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Author Topic: Powder Game Ideas  (Read 6342 times)


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Powder Game Ideas
« on: June 02, 2010, 11:01:05 PM »
These are ideas for the Powder Game.

Scale: Can weigh something.
Magnet: Can make metal become powder-like. Can pull metal.
CD: Can put data onto it.
Computer: Can put data onto it and see it again later. Can make data on a CD visible.
Sound: Can make things able to be heard.
Coin: Money to be used by a player if picked up. Walk up to it to pick it up. Has a drop down menu.
Leech: Gets attached to a player tightly. Gradually kills a player.
Microphone: Records sounds if sound is on. Stops after one minute. Click on it to hear what it recorded.
Text-to-speech: Type what you want a player to say then click on a player you want to hear it say it.
Paint: Colors elements. Select the color of paint from the drop down menu. Keeps properties of an element.

Player Ideas:
Player Strength Bar: Used to see how powerful an attack will be from the player.
God: A person used to control the environment.
Health Bar: Used to see how much health is left in a player.
Robot: Can be programmed to make it do things. Click on it to program it.
Edible Fighters: Can’t fight. Can be eaten by players. Just walk up to one and he is gone.

Periodic Table of Elements Ideas:
Rubidium: Will go ka-boom on contact with water or gas.
Antimony: If eaten, players die.
Neon: Glows a very bright red if hit by thunder.
Uranium-235: If hit by neutron this element will break apart to form Uranium.
Uranium: Explains itself.
Cobalt-60: Gamma-rays are emitted and when mixed with food, it irradiates the food to kill bacteria.
Manganese: Brittle, can change colors depending on its oxidation states, and if eaten by players, the players hallucinate.
Zinc: Galvanizes metal, forms zinc oxide, and in the white form it protects players from sunburn.
Silicon: It ensures things are moisture-free and is almost see-through.
Tin: If really, really cold it becomes powder. Soft, melts if twice the boiling point of water.

Physics Ideas:
Forces: Consists of the forces: Gravity, Weak Force, Strong Force, Electromagnetism. Powers Magnets, Atoms, Gravity.
Friction: Makes all objects full of friction. Ice is slippery, Gravel is rough.
Entropy: Chaos can happen, and this is what chaos is. Always increases, friction, fire, and natural disasters cause it.
Vacuum: Not the one that cleans, but this is what nothing really is. Lack of Pressure kills players and fighters.
Laser: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, this is the cutting type, not the normal type.
Electron: This is the real deal of electricity. Exists in atoms. Negatively charged, it is repelled by protons.
Protons: Positive Particle, this is in the nucleus of an atom. Neutron stops them from flying away if held all together.
Neutron: Neutral Particle, this is in the nucleus of an atom. These stop the protons from flying away.
Quark: Six versions of quarks, these are the real deal of neutrons and protons. The other four have unknown uses.
Neutrino: Dark Matter, these pass through anything (but on powder game the only exception is Block).
Higgs Boson: Unobserved, these could cause mass, and could be the cause of more matter than antimatter.
Antimatter: Annihilates matter when matter and antimatter crash together.
Photons: Can become laser or light if blown around. ½ chance for getting it to turn into either.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2010, 09:39:03 AM by deoxy99 »


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Re: Powder Game Ideas
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2010, 10:46:17 AM »