Qrux'uhz the Enraged suffered a moderate injury in the game between the Transhimalia Disasters and the Czalliso Pythons in quarter 1 with 10:43 remaining on the clock
Sago Alodetsei suffered a very minor injury in the game between the Auspikitan Golden Falcons and the Bongatar Banging Bongos in quarter 3 with 10:32 remaining on the clock
voput epoikez tapnatiš suffered a moderate injury in the game between the Solea Geysers and the Boltway Bad Dragons in quarter 3 with 4:15 remaining on the clock
Blanaxon Player #1 suffered a minor injury in the game between the Blanaxon Hammers and the Shmupland Dictators in quarter 1 with 10:42 remaining on the clock
Game Text