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Author Topic: Scripting Request  (Read 2892 times)


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Scripting Request
« on: November 21, 2015, 03:22:56 PM »
Truly brilliant software.  I'm still in awe over what this software can simulate.

I'm interested in using it to develop, crudely, an understanding of what it takes to keep an object in a stable orbit.

Something that would be useful to that end is a means to script object actions.  I'm talking about being able to simulate a booster ignition with a given force and direction.

Any thoughts on whether this is in the pipeline?  Is this a commonly requested addition?

Once I understand orbital mechanics better, I hope to apply it to appreciate the feasibility, energy requirements and time frames for towing celestial objects -- asteroids, comets, small moons -- hither and yon.


  • Thomas Grønneløv
  • Development Team
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  • Posts: 211
Re: Scripting Request
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2015, 03:11:01 AM »
Something that would be useful to that end is a means to script object actions.  I'm talking about being able to simulate a booster ignition with a given force and direction.

We will certainly like to add in boosters and, as you point out, for that make the most sense, you would need to be able to pre-program burns at specific points in time, if you want to experiment with actual orbital transfer maneuvers. It is, however, not much more specific than that right now. It is yet another thing on the "we would  like to add" but it has not made it on the "this is around the corner" table yet :-)


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Re: Scripting Request
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2015, 11:21:58 AM »
Thanks for the reply.  I'll continue following development on this.  My children and I are enjoying the current capabilities of the software.