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Author Topic: Dreams  (Read 183580 times)

Lord DC

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #240 on: October 23, 2014, 08:29:10 AM »
I am Sir Overpowered


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #241 on: October 23, 2014, 10:32:39 AM »
nah it probably has the same cause as my dream of being in a hurricane


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #242 on: October 23, 2014, 10:34:47 AM »
You were deep in your sleep, so the sound of the thunder [alarm] was faint. As you were waking up, you kept getting closer and closer to reality, making the alarm louder and louder.

I am Sir Realism
i said it wasnt the alarm

i had no reason to set it for 2:30

i had to get up at 4:30


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #243 on: October 23, 2014, 12:05:29 PM »
You were dreaming that you were sleeping with a 2:30 alarm while dreaming about the thunderstorm.

I am Sir Ception


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #244 on: October 28, 2014, 09:43:18 AM »
i had this dream where i was in a horror movie somehow, i was at some version of my elementary school, with who i know determine to be people from that school. it was kind of overcast and windy, and we were out on the field when an alarm seemingly went off, people started running, i had no idea what to do, slowly, everything around us darkened and we were in a room, and two guys were standing off, one with some sort of sword and the other with a knife... i'm not sure what happened after that but most people had knives of some sort and everyone was stabding in a circle. the one guy's voice reverberates around the room seemingly from everywhere, i have no idea who it is, i am so confused and i walk around the room looking to be near someone without a weapon. the guy calls off some names and holds a vote to decide on soneone for something. he declares these people he will kill. i noticed he tried killing someone, but then somehow almost everyone was dead, i didnt know this, all i knew was i was trying to run away, hide sonewhere, because there is no way to escape. there is one other person and we are like 'fuck what do we do' and so we hide in this closet and then i am like 'i dont want to watch this movie anymore' and then the other guy is like 'aww i do' so i turned off the movie by accudent and re set it up and then i left or something. i'm not sure what happened after that

i think nigahiga implanted his unscary horror movies in my brain

Gordon Freeman

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #245 on: October 28, 2014, 09:56:20 AM »
Just this morning I had a bunch of dreams where this griffon in a military getup was landing some sort of hoverjet (why need a hoverjet when you have wings?) that looked like something out of SkyRogue mixed with one of my designs. When he landed he wanted to open the hatch but he was clicking the wrong button, so the texture of the aircraft was just cycling through some horrendous-looking patterns.

Then the dream just flipped to some cavern, where my "camera" (I'm never actually IN my dreams) was facing some other griffon, this time wearing some sort of Spanish conquistador outfit. My camera turned to face some sort of feast or conference or something, completely populated by griffons, but I think their may have been one or two dark, humanoid forms as well.

Then the dream flipped again an I was one of two "narrators of the universe." The other person was some sort of Jamaican/Hindu guy. I couldn't be sure, since we were just ominous voices. My "camera" was looking at the Milky Way or some galaxy, and this star came hurtling at an FTL speed from the Northern Axis to collide with the sun.

The Jamaican dude went on about that, and I told him that a collision at that speed would probably send a huge shockwave throughout the galaxy. So it did, clearing tons of gas, revealing that the solar system was an enormously spacious area. Then the Jamaican dude was saying something about dead stars while Venus and Saturn where sweeping up scarce particles as mini-moons.

Then I woke up.

Was this some sort of nightmare or something.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #246 on: October 28, 2014, 09:58:25 AM »
Kol :(
Nigahiga really needs to stop implanting things into other people's brains

Gordon Freeman

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #247 on: October 28, 2014, 10:12:03 AM »
Kol Nigahiga is a bacteriophage


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #248 on: December 05, 2014, 09:09:40 PM »
But the best part of the sky was the moon. It was about as large as a basket ball held at arms length, completely black, and covered in green radiant cracks.
Did someone say black and green cracks?!
« Last Edit: December 06, 2014, 04:58:39 AM by Bla »

Gordon Freeman

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #249 on: December 06, 2014, 05:01:45 AM »
Cracked Moon =/= elctrosphere


