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Author Topic: Elode system  (Read 24748 times)


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Elode system
« on: May 16, 2010, 09:31:40 PM »

 I made this system, it's called the "Elode" system. Here I will give updates.

Screen 1: Chyanoi with two artificial satellites, Landsurv 1 and 2.
Screen 2: Xyrtif with it's (so far) 3 moons. (from Ytin)

Stage Key (for below):
1 - just planet created, to add moons
2 - major moons crated, small "filler" moons to be added
3 - completed
1a - needs texture
2a - subject to tweaking

+ Kykuòë (3)
+ Eritanka (3)
+ Ocim (3)
+ Rhodondron (3)
   - Celer
+Chyanoi (3) <<<artificial satallites
   - Hapischore
+ Xyrtif (3)
   - Fianta
   - Erbin
   - Ytin
   - Altimera
   - Tever
   - Atik
+ Kyr (3)
   - Tera
   - Kyanti
   - Perasil
   - Uvep
   - Entil
   - Piani
   - Duali
   - Karapit
   - Apsidium
   - Parasidium
   - Diovin
+ Kyano (3)
   - Epil
   - Unkritik
+ Pural (3) <<< Got artificial satellites
   - Kurata
   - Tkuvo
   - Yyrid
   - Formnon

Pural has a probe orbiting it, you can view from that.

Elode B
+Kykona (1a)
+Xivurolt (1a)
+Kiidizuv (1a)
+Tesenntal (1a)
  - Kikulanatanyrtyg
+Tesenntor (1a)
+Sokinisouf (1a)
+Ozuri (1a)
+Ivisevul (1a)
« Last Edit: February 16, 2011, 07:29:53 PM by NeutronStar »


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Re: A planetary system
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2010, 04:49:42 PM »
Here is all the moons of Xyrtif (for now), I'm gonna work on some other planets now, then I'll come back and fill in with smaller moons.

Dan, how do you get trails relative to an object, so it isn't like the image below, but circles?

Dan Dixon

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Re: A planetary system
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2010, 05:06:58 PM »
Here is all the moons of Xyrtif (for now), I'm gonna work on some other planets now, then I'll come back and fill in with smaller moons.

Dan, how do you get trails relative to an object, so it isn't like the image below, but circles?

It's in the view panel on the left, under screen options.

I'm not sure I like that location. Do you have a better idea for where to put that feature? Where do you think it should live?


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Re: A planetary system
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2010, 05:12:38 PM »
How do you change the value of it? I can't even type in the name, it goes back to "Absolute Space".

I think it should live with Color Scheme and Focus Object.

Dan Dixon

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Re: A planetary system
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2010, 05:22:31 PM »
Select a body, then click the + symbol in the textbox to set that body to the center.

Yeah... I'll think about moving it back to where color scheme and focus object are. It's an advanced feature and I'm afraid people will get it confused with focus object if they're next to each other. That was my rational for moving it originally.


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Re: A planetary system
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2010, 05:24:36 PM »
Change focus object to have it be an eyeball. Not that square with a dot.

The trails relative to should have something showing about trails.

+symbol? It wont show up!

Dan Dixon

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Re: A planetary system
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2010, 05:30:06 PM »
See the + (that's covering up the e in 'Absolute Space')?

Are you sure you're selecting a body first?

Do you have an x or + on the focus textbox?


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Re: A planetary system
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2010, 05:41:07 PM »
It only works when not focused on the object already, like you unfocua and refocus.


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Re: A planetary system
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2010, 06:52:26 PM »
I finished the major moons of Kyr...

Note: Parasidium and Diovin are further out.


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Re: A planetary system
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2010, 01:35:36 PM »
Updated the Kyr moon system.

I noticed they were quite far away, moved all the moons in. This system is still subject to change.

also, it's odd that the distance in this image it 17.7 AU (like image above)


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Re: A planetary system
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2010, 01:38:38 PM »
From Diovin:


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Re: A planetary system
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2010, 02:43:38 PM »
Hey! It's finished, but I'm gonna make you wait!


