linguistic sidenote
deriving a rule from the ANGERY meme's rule for "steank" etc me and fiah kind of came up with prenasalizing every word-medial and word-final stop (eh idk too much about word-medial but in my rule i use it)
what's interesting is after familiarizing myself with it, i've noticed it sounds more natural to prenasalize any stop... across other more sonorous sounds. for example if you have /st/ or /sd/ or some fricative-stop pair, those get a nasal corresponsing to their place of articulation thrown in front of them
i'm not sure what would happen if you have mixed places, for example in /vd/ (like in halved) or /sk/
<halnved>? /hænvd/ doesn't sound right
nor <ansk> /ænsk/
but curiously asked -> <ansked> /ænskt/ does work for me