the car to get home. Maybe I crashed the car and died or something? I was definitely in the Arctic, and there were low, dying pine trees which were covered in a thin layer of snow, as well as dead grass on the ground. I "drove" (actually walked) up the mountain until the pine trees disappeared and there was only lichen left on occasional rocks. Eventually I reached a pass or a crest between the mountains and was met with one of the most amazing views I have ever seen, dream or reality. There was a range of completely iced over mountains with snow covering their entire breadth, although it didn't get very low between me and those mountains. There was visible snow coming off of them due to the wind. The sky was completely clear.

The mountain I noticed the best of was to the left a bit, and its top was not covered in snow, but rather, it was completely filled with intricate designs. It was one of the last temples remaining from Incan/Aztecan, I'm not sure which, times. Once I was near it, I entered. It was very dark inside with lots of Mayan and Aztecan designs on the walls. There was a place in the back of the entrance room to descend down into the mountain, and it was roughly circular with no stairs, only designs carved in the walls which looked like Mayan writing. It was a slow journey down with a very rough, rock-like texture as I slid down. I reached another room which was almost completely dark and I had to scoot myself forward a bit to keep going, but then I went into the bottom room, which was almost pitch black, with lots of entrances to other rooms, including other rooms further down, but I scooted myself forward more and went into those rooms further down.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 05:58:03 PM by Darvince »

Gordon Freeman

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #296 on: March 14, 2015, 11:45:58 AM »
Wan. Too. Threi. Fowr. Fiyv. Sicks. Sevin.

Seven asses.

I think that was a dream.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #297 on: March 16, 2015, 01:13:59 AM »
why does everyone else write such undetailed descriptions


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #298 on: March 16, 2015, 02:10:49 AM »
i had a dream

that one day

paragraphs would be longer than 5 words


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #299 on: March 16, 2015, 07:16:31 PM »

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