Here it is...


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Re: Elode system
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2010, 03:07:45 PM »
funny xml reading lawl (no, I didnt edit it, seriously)

Code: [Select]
  ਍  㰀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀伀戀樀攀挀琀㸀匀甀渀㰀⼀伀戀樀攀挀琀㸀ഀഀ
  <Mass>2 suns</Mass>
  ਍    㰀䐀椀愀洀攀琀攀爀㸀㈀⸀㌀㤀㠀㌀ 猀甀渀猀㰀⼀䐀椀愀洀攀琀攀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Settings>timestep=30 seconds</Settings>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀䬀礀欀甀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀吀攀砀琀甀爀攀㸀最愀猀开最椀愀渀琀⸀瀀渀最㰀⼀吀攀砀琀甀爀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Mass>3.28 jupiters</Mass>
  ਍    㰀䐀椀愀洀攀琀攀爀㸀㐀⸀㔀 樀甀瀀椀琀攀爀猀㰀⼀䐀椀愀洀攀琀攀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Elode; a=4500282 km; e=0.127</Orbit>
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀㌀㌀㈀㈀㐀㐀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍  㰀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
  <Name>Planet-Sol Orbiter</Name>
  ਍    㰀䐀椀愀洀攀琀攀爀㸀㄀ 欀洀㰀⼀䐀椀愀洀攀琀攀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Kykuòë; a=315500 km; i=87</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀䔀爀椀琀愀渀欀愀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀䐀椀愀洀攀琀攀爀㸀⸀㜀 攀愀爀琀栀猀㰀⼀䐀椀愀洀攀琀攀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Mass>.67 earths</Mass>
  ਍    㰀伀爀戀椀琀㸀戀漀搀礀㴀䔀氀漀搀攀㬀 愀㴀 ⸀㌀㐀㠀 䄀唀㬀 攀㴀 ⸀㈀㌀㬀 椀㴀㄀⸀㈀㌀㈀㌀㬀 洀㴀㈀㌀⸀㐀㜀㬀 瀀攀爀椀㴀㄀㠀㔀⸀㌀㰀⼀伀爀戀椀琀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍  㰀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀吀攀砀琀甀爀攀㸀爀漀挀欀戀⸀瀀渀最㰀⼀吀攀砀琀甀爀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>.5 earths</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀⸀㔀㈀ 攀愀爀琀栀猀㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Elode; a=0.709 AU; e=0.01; i=0.2761; m=145; peri=16</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀刀栀漀搀漀渀搀爀漀渀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀䐀椀愀洀攀琀攀爀㸀⸀㤀 攀愀爀琀栀猀㰀⼀䐀椀愀洀攀琀攀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Mass>.827 earths</Mass>
  ਍    㰀伀爀戀椀琀㸀戀漀搀礀㴀䔀氀漀搀攀㬀 愀㴀㄀⸀㐀㘀 䄀唀㬀 攀㴀 ⸀ ㌀㬀 椀㴀㄀⸀㐀㠀㬀 洀㴀㈀㔀㄀㬀 瀀攀爀椀㴀㄀㤀㈀㰀⼀伀爀戀椀琀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍  㰀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀吀攀砀琀甀爀攀㸀搀椀爀琀⸀瀀渀最㰀⼀吀攀砀琀甀爀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>.27 moons</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀⸀㔀 洀漀漀渀猀㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Rhodondron; a=127002 km; i=15; m=90</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀䌀栀礀愀渀漀椀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀吀攀砀琀甀爀攀㸀甀爀愀渀椀甀洀瀀氀愀渀攀琀⸀瀀渀最㰀⼀吀攀砀琀甀爀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Mass>3.22 earths</Mass>
  ਍    㰀䐀椀愀洀攀琀攀爀㸀㈀⸀㤀㌀㠀 攀愀爀琀栀猀㰀⼀䐀椀愀洀攀琀攀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Elode; a=1.8273 AU</Orbit>
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀夀攀氀氀漀眀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀䠀愀瀀椀猀挀栀漀爀攀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀吀攀砀琀甀爀攀㸀爀漀挀欀礀瀀氀愀渀攀琀漀椀搀⸀瀀渀最㰀⼀吀攀砀琀甀爀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Mass>0.45 earths</Mass>
  ਍    㰀䐀椀愀洀攀琀攀爀㸀 ⸀㌀㤀 攀愀爀琀栀猀㰀⼀䐀椀愀洀攀琀攀爀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀㌀䈀㔀㔀㔀䈀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Chyanoi; a=238910 km</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀䰀愀渀搀猀甀爀瘀 ㄀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>1 km</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀伀爀戀椀琀㸀戀漀搀礀㴀䌀栀礀愀渀漀椀㬀 愀㴀㄀㠀㤀㈀㤀 欀洀㬀 椀㴀㐀㔀㬀 洀㴀㄀㠀 㰀⼀伀爀戀椀琀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍  㰀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
  <Name>Landsurv 2</Name>
  ਍    㰀䐀椀愀洀攀琀攀爀㸀㄀ 欀洀㰀⼀䐀椀愀洀攀琀攀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Chyanoi; a=18929 km; i=82; m=0</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀堀礀爀琀椀昀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>2.3 jupiters</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀㈀⸀㌀ 樀甀瀀椀琀攀爀猀㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  <Texture>blue gas giant.png</Texture>
