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Author Topic: climatic effects of impacts  (Read 3278 times)


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climatic effects of impacts
« on: June 30, 2017, 11:41:55 PM »
I notice on many youtube videos the effects of asteroid/astronomical object impacts on earth's climate are dramatic and long lasting. However, when I send anything, even mars, crashing into the earth using the preloaded solar system simulation the earth is pretty much back to normal within a year or two (minus the craters). What am I doing wrong?


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  • Posts: 16
Re: climatic effects of impacts
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2017, 08:23:58 AM »
The Earth is at the best position in Solar system and it is going to go back to normal in very short time. Still weird that this happens in only 1 or 2 years... i am going to test it out and see if this is intended to happen.


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Re: climatic effects of impacts
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2017, 08:36:32 AM »
I've tested it and... nope.

 The impact changed Earth's orbit and now it has a very cold winter that freezes the ocean and then the ocean gets liquid again(it is very unstable). I think you didn't see right what happened in like 10 years, because after the impact Earth got only ~52% of life likelihood(there are still lights but that is probably a bug, since Japan was right in the impact and it still had a lot of lights.
 But this may be because i've hit Earh two times with Mars,  ;D which was probably why it changed orbit... But i still think Earth would be screwed up even with only 1 impact.

EDIT: Madee it again with only one hit, Earth didn't change the orbit but the life likelihood dropped to 66%.