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Author Topic: our goals end here  (Read 1678 times)


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our goals end here
« on: March 16, 2016, 11:15:34 PM »
[23:03]   FloenneFocus   we must concentrate our efforts into 1 topic if we are to succeed
   we must reach 4 pages
   Tuto   i say we do ours tbh
   FloenneFocus   use tuto's topic
   Tuto   yay
[23:04]   Darvince   tuto begin
[23:05]   syule   good sex
   FloenneFocus   gn syule
   Darvince   syule
   help us shitpost
   arise and shitpost
[23:06]   Tuto   i need to sleep
   wow thats long
   Darvince   tuto
   Tuto   gn
   |<--   Tuto has left freenode (Quit: bye babes)
   Darvince   no
[23:07]   kalassak   i'm working on an exclusive irc animaymay
   -->|   Netharia (~Ness@li641-12.members.linode.com) has joined ##universesandbox
   FloenneFocus   dar we got out of synch
   delete 3 posten
   Netharia   peeks back in
[23:08]   Darvince   mongodb
[23:09]   mongodb
[23:10]   FloenneFocus   dar delete a post
   first 3rd
   Darvince   d
[23:11]   d
[23:13]   FloenneFocus   we did it dar
[23:14]   4 pages in 12 minutes
   Darvince   http://universesandbox.com/forum/index.php?action=post;topic=4651.15390;last_msg=167601 ok
   FloenneFocus   as payment
   there's your ctam post
   i need to sleep
   Darvince   what
   a single ctam post
   |<--   FloenneFocus has left freenode (Remote host closed the connection)
   Darvince   when we were ctamming
[23:15]   but with mongodb
   what the fuck


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Re: our goals end here
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2016, 08:53:48 AM »
i read the last part as "we were connecting with mongodb. Fuck."


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Re: our goals end here
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2017, 05:34:34 AM »
Hypocrisy Exposed