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀    䈀䈀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Elode; a= 4.5 AU; e=0.1; i=0.8320; m=98; peri=298</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀䘀椀愀渀琀愀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>.24 moons</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀⸀㈀㈀ 洀漀漀渀猀㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀㔀㔀㔀㔀㔀㌀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Xyrtif; a=803922 km; e=0.04; m=101; peri=23</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀䔀爀戀椀渀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>.56 moons</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀⸀㔀㐀 洀漀漀渀猀㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀䈀䈀䈀䈀䈀䈀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Xyrtif; a=1753829 km; e=0.03; m=34; peri=183</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀夀琀椀渀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>.34 moons</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀⸀㐀㔀 洀漀漀渀猀㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀䈀䈀䈀䈀㤀㤀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Xyrtif; a=3428307 km; e=0.01; m=147; peri=146</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀䄀氀琀椀洀攀爀愀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>.93 moons</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀⸀㤀㜀 洀漀漀渀猀㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀㜀㜀㜀㜀㜀㜀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Xyrtif; a=5281003 km; e=0.02; m=350; peri=14</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀唀椀氀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>.04 moons</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀⸀ ㌀ 洀漀漀渀猀㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀㔀㔀㔀㔀㔀㔀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Xyrtif; a=747113 km; e=0.05; m=342; peri=182</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀吀攀瘀攀爀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>.85 moons</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀⸀㠀㈀ 洀漀漀渀猀㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀㠀㔀㠀㔀㠀㔀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Xyrtif; a=10576219 km; e=0.005; m=89; peri=97</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀䄀琀椀欀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>.06 moons</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀⸀ 㜀 洀漀漀渀猀㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀㔀䈀㔀䈀㔀䈀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Xyrtif; a=23762318 km; e=0.03; m=13; peri=156</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀䬀礀爀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>.78 jupiters</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀⸀㜀㤀 樀甀瀀椀琀攀爀猀㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  <Texture>purple gas giant.png</Texture>
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀䈀䈀㄀㈀䈀䐀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Elode; a=10.7 AU; i=1.2; m=13</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀吀攀爀愀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>.06 moons</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀⸀ 㔀 洀漀漀渀猀㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀㘀㔀㘀㔀㘀㔀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Kyr; a=328916 km; e=0.03; m=19; peri=145</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀䬀礀愀渀琀椀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>.02 moons</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀⸀ ㈀ 洀漀漀渀猀㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀㘀㠀㘀㠀㘀㠀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Kyr; a=386209 km; e=0.01; m=45; peri=12</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀倀攀爀愀猀椀氀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>.008 