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Author Topic: Ideas For Future Updates?  (Read 2756 times)


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Ideas For Future Updates?
« on: July 26, 2017, 12:17:49 AM »
So, I absolutely love the aspect of creating my own systems, planets, and whatnot, due to the great amount of customization to the different bodies.
But while doing so, I thought of some things that would be very fun and useful, and I think other people might think so too, so I'm going to share my ideas.

1. Colored Stars
I've created my own solar system, with a custom star, but I don't like the orange-ish color of it, and it would be cool if you could change the color of your star. I know this isn't very realistic, but I would just really enjoy having a green star.

2. More Planet Customization
In my solar system I have planets (obviously), but with some of them, especially the ones with oceans, I don't like the lay of the land, so maybe a "Continent Customizer" would be a good feature, where you can basically "Draw" land masses on your planet or moon, because it's kind of hard to naturally get an earth-like continent layout.
Going with "lay of the land", maybe a biome system would be good? Where, like on earth, there would be deserts, jungles, plains, and whatnot. I'm not sure how they would form or how they would be implemented into the game, but It might be a neat idea.
Please, please add this next feature, it would be sooo nice: The ability to customize the color of atmospheres! Every time I create a planet with an atmosphere, it's blue, which in some cases is fine, but most of the time I'd like it to be different.
And finally, ability to colorize gas giants. Simple, but it would be nice.

3. Sectioning and Organizing (idk what to call it)
Basically, in one of the pictures attached, you'll see that all the orbit and trail colors are very similar in color, and It would be very useful if you could change the color of the trail, which would make it much more organized.
Also, the feature which allows you to save planets and suns and things is cool, but it would be cooler if you could save multiple bodies, or group them together and save that group, so you can place it later. For example: if you have a planet and a moon, you could save both as one entity, so if you want to place both with the same orbital distance, you can.

These are my ideas, they probably seem ludicrous, but maybe the developers can take some of them in to consideration.
If you read all the way here, thanks, and have a good day!
« Last Edit: July 26, 2017, 02:30:11 PM by mye_bye »


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Re: Ideas For Future Updates?
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2017, 02:04:10 PM »
those things i some of what i really want they to add