Lets start with the fact that I am NOT a Climate Change Denier. I have plenty of friends/acquaintances who are climate scientists and I agree with their consensus view that the climate is changing and a significant portion of that change is driven by human activity.
That being said, I really dislike charts like this. IMO, they don't say anything useful. Everybody knows that there are individual years that are warmer or cooler, especially regionally, than others. We listen to the weather man all the time saying that it is unseasonably warm/cold/wet/dry/cloudy/humid/etc. When we talk climate change, the conversation needs to be in LONG TERM trends and data, not individual years that are above or below average. Heck. I could take time slices equivalent to what these graphs present at various places around the Maunder Minimum to prove both that we were entering a new ice age and that the Earth was going to burn up.
Another thing that bugs me is the fact that the conversation seems to revolve around fossil fuels. Alternative fuel sources don't come without their own consequences. Hydro-electric involves damming rivers. Solar panel production is very toxic and the large solar farms create strong heat islands. Wind farms are killing off birds at a rapid rate. Nuclear creates waste that we haven't figured out what to do with (but is VERY energy dense). What is needed is energy conservation and a portfolio of different energy sources that spread the undesirable effects.
But we also need to look at the other parts of the equation. One of the big reasons why the climate is changing is that we have crippled the feedback mechanisms of the climate. Deforestation, over fishing, etc., have crippled the system's ability to react to the increased carbon. People don't plant lawns, they put in artificial turf. We build new housing developments, malls, and parking lots but don't mitigate the destroyed vegetation with reforestation elsewhere.
Just cutting carbon production doesn't do any good without repairing the mechanisms that cleanse the atmosphere. The US and China cutting fossil fuels doesn't help without reforestation in Brazil and Indonesia. To change it to engineering terms, reducing the forcing function won't help without increasing system damping.
My opinion. Done ranting.