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #250 on: January 10, 2015, 12:33:39 PM »
i apparently had a dream about going to like somewhere else in phoenix idk i guess south

i don't know why really, but it was to like go meet a friend or someone or something, so me, tmc, and someone else (maybe my dad?)... but there was also anothe rperson my age... went and we walked, and i saw some person who i repeatedly saw driving, who was apparently from tumblr, assuming i walked this route all the time (even though it feels like i've only been there once, i remember a dream where i was walking around the city in the area we were trying to get to but i don't remember that dream well) and shortly after we turned for some reason but tmc was like 'oh we can go this way', but i was unsure because i'd only ever been here once and i remember in that dream that i had used like my phone for mapping, and so we ended up on this curving (to the left) street where there are shops in small weird house-like shapes, it looked really orderly and they were far away and suddenly my aunt was there like 'what the heck where are the stores you're talking about' but that was the last we saw of her, and then with my dad i ordered something from a concession stand you'd see at a sporting event

at this point, i'm not sure what happens but the overall mentality of the story became i was in this big building i can describe it like a museum almost or a convention center or airport something like that, but my brain told me i was in 'north korea'. so anyway obviously there's lots of tourists in north korea (yep?) and so we were confined to this small area and it had shops but it was also really sketchy and there were people with guns not like pistols like automatic rifles but nothing was really going on everyone seemed mostly cool about it other than the fact they were in north korea. some of the people with the guns wore military attire (and were not north korean) but some of them did not. most people were just like sitting around or going from shop to shop and room to room. i don't really remember what happened there but me and tmc and some other person, not my dad, were going from place to place too, i was like 'we should keep moving', but i'm not sure if we did anything at any of these places.

around this point we lose the person who my brain also decided to lose. i don't recognize this until later. but tmc and i go to this otherbuilding (which was pretty much like the one we were already in, except more museum like and more open entry and such) but this was like the north korean entry or something and walking in the building was wierd i remembered this like odd arrangement of stairs into the building (from another dream) with multiple entries but only like one or two of them went to the main entrance, we went up them they curved around instead of spiralling, so they were still kind of going in one direction, but we get in the building and there's this automatic voice talking something about unity and something and then something that reminded me of indigenous and native people and it was like you walked off this platform and fell like 6 feet while it referenced something about people who lost their lives or something but the wording was amazing and i was like 'wow that was pretty cool' despite it being north korea you know, and so i almost walk up to the reception desk or whatever, there are some people scattered about the big room, and there are some doors to the right and tmc goes over there so i follow him i'm like 'what are you doing' but he's too far away, so this is more just thoughts in my head, and then i realize he's leaving it's like a museum exit except i feel like we weren't supposed to go out that way and there's like this really wide path of concrete stairs that go down to the parking lot - which means we actually parked to get here (obv) - meanwhile i'm still confused and i'm trying to catch up to tmc without being suspicious and then he starts talking to another person, i can't make out what they are saying, but they break apart, the person falls behind and i get their attention as i pass by them and i go 'what's going on, what happened, what'd you tell him' or something of that sort, and i am informed that some situation was occurring which my brain made out to be a terrorist attack on tourists in north korea, for some reason, and this is when i discover they were "taking people", as far as my dream discerned and we lost the third person

i'm not sure what happened after that, we went to the car (i think) and the dream might have ended there

idk my dad got home and started talking to me which pretty much just destroyed my train of thought and recollection of the dream

Gordon Freeman

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #251 on: January 12, 2015, 07:43:57 AM »
I climbed the purple step pyramid on the graves of babies who died in wars.



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Re: Dreams
« Reply #252 on: January 12, 2015, 01:56:58 PM »
i got  nineteen-eighty-seven-ed last night in my dream my dam you Five Nights at Freddy! why do you torment me so?

Gordon Freeman

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #253 on: January 13, 2015, 03:49:57 AM »
Sometimes I hallucinate with my eyes.

Sometimes I hallucinate with my ears.

Sometimes I smell things that aren't there.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #254 on: January 14, 2015, 06:28:54 AM »
ok so this time my dream was a bit shorter (or at least i remember less of it)

basically me, a few of my family and friends, got teleported somehow back hundreds of years, except my house was exactly the same. dar was there and i spoke to him briefly in a gibberish tongue and for some reason he could disappear, like, he had invisibility. so he was playing tricks on me when we were trying to go inside. then suddenly it was night, i was like 'wahtever' and went inside. and it was so quiet, except there were like 5 or 6 people there. and then for some reason i suddenly though about the lighting and how since it was 1200 (or whatever time it was) that it probably attracted everyone and everything (and also that tmc could watch in, for some reason he was trying to sabatoge the trip or something idk he just didn't stick with everyone and i know he disagreed with me about something) and finally it ended with the door wide open with no traces of anyone doing any such thing