moons</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀⸀  㤀 洀漀漀渀猀㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀㜀㈀㜀㈀㜀㈀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Kyr; a=806215 km; e=0.02; m=109; peri=215</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀唀瘀攀瀀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>.028 moons</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀⸀ ㈀㠀 洀漀漀渀猀㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀㔀㐀㔀㐀㔀㐀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Kyr; a=958211 km; e=0.03; m=281; peri=207</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀䔀渀琀椀氀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>.03 moons</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀⸀ ㌀㔀 洀漀漀渀猀㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀㠀䐀㠀䐀㠀䐀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Kyr; a=1491500 km; e=0.02; m=69; peri=341</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀倀椀愀渀椀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>.009 moons</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀⸀   㠀㌀ ㄀ 帀㈀  欀最㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀㐀㈀㐀㈀㐀㈀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Kyr; a=1691826 km; e=0.04; m=7; peri=12</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀䐀甀愀氀椀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>.11 moons</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀⸀㄀㄀ 洀漀漀渀猀㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀㤀䄀㤀䄀㤀䄀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Kyr; a=2110724 km; e=0.01; m=107; peri=321</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀䬀愀爀愀瀀椀琀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>.6 moons</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀⸀㔀㠀 洀漀漀渀猀㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀䄀䌀䄀䌀䄀䌀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Kyr; a=4018006 km; e=0.03; m=19; peri=5</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀䄀瀀猀椀搀椀甀洀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>.31 moons</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀⸀㌀㈀ 洀漀漀渀猀㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀㤀䐀㤀䐀㤀䐀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Kyr; a=6800750 km; e=0.03; m=17; peri=277</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀倀愀爀愀猀椀搀椀甀洀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>.3 moons</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀⸀㌀㄀ 洀漀漀渀猀㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀䄀㄀䄀㄀䄀㄀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Kyr; a=8911154 km; e=0.01; m=167; peri=356</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀䐀椀漀瘀椀渀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>.0008 moons</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀㜀㘀㤀㤀㠀㄀㔀㜀 䴀 欀最㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀㐀㐀㐀㐀㐀㐀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Kyr; a=10104166 km; e=.26; m=316; peri=23; i=35.6</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀䬀礀愀渀漀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>.45 earths</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀⸀㔀㘀 攀愀爀琀栀猀㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀䘀䘀䘀䘀䘀䘀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Elode; a=15.3 AU; i=2.3; m=56</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀䔀瀀椀氀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <Diameter>.03 moons</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀⸀ 㐀 洀漀漀渀猀㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀䔀䔀䔀䔀䔀䔀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀ഀഀ
  <Orbit>body=Kyano; a= 78000 km; i=34; m=23; node=245; peri=389</Orbit>
  ਍  㰀⼀䈀漀搀礀㸀ഀഀ
- <Body>
  ਍    㰀一愀洀攀㸀唀渀欀爀琀椀欀㰀⼀一愀洀攀㸀ഀഀ
  <DiameterThe XML page cannot be displayed
Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.


