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Author Topic: Random planet bug still hasn't been fixed  (Read 2918 times)


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Random planet bug still hasn't been fixed
« on: June 16, 2016, 07:58:24 AM »
This issue has been traced back since Alpha 15.0

- Gas giants still spawn with very low mass (6-15 Earth masses), It should be around 25 to 600 Earth masses
- Rocky planets also still spawn with unrealistic axial tilt (70° or more) and extremely long rotational period (12 days or more)

Please fix this as soon as possible

Niel amstronge xd

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Re: Random planet bug still hasn't been fixed
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2016, 04:23:00 AM »
once i spawned random planet with 1 year rotational period 


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Re: Random planet bug still hasn't been fixed
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2016, 11:38:50 AM »
This issue has been traced back since Alpha 15.0

- Gas giants still spawn with very low mass (6-15 Earth masses), It should be around 25 to 600 Earth masses
- Rocky planets also still spawn with unrealistic axial tilt (70° or more) and extremely long rotational period (12 days or more)

Please fix this as soon as possible

The low gas giant mass and high axial tilt I agree should be fixed but random rocky planets maybe shouldn't automatically have an earthlike rotation rate...terrestrial planets form with fast rotation rates but by the time they get to be as old as our planets they end up sometimes being longer than their year (Look at Mercury and Venus) the only reason a planet should have a fast rotation rate after 4 billion years is if something had hit it in a way that made it rotate faster than normal, and it would help to have a moon to stabilize it and it's axis (like Earth's), but if you take Mars as an example, this doesn't necessarily have to be the case.


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Re: Random planet bug still hasn't been fixed
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2016, 10:39:12 AM »
I guess for something like this it would be good to have more options for random gas giant like "small, middle large" or to have a few sliders to give a mass interval to the random generator.

I think axial tilt is something that isn't too important for stuff like colllisions, where you spam bodies and in scenarios, where it does matter, it can be easily adjusted.