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Author Topic: Velocity vector editing  (Read 2378 times)


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Velocity vector editing
« on: October 09, 2016, 10:06:37 AM »
I think it was already discussed in the past, but it hasn't been brought in a long time and though I haven't played it personally I've heard this was a thing in Universe Sandbox 1:
manually editing the velocity vectors of bodies.

For example a little arrow, that you can move around with WASD (and QE for the z-coordinate) and that shows up, when you click "Edit".
Or you might move it around with the mouse and if you hold left mouse button you change the inclination as you'd do with other objects.
I know there's already the option to input x,y,z components manually and it might not seem like such an important feature, but I feel, like it would really complete the gravitation simulation.

Currently you can only select still, orbiting and launch and while launch is a similar feature, if you're not shooting something at a planet, you mostly don't really see where you're aiming and something like an arrow visualisation might help there.

I for one would really like to try and get objects into orbit manually using this tool and it might even help people to create their own binary systems "by hand" or do other gravity related shenanigans. Of course stuff like that would be hard to do this way, but that's all the fun in it  ;)


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Re: Velocity vector editing
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2016, 05:03:07 PM »
it might even help people to create their own binary systems "by hand" or do other gravity related shenanigans.

Honestly I do something similar to make the circumbinary systems that I do but I think this could really help with that as currently, not only do you have to mess around with the velocity until it's correct, but you also have to position the planet right and this shouldn't be the case.