That looks really great.

Did you have to modify any files in the installation folder to do this? Be careful that they may be overwritten when you update to a new version.
I created an entry for the ISS in Appearance.xml, and added the model file to the Media folder.
I was able to keep the texture file in the Media folder of My Documents/Universe Sandbox.
The Earth texture could be defined entirely using that folder and the .ubox file for the system.
Nothing in My Documents will be overwritten or deleted when you update.
Good to know

I need to add better support for adding your own models and textures. It's coming (but not in the next update).
It's 4000x2000. Too large to post here, unfortunately.
And I just upped the upload limit to the forum to 6MB, is that big enough?
Looking forward to more straightforward moddability

It would particularly excellent if all the required non-standard resources could reside in the .ubox file itself.
6 Mb should be enough, yes. Thanks