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Author Topic: Impressions, suggestions and issues  (Read 5695 times)


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Impressions, suggestions and issues
« on: January 18, 2016, 02:52:02 AM »
Greetings from Russia.
First of all, I would like to apologize if this topic is already somewhere there, or I'll say something, as mentioned earlier, perhaps many times.
My English is not so good, so I not understand much, not saying of clearly expressing myself. Only this text (rather big) is translating several days already:)
So I apologize in advance for any possible misunderstanding.

Of course, I understand that the program is on alpha developing and much things are still to be done and fixed. As well, I understand, that serious simulations require a power commensurate with supercomputers.

The post is divided into several blocks that would be easier to navigate:

1. General impressions
2. The found problems (and possible bugs)
3. Suggestions and ideas

Separately, I note that some requests (or problems) may be simple lack of knowledge about the program and opportunities, of which there are many. But but it is also likely that wishes may be accidentally the bug reports... :)

1. General impressions
Honestly I have long been looking for such a program and was very happy when I found even the previous version (now known as the US Legacy).
 The current version already shows the qualitative move forward, especially in terms of working with multi-core processor (as I understand it, this was a very serious problem). Most of the technical problems, causing discomfort before, now fixed. Also it includes many features, which previously could only dream (which alone is worth the evolution of stars that had to simulate the manually, especially when simulating large time intervals).
 Only thanks to him I was able to understand the rather complex parts of physics and learned a lot (as has somehow turned that my passion since childhood is the space and astrophysics as such).
 And, to tell the truth, it excites the imagination of the possible emergence of a simulator and other features that I mention below.
 I can only wish for a successful and speedy release of the full version. Very impressive and inspiring work! Thank you. :)

2. The found problems (and possible bugs)

 1) I noticed that in a collision of planets, though these events occur simultaneously across the surface: the heating of the surface long before the arrival of the shock wave (and extinguished the lights of the earth, and the oceans evaporating almost immediately from a collision with a massive object before the wave arrives).
 Also the collision event is not creating the shockwave on the second colliding (absorbing)massive object.

2) Fragments occasionally manage to give a much more massive object superfast rotational moment (up to superluminal velocities on the surface) to the brink of his break and beyond.
 For example, the fragment with mass 1e + 18 kg dispersed the planet, with mass of 50 Earth, up to 0.00000000001 sec. It is very strange. And in the simulation with plenty of collisions (protosystems) I just have to turn off the option of fragmenting because of this. And that a little spoils the fun :)

3) The collision of objects with rapid rotation instantly makes simulation to unrealistic.
 As a result of the collision of an object can have time to make a full turn with the crater had time to come, even before the massive object is absorbed. In addition, absorbed rapidly spinning object also tries to make freely momentum, if not feel any matter resistance at all.
 It would be good to take into account the mutual impedance simulation objects at least a rough calculation, as well as behavior change faced by massive objects in rotation. For example, rapidly rotating object in a frontal collision logically acts as a circular saw, mutually destroying both the surface of the planets, but it slows down the rotation. Furthermore, the rapid rotation causes the known effect of sling while fragmenting.

4) When the mode Tidal Evolution is on, the systems with many objects are begin to behave very strange, as if moving on a curved space, faster speed of the declared (and often - extremely fast, up to teleportation). Usually it ends with a stop close to the nearest parent object, inevitably accompanied by a collision (even if initially moved away).
 This is especially noticeable when there is a large difference in mass (more than 10-50 times), which may lead to a complete collapse of the entire system in the central body, even if their orbits initially were completely stable.

5) I cant cach the moment moment of the death of a star, while observing it's evolution. As a result, it is simply reducing in size, even if I try to maually reduce the simulation time slowly.

6) The planet temperature has a hard limit, which, as I understand it, has set because of the occurring instability of the program. However, this limit physically unfounded: the transmitted thermal energy just goes into the void.

7) search is unstable at the beginning of the input query as soon begins to look for (and the first letter begins many names). It is recommended to assign the search to confirm the request by pressing "Enter". Otherwise, it results in a temporary freeze of the game, because of which the processing simulation can generate errors.
 Or better the controllable option for enabling search confirmation.