End of file reached in invalid state for current encoding. Error processing resource 'file:///C:/Users/Bee/AppData/Local/Te...
਍㰀⼀匀礀猀琀攀洀㸀                                                                                                                  ...
>.14 moons</Diameter>
  ਍    㰀䴀愀猀猀㸀⸀㄀ 洀漀漀渀猀㰀⼀䴀愀猀猀㸀ഀഀ
  ਍    㰀䌀漀氀漀爀㸀䔀䔀䘀䘀䔀䔀㰀⼀䌀漀氀漀


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Re: Elode system
« Reply #13 on: June 06, 2010, 03:09:34 PM »
Translate it.

  ਍ 㰀 䈀 Qing Jian 㸀 ഀഀ spiked
  <Name> Elode </ Name>
  ਍ 㰀 Zhong Lianzhipanbai Han 㸀 㰀 ⼀ Zhong uniform measures to be taken Ben Love Zhipanbaihan 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Mass> 2 suns </ Mass>
  ਍ 㰀 䐀 Wanqiaopanpan Han Hyuk 㸀 ㈀ ⸀ ㌀ climb 㤀 㠀 ㌀ Shazhuibensha 㰀 ⼀ 䐀 bowl worry-Chou Panhanpanhe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Settings> Timestep = 30 seconds </ Settings>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 㸀 䬀 Jianxiang measures to be taken   㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaozhoupan
  <Object> Jupiter </ Object>
  ਍ 㰀 acid climb climb 㸀 Danghanzhuihe most Qiaoshakaizui Wanqiaobenhan most 㰀 ⼀ ⸀ You Ben acid climb Danghanzhuihe climb 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Mass> 3.28 jupiters </ Mass>
  ਍ 㰀 䐀 bowl worry-Chou Panhanpanhe 㸀 㐀 ⸀ 㔀 Zhizhuiyouwan Hanpanhesha 㰀 ⼀ 䐀 bowl worry-Chou Panhanpanhe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Elode; a = 4500282 km; e = 0.127 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ㌀ ㌀ ㈀ ㈀ 㰀 ⼀ 䌀 㐀 㐀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  </ Body>
  ਍ 㰀 䈀 Qing Jian 㸀 ഀഀ spiked
  <Name> Planet-Sol Orbiter </ Name>
  ਍ 㰀 䐀 Wanqiaopanpan Han Xiang Pan Hyuk 㸀 ㄀ 㰀 ⼀ 䐀 bowl worry-Chou-Chou Panhanpanhe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Kykuòë; a = 315500 km; i = 87 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 㸀 䔀 Hewanhanqiao Benxiang worry 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaozhoupan
  <Texture> Rock.png </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䐀 Wanqiaopanpan Han Hyuk 㸀 ⸀ 㜀 climb climb Qiaohehanzhi Sha 㰀 ⼀ 䐀 bowl worry-Chou Panhanpanhe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Mass> .67 Earths </ Mass>
  ਍ 㰀 Zhonghelianwan Han 㸀 Lianqingchanjian 㴀 䔀 Shuqingchanpan worry 㴀 ⸀ ㌀ 㬀 䄀 You 㐀 㠀 climb 㴀 ⸀ ㈀ ㌀ 㬀 bowl 㴀 ㄀ ⸀ ㈀ 㬀 ㌀ ㈀ ㌀ 㴀 ㈀ ㌀ ⸀ 㬀-Chou 㐀 㜀㬀 Youpanhewan 㴀 ㄀ ⸀ ㌀ 㰀 ⼀ 㠀 㔀 Zhonghelianwan Han 㸀 ഀഀ
  </ Body>
  ਍ 㰀 䈀 Qing Jian 㸀 ഀഀ spiked
  <Name> Ocim </ Name>
  ਍ 㰀 acid climb Danghanzhuihe climb 㸀 Heqingbaixiang Love You Ben most 㰀 ⼀ ⸀ acid climb Danghanzhuihe climb 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Diameter> .5 Earths </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry Shasha 㸀 ㈀ ⸀ 㔀 climb Qiaohehanzhi Sha Sha Sha 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䴀 worry
  <Orbit> Body = Elode; a = 0.709 AU; e = 0.01; i = 0.2761; m = 145; peri = 16 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 㸀 Daozhiqingchan Qingbenchanhe Qingben 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaozhoupan
  <Texture> Sand.png </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䐀 Wanqiaopanpan Han Hyuk 㸀 ⸀ 㤀 climb climb Qiaohehanzhi Sha 㰀 ⼀ 䐀 bowl worry-Chou Panhanpanhe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Mass> .827 Earths </ Mass>
  ਍ 㰀 Zhonghelianwan Han 㸀 Lianqingchanjian 㴀 䔀 Shuqingchanpan worry 㴀 ㄀ 㬀 䄀 ⸀ 㐀 㘀 You 㬀 ⸀ ㌀ 㬀 bowl climb 㴀 㴀 ㄀ ⸀ 㐀 㠀 㬀-Chou 㴀 ㄀ 㬀 ㈀ 㔀 Youpanhewan㴀 ㄀ ㈀ 㰀 ⼀ 㤀 Zhonghelianwan Han 㸀 ഀഀ
  </ Body>
