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Author Topic: Fluiddynamik in Universe Sandbox 2  (Read 2246 times)


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Fluiddynamik in Universe Sandbox 2
« on: October 02, 2016, 02:20:52 AM »
Hallo liebes Team von Universe Sandbox 2,  :)

mich würde mal interessieren wie es mit Fluiddynamik in US 2 derzeit steht.
Da ich die Videos von Greenleaf auf seinem Youtubekanal sehr interessant finde.
Aber es ist so still geworden um das Thema, das letzte Video über SPH liegt 11 Monate zurück daher würde mich interessieren ob noch daran gearbeitet wird oder ob es eingestellt würde.

Es tut mir leid das ich nicht auf Englisch schreiben kann aber ich hoffe das Ihr es trotzdem lesen könnt.
Ich danke euch für eure Mühe. Ihr habt da wirklich eine super Simulation gemacht vielen Dank dafür.  :)

Der Text nochmal in Englisch allerdings  mit Google Ãœbersetzer hoffe es geht.

Dear team of Universe Sandbox 2, :)

I would be interested as it is currently 2 with fluid dynamics in US.
Since I find the videos of Greenleaf very interesting on his Youtube channel.
But it has become so silent on the subject, the last video on SPH located 11 months back, therefore, I would be interested whether it is still working on it, or if it would set.

I'm sorry I can not write in English but I hope you can read it anyway.
Thank you for your trouble. You have there really a super simulation made thanks a lot. :)


  • Thomas Grønneløv
  • Development Team
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  • Posts: 211
Re: Fluiddynamik in Universe Sandbox 2
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2016, 09:53:47 AM »
There is no current development on SPH in US². It is by no means dropped from the plans(!), but there are a lot of things to make come together for it to work well with everything else in the sandbox, so currently other things have taken priority.

The latest sph videos, I posted on youtube, are about a personal side project, I am doing on my own time, but that is then _only_ sph and doesn't contain all the other elements from US².

I did a bit more work on that project in my vacation recently, and will probably post something online soon.

If you are interested in sph, generally and outside US², then keep an eye on the youtube channel, since I cannot reasonably use this forum to promote such an unrelated side project, and I only mention it because you referenced to those videos with your question.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2016, 11:48:46 AM by Greenleaf »