8) Amm... Where is the good old "restart time counter" option? :)
 Also, after billions of years passed on simulation, the time speed can not be set at least hundreds of years per second. The game just simulate as zero time speed.

9) All the stars tend to supernova explode during collision with a massive body with enough of hydrogen. Even our sun, in collision with Jupiter. This makes it impossible to create a unique star types, flares (that not supernovas actually), wich continues to exist after a merger with another (for example, object V1309).

3. Suggestions and ideas

1) It would be nice to return the early part of the functions of the interface. Especially the objects individual display mode of the Hill sphere, Roche limit for a given density, setting color for trail for each object individually. And also La Grange points for selected object systems, display barycenter of selected system objects (and informative menu). Also very much like to return the dynamic pop-up context infobox with general information of the object (mass, esc. vel., distance to host, etc). Very inconvenient to allocate each object and watch its tab for tracking main changes during the actions.

2) Controlled random cration of objects with definable limits of mass and composition, object type. It is especially necessary to create random meteoroids, small asteroids, etc.

3) How about controllable (by swithing) the procedural generation? This feature is surely can give a strong cinematic effect without using too much resourses (like in the Space Engine planetarium program)
Especially it might be useful for the relief of planets as viewed from the surface thereof. The same can be applied to simulate the flux density of falling fragments from small to large, particularly relative to the observer, while the observation of a collision from close range.
Galaxy collisions, for example, severely lacking of star formation outbreaks effects, which also can be done with this technology (as well as generating stars at close range observation). It is also can be very useful for protosystem simulations.

4) Calculations without visualization on the specified time interval (vusualisation of pre-calculated simulations).
 Some processes have to wait a very long time, and speed up the process, meaning decrease the accuracy. As far as I can tell, the large amount of resources takes the visualization process.
 Why not try to enter the control function of separate calculations (as a supercomputer) for a specified period of time without visualization, but with subsequent visualization of the results of the computation after, with return to the normal simulation at the end of the time period of the calculations?

5) Improve Dispense Settings for simulation proto systems. In particular, for the controlled parameter Spread reference metric field randomly creating Particles. Current maximum option is too small to create a three-dimensional globula and protoplanetary disc, to simulate accretion process of globules and forming the solar systems.
It is also desirable to establish a separate mechanism for the creation of particles (with automatic generation, depending on the capacity available, as in the case with the fragments), which allows to create the conditions of a rotating collapsing globule. Even better, if the particles will transfer momentum to the rotation speed and dense objects, thereby affecting the orbital evolution of proto system (otherwise the accumulation of weight simply lead to the fall of the objects in the center of mass).

6) In the appendage to the cinematic effects (viewed from the surface): the simulation (down to realistic calculations) the lightning effects of a collision on the planets, seismic shock wave, and the sound transmitting in the atmosphere.
 And also redshift of very distant objects, or objects in strong gravitational effects of objects like black holes and especially collapsars.

7) The deformation (including heating) and the destruction of objects at there point of too fast rotation. Information about the current and critical (maximum) centrifugal force at the equator. 
 In the future as well: information about the difference of surface gravity at the poles and the equator, etc.

 Also, fragments generated by the centrifugal force of rapidly rotating objects, and thereby directly affect the speed of rotation of the objects under the law of momentum. This will bring the simulation to more realistic (and at the same time would not allow the full object destruction by the centrifugal force).

8) Expansion and accretion processes in the early stages of protostars. Gas and dust deflation by the solar winds going stronger.

9) Sumulated atmosphere (temporary and stable) generation as effect of of raising the dust by the asteroid falling and \ or heating and evaporation, and vulcanism. It is a necessary thing for the simulation of terraforming.

10) Simulation of the evolution of the planets:
 - Everyone knows that the world is gradually cool down, but even then - not all at once. Pretty strange to see a solid iron core on the planet, when it's age less than Earth.
 - The simulation of volcanic activity would be much useful, especially taking into account tidal and other types of heating or cooling the planet. Also useful for the simulation of the atmosphere, because participate directly in its natural formation and sustenance.
 - Self-formation of atmosphere on the planets. Mergers and capturing atmospheres by close enough flying massive bodies.
 - Simulation of magnetic field changes dependent on the condition of core of the objects.
 - As such the simulation of protoplanet (as the process of collision and accretion). Just collide one object with another - a routine activity, and not significant enough to visualize the process in large time intervals. A large objects altogether more likely to beat out the mass one from another than form something bigger. That making impossible to simulate the formation of the gas giant.
 - On young planets, especially, just collided, all or in part the material is actually mixed, and the core is not forming immediately. In the end Very funny to see how with just collided hot planets 2000K for few moments almost completeley evaporates only the water and\or xidrogen. While and the iron and silicates remain intact. As if the planets and not hot at all.