i'm not sure what went on there


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #255 on: January 14, 2015, 10:15:49 AM »
I had a dream I was in some sort of huge fight with the government or something. It was me and dozens of others versus these armed helicopters and I guess some government force (FBI?). A lot of my team died, and I flee'd somewhere else.
I remember this very detailed but brief moment in the dream where I beat the crap out of someone. It's kinda violent, so all I will say is that there was a lot of blood on his face. Poor dude.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #256 on: January 14, 2015, 10:32:37 AM »
it was my school but not (wat), there was a large brick courtyard surrounded by classrooms, most of the windows had been replaced by a single layer of bricks. there were several trees over the courtyard and a truck in it as well, and it was very dark compared to normal because the windows had gotten blown out in an explosion and had to be temporarily replaced with bricks. the trees combined with the bricks meant that it was darker than a cloudy winter's day, but not quite the same light level as night. most of the male people i was acquaintances with at the school were there, along with some of my female friends. suddenly one of the teachers came out and something happened and the truck disappeared along with the brick covering over the windows to reveal a bunch of purple stained glass windows with peace doves on them.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #257 on: January 14, 2015, 10:42:07 AM »
I once had a dream, the night before going to secondary school for the first time, where the room I was in was ridiculously, uncannily similar to the room where one of the first induction classes was held. all the major features were there.
I've never been able to get my head around it, having never been there before that time. the numbers involved in such a coincidence must've been unfathomably large.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #258 on: January 14, 2015, 10:53:05 AM »

why do my dreams have explosions and worms/leeches so much


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #259 on: January 14, 2015, 12:19:08 PM »

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #260 on: January 24, 2015, 05:31:14 AM »
I'm not sure how many dreams I had, but I know it was at least two that I remember in quite a bit of detail. Also there's acronym tags scattered around the dreams for things I didn't think deserved parentheses.

I was returning home from a trip with someone, I'm pretty sure it was one of my girl friends from school, along with my crush (henceforth I will refer to them as Kelly and Tom). I and Kelly somehow wound up in Washington D.C. after trying to get home to Phoenix, all the way across the continent (lmao). We were walking through, trying to get to the airport so we could get back to Phoenix, and we turned towards the part of D.C. where all the federal governmenty people are. We passed in front of the White House and saw John Boehner dressed in a really tacky suit on its lawn walking up the steps along with secret service everywhere (of course). We kept going past it, and we started down a mild slope. We turned as Capitol Hill was in front of us, and met up with Tom. We then turned parallel towards it and kept walking, the three of us, until we reached an airport. Oh yes and it was goddamn cold like you wouldn't believe (for an Arizonan) holy shit it was cold. But there wasn't snow on the ground. But I remember it being at least -10C.

We got on a plane (there was no TSA or anything like that, and the plane was a big open area where we could sit down wherever, oh and it was free, and there weren't really any seats). The plane's route (I didn't know this at the time, but found it out later) was from D.C. to Lima, Peru, to Mexico City, to Phoenix, and from Phoenix to somewhere further north like Seattle but I'm not exactly sure, the dream didn't inform me of that. We sat down next to each other cuddling because it was so fucking cold, with Kelly in the middle. There were probably about a hundred other people on the flight, but it wasn't too full. From where we were seated on the floor we could see the back of the plane, with a little bathroom like normal planes. Tom and I were both grabbing on tight to Kelly because of the cold. Eventually once we had taken flight and the plane got even colder, (I specifically remember -1F inside the plane and far colder outside), Kelly had finally become warm so her and I switched places and I was holding on to Tom. She was still leaning on me with her head resting on my shoulder though. I had my arm around Tom with my other hand holding his. Eventually we had gotten far south enough (close enough to Lima) that it had warmed up and he left for a bit, and then came back and sat down in front of us and we and him had a detailed conversation about something. However, it was still cold as hell. I and Kelly became extremely close personal friends once we were back in flight from Mexico City to Phoenix because it was getting colder again, and Tom came back and joined us. The dream ended when we landed in Phoenix and got off the plane, although themes from it carried into my next dream(s).

And I guess it's worth mentioning what they were wearing, I don't remember what I myself was wearing, but she had some sort of leather jacket dealio going on, and he had what he typically has on in Phoenix when it's like 5C outside because it never freezes here.

Okay for the next one, I know I attended at least one sporting event, although I think it may have been two different sporting events, and the first time I was at one was simply an extremely poorly remembered dream.

