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Author Topic: Star Wars: Rebels - Season 4 - Predictions and desires of my own  (Read 1824 times)


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So at the end of season 3, Admiral Konstantine was killed. Since he was part of Thrawn's group of commanders, who will take his place? Well, who was Thrawn's right-hand man in the EU? Admiral Pellaeon. Heck, we got Thrawn back. Why not Pellaeon?

We've seen how the A-Wing was the original standard-issue Starfighter of the early Rebellion. We've seen the first prototype of the B-Wing. We've seen how the Rebels got their hands on the Y-Wing and started producing their own. So that just leaves the iconic X-Wing. Will we be seeing how the Rebels got their hands on the galaxy's greatest Starfighter? Could the X-Wing have been reverse-engineered from a TIE-Defender?

The return of the Gungans. Since Naboo is logically under Imperial oppression, it only makes sense for the Gungans to have their chance at being part of the Rebellion.

The backstory of Mon Calamari. The Mon Calamari are a prominent part of the Rebellion, so it makes sense to get a bit more backstory.


Tyber Zann and Urai Fen returning to canon. Those of you who have played Star Wars: Forces of Corruption know who I'm referring to.

Ships colliding at hyperspace speeds. Random, but simple. It would look epic.


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Re: Star Wars: Rebels - Season 4 - Predictions and desires of my own
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2017, 04:12:03 PM »
did you ever hear of the tragedy of darth pavala?


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