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Author Topic: Maintaining orbital relationships  (Read 5762 times)


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Maintaining orbital relationships
« on: November 23, 2015, 08:53:01 AM »
Is there a way to keep child bodies locked to the parent when orbiting the parent orbital info? I want to tidy up/double check the numbers on a fictional sim, but if I move a planet a little to far or to a different spot in its orbit all of the moons end up orbiting the star.

Sidebar: Undo would be handy. I accidentally turned an asteroid into a nova remnant with a typo and burned up an entire solar system.


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Re: Maintaining orbital relationships
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2015, 11:54:42 AM »
I accidentally turned an asteroid into a nova remnant with a typo and burned up an entire solar system.
what kind of typo did you make?!?! :o
i tend to mess up mass and such, but not a big enough typo to turn an asteroid into a STAR...


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Re: Maintaining orbital relationships
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2015, 02:59:06 PM »
I was pasting in values and forgot to switch to the correct units. Kg, earths, what's the difference? Apparently a very large explosion is the difference.


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Re: Maintaining orbital relationships
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2015, 01:20:08 PM »
I second this question, especially with regard to placing moons into orbit about planets orbiting a red dwarf.  (Even getting Earth's moon to stay in orbit about the earth is quite difficult in the Solar System simulation--that's why the moon is not included in that sim!).  Indeed, to date, I have never been able to create a planet-moon system within the habitable zone of any red dwarf.  Creating a double planet (like that described in the SF story "Rocheworld") is just plain not hap'nin' here...



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Re: Maintaining orbital relationships
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2015, 08:58:08 PM »
I second this question, especially with regard to placing moons into orbit about planets orbiting a red dwarf.  (Even getting Earth's moon to stay in orbit about the earth is quite difficult in the Solar System simulation--that's why the moon is not included in that sim!).  Indeed, to date, I have never been able to create a planet-moon system within the habitable zone of any red dwarf.  Creating a double planet (like that described in the SF story "Rocheworld") is just plain not hap'nin' here...


I've made plenty of Earthlike-planet/moon systems around red dwarves...


  • Thomas Grønneløv
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Re: Maintaining orbital relationships
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2015, 06:33:52 AM »
I second this question, especially with regard to placing moons into orbit about planets orbiting a red dwarf.  (Even getting Earth's moon to stay in orbit about the earth is quite difficult in the Solar System simulation--that's why the moon is not included in that sim!).  Indeed, to date, I have never been able to create a planet-moon system within the habitable zone of any red dwarf.  Creating a double planet (like that described in the SF story "Rocheworld") is just plain not hap'nin' here...


Please consider this

I saw a similar question somewhere else where the issue was also that the planet and star star were simply so close that no stable moon orbit existed. By "no stable orbit exist" I mean that the physics of the situation is such that the moon will have its orbit changed by the gravitational pull of the star and since we model the physics, what the physics says goes.


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Re: Maintaining orbital relationships
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2016, 11:59:46 PM »
I was pasting in values and forgot to switch to the correct units. Kg, earths, what's the difference? Apparently a very large explosion is the difference.
In the case of this mistake, a simple solution would be to pause the simulator so that nothing explodes as you change it. I find that it really gets out of whack if you try and edit it without pausing it, and even without going into editing mode, which I can't remember if it's in US² but I'm almost certain it is.