I was watching a football game with Kelly and someone else (I think it may have been Nue's dad? I'm not entirely certain.) I don't remember the teams but one of them was Seattle, and the score was completely unreasonable for a football game (161 to 38), and everyone was talking about how unreasonable the score was. After the game, after some celebrating was done for Seattle (they won), a linguist stood up in the middle and asked if anyone in the stadium knew the Mohave language, which in my dream was an extremely endangered language which I looked up on Wikipedia later (in the dream) and found out that it had only between 20 and 30 speakers left. A native girl of about 20 years old raised her hand on the other side of the stadium, and I picked out her hand as she was running down the stadium to the center.

She was the youngest speaker of Mohave, everyone else that spoke it was much older. However some of her older relatives did speak it, I think that's how she obtained it. She also chose against the odds to keep speaking it even though nobody else that she knew other than them knew it, and none of them were monolingual. I, her, and the linguist met outside the stadium. The linguist began to ask her what some basic words were in Mohave, and we were magically transported to another, much more private place where there weren't hordes of people rushing by, I think it was near the sports teams' locker rooms for the game. I wanted to ask her what some of the words of the Swadesh list were that I could remember, but the linguist had her completely occupied. I remember one word, bug, it was /kʷustiɬpaw˥˩/. However I couldn't remember any other words, although I do remember that in the dream it was supposedly polysynthetic and had tɬ as well as kʷ everywhere. (thanks dine bizaad and unangam txangaanisx̂ for this dream)

#2.5 or #3
This is the one I'm uncertain whether it's an extended part of #3 or another dream. The Mohave-speaking girl arranged for some lessons over south of Las Vegas that I was going to attend. They were weekly, every (Thursday?). I met up with a Hispanic girl that was walking along the sidewalk on the main road outside my neighborhood. We went up towards that place to attend.

Jump to it being night time and I'm with my mum and that girl in another car. We were driving along AZ-51 northwards. The road was much more broken than it is in reality. I was driving and had to speed up to get across a gully, but I didn't and the car fell and then broke physics by going down the slope, then swooping high in the air, 29 meters, and then falling down on the highway on the other side perfectly unharmed and in mint condition. Then my mum disappeared (logic!) and we were suddenly riding different motorcycles, full gear and stuff. We were on the northern part of the loop 101 except that it was a coniferous forest instead of the shrublands and random neighborhoods that actually occupy the space up there. We kept going along, me with my brights on and her doing something. We eventually turned north onto the I-17, except she swerved off the road and was riding through the forest. I got off my motorcycle to go rescue her as she had become stuck, and it suddenly turned into Minecraft and I was falling continuously down a cave searching for her, losing hearts as I was falling too far. I reached about 1.5 hearts before the dream ended and I woke up. Because my subconscious didn't want me to learn Mojave or something.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #261 on: January 24, 2015, 10:54:52 AM »
i had a dream all i remember it was located close to home it was in my surrounding neighborhoods and walking along the streets and i remember some kid stole my bike and i tried to go get it but they were being a dick and for some reason i came back later but he had like some crazy conservative family who were all outside and people ahd their guns out and they were messing around so i was like 'eeeehhhh fuck this' and then for some reason me and dar were floating around tied to like 5 weather balloons i don't know how that worked cause at that point it felt more like a video game than anything, also i really don't know how to describe it cause it wasn't like we were tied directly to them but we were most definitely being lifted by them and we flew over the neighborhood and then we went down to "my house" which was neither my old house or my new (although i recall seeing my old house in one part of the dream) and it seemed kind of like a small cabin mixed with my grandparent's old house, and dar was like 'i'm tired i'm gonna sleep' and so he slept on like one of the 4 couches in the main room and then i woke up

and i remember dar looked saguan-y kol


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #262 on: January 24, 2015, 11:21:34 AM »
mjau mjau i am a cat


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #263 on: January 24, 2015, 11:47:13 AM »
here have two undetailed and vague dreams:

i was with nue and there was a large plume of smoke in the sky coming from somewhere near south mountain and we went to it and there was lava there that was bubbling up out of the ground in a sphere shape and it was burning all the shrubs around it. it was very hot. then nue or someone said that it was actually a meteor.

i was taken to a camp without my consent. it was slowly revealed throughout the dream that I was taken there without my consent because I had fallen asleep at school before the school-sponsored camp was to occur and I was put on the bus asleep and then i finally woke up once i was there and i was terrified. i was in a cabin and everyone's things were being processed as being safe for the camp, and i protested being there. i was then informed that i could leave once everyone's things had been processed and we'd done one activity. after that was over, i asked again, and they promised basically the same thing. finally i actually was taken home that evening by one of the kinder teachers and things happened and the dream probably switched to one of the far more detailed ones below.