  ਍ 㰀 䈀 Qing Jian 㸀 ഀഀ spiked
  <Name> Celer </ Name>
  ਍ 㰀 acid climb Danghanzhuihe climb 㸀 Chanwanhehan most 㰀 ⼀ ⸀ You Ben acid climb Danghanzhuihe climb 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Diameter> .27 Moons </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry Shasha 㸀 ⸀ 㔀 Panqingqingben Sha Sha Sha 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䴀 worry
  <Orbit> Body = Rhodondron; a = 127002 km; i = 15; m = 90 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 㸀 䌀 Zhijianqiaoben Qing bowl 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaopanpan
  <Object> Earth </ Object>
  ਍ 㰀 acid climb Danghanzhuihe climb 㸀 Zhuiheqiaoben bowl Zhuipanyoulv Qiaobenpanhan most 㰀 ⼀ ⸀ You Ben acid climb Danghanzhuihe climb 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Mass> 3.22 earths </ Mass>
  ਍ 㰀 䐀 bowl worry-Chou Panhanpanhe 㸀 ㈀ ㌀ ⸀ 㤀 㠀 climb Qiaohehanzhi Sha 㰀 ⼀ 䐀 bowl worry-Chou Panhanpanhe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Elode; a = 1.8273 AU </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 Shoupanshulv 㰀 ⼀ 䌀 Qingming Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Settings> Focus = Chyanoi </ Settings>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 㸀 䠀 Qiaoyouwansha Baizhiqinghe climb 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaozhoupan
  <Object> Earth </ Object>
  ਍ 㰀 acid climb Danghanzhuihe climb 㸀 Heqingbairang Jianyou Douqiaobenpan Hanqingwanchan most 㰀 ⼀ ⸀ You Ben acid climb Danghanzhuihe climb 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Mass> 0.45 earths </ Mass>
  ਍ 㰀 䐀 Wanqiaopanpan Han Hyuk 㸀 ⸀ ㌀ 㤀 climb climb Qiaohehanzhi Sha 㰀 ⼀ 䐀 bowl worry-Chou Panhanpanhe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Settings> Gravity = 1 </ Settings>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ㌀ 䈀 㔀 䈀 㰀 ⼀ 䌀 㔀 㔀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Chyanoi; a = 238910 km </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 㸀 䰀 worry Ben Chanshazhuihe stasis ㄀ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaozhoupan
  <Diameter> 1 km </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 Zhonghelianwan Han 㸀 Lianqingchanjian 㴀 䌀 Zhijianqiaoben Qing bowl 㴀 ㄀ 㬀 worry 㠀 㤀 㬀 ㈀ 㤀 Xiang-Chou-Chou bowl 㴀 㴀 ㄀ 㬀 㐀 㔀 㠀 㰀 ⼀ Zhonghelianwan Han 㸀 ഀഀ
  </ Body>
  ਍ 㰀 䈀 Qing Jian 㸀 ഀഀ spiked
  <Name> Landsurv 2 </ Name>
  ਍ 㰀 䐀 Wanqiaopanpan Han Xiang Pan Hyuk 㸀 ㄀ 㰀 ⼀ 䐀 bowl worry-Chou-Chou Panhanpanhe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Chyanoi; a = 18929 km; i = 82; m = 0 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 㸀 Kujianhehan bowl Yun 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaozhoupan
  <Diameter> 2.3 jupiters </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry 㸀 ㈀ ⸀ ㌀ Shasha Dizhuiyouwan Hanpanhesha 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䴀 worry Shasha
  <Texture> Blue gas giant.png </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 㰀 ⼀ 䌀 䈀 䈀 Qinglvqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Elode; a = 4.5 AU; e = 0.1; i = 0.8320; m = 98; peri = 298 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 㸀 䘀 bowl Qiaobenhanqiao 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaozhoupan
  <Diameter> .24 Moons </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry 㸀 ⸀ ㈀ ㈀ Shasha Zhouqingqingben Sha Sha Sha 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䴀 worry
