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Author Topic: About future features: Tsunamis / realistic water evaporation, etc.?  (Read 5527 times)


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I hate to be that guy (I'm immensely enjoying the software, and got a new boost after the sick performance improvement that came with Alpha 18.), but my curiosity won't leave me alone.

I'm one of the non-physicists who is more attracted to the physical hands-on experience than numbers and so on. Ever since I first saw a collision of Earth and another large body, I've wondered (and now I'm asking):

Will we at some point see realistic impacts with water, ie. tsunamis, generation of water vapor (if that's something you'd actually see IRL), and so on, in real time?
« Last Edit: December 28, 2015, 01:19:05 PM by kallisti »

Angel Armageddon

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Re: About future features: Tsunamis / realistic water evaporation, etc.?
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2015, 01:33:18 PM »
Maybe someday


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Re: About future features: Tsunamis / realistic water evaporation, etc.?
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2015, 05:11:42 PM »
Do you have authority to speak on behalf of the devs? If so, you should get admin to give you a custom title. If not, it was not your guess I was requesting.

Re: About future features: Tsunamis / realistic water evaporation, etc.?
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2015, 01:09:11 PM »
Do you have authority to speak on behalf of the devs? If so, you should get admin to give you a custom title. If not, it was not your guess I was requesting.
Calm down buddy, He was just giving his opinion...After all you can't stop people from expressing their opinions...
Do you have the authority to tell people not to express their opinions. If not, then please stop.


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Re: About future features: Tsunamis / realistic water evaporation, etc.?
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2015, 11:52:32 AM »
I was trying to find a way to reply to this without sounding rude, but failed.


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Re: About future features: Tsunamis / realistic water evaporation, etc.?
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2015, 07:10:08 PM »
Here's a simple suggestion: Do you know if any of the dev team has said that? There, it's easy to not be rude when you're not trying to make them feel bad. :)

But more on topic, I don't think that such things would be very visible in the simulator, and realistic weather calculcation is very computation-intensive.


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Re: About future features: Tsunamis / realistic water evaporation, etc.?
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2016, 12:31:56 AM »
I think I stated in the OP how I was immensely enjoying the current state of US; it was a question asked out of curiosity.

As to the rudeness, perhaps obviously my reply to the 2nd poster sounded a bit harsh. I'm certainly not here to make people feed bad. But I had objections to the point of the 2nd post. I also disagree with TheKidWhoLikesSpace's statement that the 2nd post was actually an opinion.

This said, I'm somewhat quarrelsome by nature, not because I'm trying to be a jerk, but because have an urge to point out errors or misrepresentations wherever I see/suspect them. Perhaps I overstepped my boundries here. I am sorry that I expressed myself in a way suited to put someone down.

I can certainly see how the "I was trying to find a way to reply to this without sounding rude, but failed" comment probably came across as an insult to the previous poster. In reality I was resisting the urge to pick apart his argumentation and rag on it, which would be an outright insult. But I certainly could have made an effort to phrase the point without the sarcasm.

Sorry again. I will do my best to keep my negative issues private and avoid posts like the two snarky ones from this thread in the future.

BTT: I'm not referring to a system necessarily connected to the physics of clouds, but I'm picturing a collision model where. if an asteroid hits earth mid-ocean, it would splash and not automatically create a hot spot/crater like an impact of land. creating a tsunamis which, depending on size of impact, may reach land and cause temporary flooding of coast lines.


  • Thomas Grønneløv
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Re: About future features: Tsunamis / realistic water evaporation, etc.?
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2016, 08:24:47 AM »
Will we at some point see realistic impacts with water, ie. tsunamis, generation of water vapor (if that's something you'd actually see IRL), and so on, in real time?

While we all would like to add every possible thing to the simulation, some things are just on a very different scale, and that makes it next to impossible to have it all.
A tsunami _could_ potentially be handled as a shallow water problem https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shallow_water_equations if we have a well defined water depth and ground elevation, but the effect would only be visible when you are very close to the surface of the planet.

As to water vapor, that is a non irrelevant part of a climate simulation. Surface gets heated, water evaporates into atmosphere and changes the energy in the atmosphere and later condenses and changes the energy again and generates clouds which changes the albedo etc. Naomi is the one who write the climate, so right here and now I cant give an answer as to how well described vapor is, but is certainly does not seem to be "off limits".

If you mean vapor steaming off the ocean after something impacts, and then blowing away in the wind, then, no, that would not be simulated explicitly, but could possibly be added in as a purely visual effect.


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Re: About future features: Tsunamis / realistic water evaporation, etc.?
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2016, 01:44:46 PM »
Great answer, Greenleaf. Thanks for explaining.

I'm not hoping/counting on a 100% accurate model, but a more realistic-looking impact between colliding bodies and the water (a relaticely small glowing crater in the middle of the ocean looks kind of funny).

Either way, you haven't disappointed me yet, looking forward to seeing what you'll come up with in the future.

Angel Armageddon

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Re: About future features: Tsunamis / realistic water evaporation, etc.?
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2016, 03:12:15 PM »
Do you have authority to speak on behalf of the devs? If so, you should get admin to give you a custom title. If not, it was not your guess I was requesting.

No, but I do have the authority to use my freewill to do what I wish.