Gordon Freeman

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #264 on: January 24, 2015, 12:11:22 PM »
>someone was watching a comet slowly sail through the atmosphere from a cliff
>he wishes it was closer
>Mr. Chan Narrator throws a couple extra asteroids at the cliff
>A majestic wormsnake crawls out of one of the still intact comets
>a HUD menu of oranges pops up
>if you give an orange to the wormsnake it's mood changes

That's how much Mr. Sandman let me take back from my dreams into my consious' memory.

Also a random scenario one of my dreams threw at me:

Standing in a rectangular pit of flaming floorboard cube pieces while singing the Outcast's Uprising United non-existant anthem. With a bunch of fursuiters. Don't know where the furries came from but okay.

 I have actually been trying to compose an anthem for OUU and the melody for it in the dream was amazing but I can't remember it at all :(
The only words I can remember from the anthem were "Turn your head towards the sky and look beyond the horizon"


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #265 on: January 24, 2015, 01:23:22 PM »
yee so many dreams

2015-01-24 #4
this entire dream took place at nighttime. i was in the central city and lived in an apartment along with a guy from school (whom i'm not even friends with but i'm pretty sure the school thinks we're going to be bffls any day now). We lived on one of the higher stories of the apartment building we were in (perhaps the fifteenth floor). Our apartment layout was such that it was on the front side of the thin apartment building. My bedroom was on the left, a bathroom in the center, and his bedroom on the right. His had a lot more random things in it, whereas mine was pretty much only things I used and was very neat. We both had windows that faced to the north, and for me, to the west, and for him, to the east. Most of the buildings around us were shorter than fifteen stories but they were not all that way, as the one to our west was taller than where our apartment was.

He and I were sitting on the bottom floor of the apartment building together on a bench that was a little secluded from the rest of the ground floor entrance hall. Suddenly a green thing came along and began to color everything in the building green. I immediately noticed this and began to fight against it, coloring everything I could with some sort of sense that I don't quite understand red. Other people also noticed and fought against it with what I assume was a similar sense like that, and eventually the entire building was green, red, yellow, and blue. I thought it to be some sort of zombie disease, but luckily there were no zombies in the building. Once we got up to our apartment we inspected the damage from the green wot that had tried to take over our apartment. I discovered that my room was mostly colored blue, although a commode in the corner with a lamp on it had become green. His bedroom was much worse off. Many of his items were green, and I specifically remember that he had a clarinet that had turned into PVC pipe. He had several other objects that were PVC pipe and had become that way due to the green wot.

We went to sleep in our respective rooms and I assumed a sort of wot-eyed view where I could see everything that was going on but I couldn't interact with the world in a meaningful way. I then woke up the next morning and the dream skipped to the next night, where we went to sleep again and I was once again a wot, but this time I had power over the physical world and wasn't a coloring evil. However, I did color the apartment red as the wot that earlier tried to make our entire apartment building green was attacking the neighboring building and turning it green. I erased the walls of my apartment and built a small balcony that connected around and had a door in his bedroom in the northwest corner, and in my bedroom it was simply open.

Then I went back to being a non-omnipotent being and went into his room and woke him up. We then went onto my balcony that I had created and observed the stars with my telescope. It was cold outside and we were standing there huddling like in dream #1 from today. Also, even without the telescope, the sky had far too little light pollution for it to be a true city, but I think that was due to the green-coloring wot taking out much of the outer city and the suburbs. In #CSGchat I mentioned that this dream contained an eight year old, I think that person may have been the green-coloring wot.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #266 on: January 25, 2015, 02:19:16 AM »
This thread is dream related, and I didn't really want to make a new thread, but have any if you heard of psychadelics causing dream recall to be better? The reason I ask is because someone who wasn't me did DXM recently, and the night after remembered dreams for the first time in over 5 years, and still has dream recall 5 days after the fact.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #267 on: January 25, 2015, 02:24:22 AM »
no i haven't but now i really want sum


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #268 on: January 25, 2015, 07:01:17 AM »

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #269 on: January 25, 2015, 07:03:34 AM »
So I had an extremely odd dream. I was off in China (I think?) and wanted to get home, but there was ISIS and Boko Haram in the way. So, I decide fuck it and go home anyway and obviously China is right next to Nigeria is right next to Iraq is right next to Arizona. So, I'm walking along the coast of Nigeria when I see Boko Haram nearby and begin to run away from them, hoping they didn't notice me. Then I've reached Iraq and begin running even faster when I see ISIS and get inside my home just before ISIS noticed me.