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Author Topic: Suggestion: More planet customization  (Read 2164 times)


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Suggestion: More planet customization
« on: March 18, 2017, 08:03:08 AM »
So, I've really been enjoying this game, but I feel like it misses some planet customization.
Now I know this doesn't matter for some people, but I think it would be a fun addition. :D

I would like to see some planet editor, with some kind of surface editing function (mountains, lakes, lowgrounds etc.), where you can also choose liquids, atmosphere, clouds and color for all of that.

Also it'd be nice with a "note" feature, where you can write down some personal notes or just descriptions for bodies like planets, stars and asteroids. c:



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Re: Suggestion: More planet customization
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2017, 12:45:04 PM »
I imagine the custom textures would take a while to implement, but they would still be nice.

I'd like to see more material options to make different types of atmospheres and oceans. A super cold planet could have seas of liquid ammonia or methane.

Descriptions would be good for recreations of planets and other objects from sci-fi stories and the like. This would be a relatively easy addition (at least it seems like it).