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Author Topic: All planets tempatures go to -273 when loading one of my own sims.  (Read 3584 times)


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Recently i am having problems with US2, when i load up one of my own sims, all planets tempatures are lowering to -273, no matter how close to their parent star, cranking up the stars luminosity, saving after and reloading makes the same outcome, how can this be solved? since it also killed a few alien civilized planets, and making habitable planets is unpossible.


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  • Posts: 3
Re: All planets tempatures go to -273 when loading one of my own sims.
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2016, 01:47:27 PM »
this happens to me too, and the only way i know around it is to go to the actions tab for the planet, and hit save. then you can replace the cold planet with the normal planet. It probably is counter-productive to do that, but that's the only way i know how.