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Author Topic: Creating specific star system  (Read 4501 times)


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Creating specific star system
« on: December 12, 2015, 11:25:07 AM »
Hi, I wonder if someone can help me understand what i should be doing.

I want to create a star system with specific characteristics. For example:
G1 central star
M0 distant companion (160 AU)

Single rocky planet
9,000 km diameter, dense breathable atmosphere, ~80% sea coverage, slightly colder than Earth

How would I go about doing that?

For the star, must I start with a random star then manually set the mass and luminosity? Would I need to alter any other parameters?

For the planet, I seem unable to create anything other than Venus-style hothouses.

Thanks for any help.

Additionally, is there a way to export the results of the simulation for import into Word, Excel?



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Re: Creating specific star system
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2015, 11:34:59 AM »
In US1 or US2?

And for the planet...in US2...it depend on the atmosphere density and the planet distance....at 160 AU from the main star....you should have enough space for some stable orbit in the habitable zone.

But might also depend on the eccentricity of the companion star...if really eccentric...well there will be lesser place for stable orbits.