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Author Topic: ABG  (Read 1310 times)


  • formerly mudkipz
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« on: September 11, 2016, 05:05:36 PM »
ASCII board game

Here is the initial game state (2 players)

Code: [Select]

You can sort of think of this game as chess, except all the pieces do the same thing, and they don't resemble chess pieces, and they have status points.

This board is 20 by 20. Each cell is three characters long, and looks like |*0 and @^9, or $v9.
The # characters are just in place to make it easier to look at the board, you can pretend they don't exist.

The first character in a cell is the identifier.
| indicates that a cell is unoccupied.
@ indicates that a cell is occupied by a unit from team @
$ indicates that a cell is occupied by a unit team $

The second character in a cell is the direction.
^ is up, v is down, > is right, < is left.
* is used for unoccupied cells.
The direction is important because pieces can only move in the direction they're pointed in.

The third character in a cell is the status.
This is a number from 0 to 9. When a unit's status reaches 0, it is removed from the board and the cell reverts to being |*0

Each turn, each player can do one action to all of their units.
An action is either moving a unit in the direction it is currently pointed, or changing the direction of the unit.
Note that player can move pieces simultaneously. Therefore, one unit can move into a cell occupied by another unit if that other unit is moved away first.

The status of a cell may decrease if it is adjacent to a cell from the enemy team. diagonal adjacency does not count.
If the enemy cell is pointed in the direction of a given cell, that cell's status decreases by 4.
If the enemy cell is pointed sideways with respect to a given cell, that cell's status decreases by 2.
If the enemy cell is pointed away, the cell's status does not decrease.

However, if said cell is also pointed at the enemy cell, status decrease will be reduced by up to 3.
If the cell is pointed sideways at the enemy cell, status decrease is reduced by up to 2.

Therefore, two units pointed directly at each other will both decrease in status by 1 each turn.
If two units, one on top of the other, are both pointed right, they will not decrease in status at all.

The status damage calculation is done after each player makes their turn, NOT after every player makes their turn.

This is a trial round of the game. If anyone wants to play, post below. If there is more than one participant, we will have multiple people controlling each team (maybe each person can control 5 or 10 units instead of all 20).


  • formerly mudkipz
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« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2016, 05:24:20 PM »
playing this on a spreadsheet application (google drive?) might be better


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« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2016, 06:05:33 PM »
sounds good