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Author Topic: Nothing orbits in Universe Sandbox...  (Read 2980 times)


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Nothing orbits in Universe Sandbox...
« on: October 25, 2016, 03:51:59 PM »
I recently install Universe sandbox and nothing orbits around nothing in the game. Every body follows a straight path from its initial position and direction of movement. I can't change Orbital parent or Orbital elements because are in gray.

Re: Nothing orbits in Universe Sandbox...
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2016, 05:32:59 AM »
I recently install Universe sandbox and nothing orbits around nothing in the game. Every body follows a straight path from its initial position and direction of movement. I can't change Orbital parent or Orbital elements because are in gray.

You've installed a cracked version. This problem occurs because people don't crack it correctly, you will need to actually purchase the game here: http://universesandbox.com/buy/