"Just as astronomers were telling the world that they figured out what gave Jupiter a black eye last July, yet another cosmic impact left a mark on the giant planet today. And this time, it was caught on video.
Actually, two of the world's best-known amateur observers of Jupiter both saw the flash of impact at 20:31 GMT today (4:31 p.m. ET). In Australia, Anthony Wesley captured a picture of the hit just before sunrise Friday (Down Under time). And in the Philippines, Christopher Go turned his pictures into a short video that was posted on SpaceWeather.com.
"I still can't believe that I caught a live impact on Jupiter," SpaceWeather quoted Go as saying.
It's not known exactly what caused the impact, but whether it was an asteroid or a comet, it's likely to have left a mark on Jupiter's cloud tops. So the call has gone out for all astronomers, professional and amateur, to monitor Jupiter in the hours ahead."

Look the incredible video of impact in the source below !
http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2010/06/03/4459598-something-hit-jupiter-again[ ] ´s