 11) The simulations of the proto systems, hydrogen nebulae and globules, and as such the protostars (including infrared glow). Very beg you, at least try. :)

 12) By the way, there is missing simulation of the infrared glow of brown dwarfs and subdwarfs or any object at all.

 13) The evolution of all types of stars, including the remains, including the core collapse of a massive star into a black hole.

 14) Simulation of astronomical gas clouds: outbreaks of star formation densification provocation with the formation and deflation globules by the shock waves of a supernova an starwinds.
 The dependence of the rotation speed and the behavior of the stars formed by accreting matter.

 15) Strict limitation speeds according to the theory of relativity to the limit of the light speed. Including the surface speed of rotating objects.

 16) visual activation of the black holes while absorption materials.

 17) additional more "realistic" powers to terraform planets: surface сooling and heating, setting the automatic orbit correction to the desired in real-time mode, atmosphere generation and correction of its composition, the core initiation for the appearance and enhancing the magnetic field, etc.
 (Actually, it would be nice to enter a separate regime "enable \ disable"  for terraforming with controlled "difficulty" as an approximation to reality, as the most diverse, but interesting challenges for fans of the process. Otherwise, they will all be terraform Jupiter by controlling it composition (whether nuclear reactions, or alchemy) and even without regard to its gravity.
 Especially here it would be interesting to bring suitability for life, not only the earth, but also other possible forms, and, most importantly of all - the stabilization of habitability As a further perspective: creation of technological terraforming "powers" until the establishment of colonies, transportation of live organisms from inhabited planets and wait until biosphere is evolve and stabilizes)

 18) Antimatter and objects of antimatter.
 I understand that the number of it is "negligibly small", but to simulate a result of "warm meeting" with the generation of the glow is still would like to see :)

 19) The game does not simulate the effects of reflection of light from the day side of the planet relative to the nearest. Especially when it comes to the close associates of the gas giants.
 In fact, the light is usually reflected by the planet's day side and illuminates the night side of the neighbors, depending on the phase.  In addition, it does not pretend to glow hot planets relatively close companions. Influence of infrared glow of brown dwarfs to the temperature of satellites is missing as well.

 20) Wolf-Rayet stars, and the the indicator of losing matter as the stellar winds.


 This wish will leave alone, without much hope ... but ... what if? :)

 How about a simulation of the expanding-shrinking space (both permanent and acceleration and deceleration)? I think many would agree that watching the recession of galaxies, Big Break and the collapse of all things will be no less interesting to watch than anything else :)
 Wel, and alternative interface markup "absolute" space, acting as the main reference detector and visual changes. 

As a further perspective: curvature and defects of space-time (up to wormholes).

Thanks for you attention. :)

Angel Armageddon

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Re: Impressions, suggestions and issues
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2016, 07:38:00 AM »
Good suggestions.
You can go to Greenleafs YouTube channel to check on how  the Roche limite is being added to the sim. He's the physics guy he works on collisions and stuff like that.


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Re: Impressions, suggestions and issues
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2016, 04:34:55 AM »
Aw. Thanks, it is helpful :)

Angel Armageddon

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Re: Impressions, suggestions and issues
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2016, 10:55:24 AM »
Your welcome.


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Re: Impressions, suggestions and issues
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2016, 11:33:50 PM »
This is a great post aand I like most of what's suggested here.

One issue I have to add to your list is the temperature values for a genuine brown dwarf aren't able to be set realistically.  Past a certain size, all US2 stars initiate fusion.

It would be nice to have cooler, true brown dwarf settings.


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Re: Impressions, suggestions and issues
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2016, 12:41:55 AM »
And I'm totally agree with this addition. Thank you :)


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Re: Impressions, suggestions and issues
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2016, 07:56:34 AM »
Likewise, sir.