  <Texture> Dust.png </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㔀 㔀 㔀 㸀 ㌀ 㰀 ⼀ 䌀 㔀 㔀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Xyrtif; a = 803922 km; e = 0.04; m = 101; peri = 23 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 㸀 䔀 Helianwanben 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaopanpan
  <Diameter> .56 Moons </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry Shasha 㸀 ⸀ 㔀 㐀 Zhouqingqingben Sha Sha Sha 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䴀 worry
  <Texture> Rhea.jpg </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 䈀 䈀 䈀 㸀 㰀 ⼀ 䌀 䈀 䈀 䈀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Xyrtif; a = 1753829 km; e = 0.03; m = 34; peri = 183 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan Shouhanwanben 㸀 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaopanpan
  <Diameter> .34 Moons </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry Shasha 㸀 ⸀ 㐀 㔀 Zhouqingqingben Sha Sha Sha 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䴀 worry
  <Texture> Dust.png </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 䈀 䈀 䈀 㸀 㰀 ⼀ 䌀 䈀 㤀 㤀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Xyrtif; a = 3428307 km; e = 0.01; m = 147; peri = 146 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 㸀 䄀 Shuhan bowl Zhoupanheqiao 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaozhoupan
  <Diameter> .93 Moons </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry Shasha 㸀 ⸀ 㤀 㜀 Zhouqingqingben Sha Sha Sha 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䴀 worry
  <Texture> Rockyplanetoid.png </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㜀 㜀 㜀 㸀 㰀 ⼀ 䌀 㜀 㜀 㜀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Xyrtif; a = 5281003 km; e = 0.02; m = 350; peri = 14 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 㸀 㰀 ⼀ You bowl Shu Yiqiaopanpan 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Diameter> .04 Moons </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry Shasha 㸀 ⸀ ㌀ Panqingqingben Sha Sha Sha 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䴀 worry
  <Texture> Rock.png </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㔀 㔀 㔀 㸀 㰀 ⼀ 䌀 㔀 㔀 㔀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Xyrtif; a = 747113 km; e = 0.05; m = 342; peri = 182 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan acid Panyupanhe 㸀 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaopanpan
  <Diameter> .85 Moons </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry Shasha 㸀 ⸀ 㠀 ㈀ Zhouqingqingben Sha Sha Sha 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䴀 worry
  <Texture> Rock.png </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㠀 㔀 㠀 㸀 㰀 ⼀ 䌀 㔀 㠀 㔀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Xyrtif; a = 10576219 km; e = 0.005; m = 89; peri = 97 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 㸀 㰀 ⼀ 䄀 Han Xiang bowl Yiqiaopanpan 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Diameter> .06 Moons </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry Shasha 㸀 ⸀ 㜀 Panqingqingben Sha Sha Sha 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䴀 worry
  <Texture> Rockb.png </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㔀 䈀 㔀 㸀 㰀 ⼀ 䌀 䈀 㔀 䈀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Xyrtif; a = 23762318 km; e = 0.03; m = 13; peri = 156 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 㸀 㰀 ⼀ 䬀 Jian Hyuk Yiqiaopanpan 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Diameter> .78 Jupiters </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry Shasha 㸀 ⸀ 㜀 㤀 Dizhuiyouwan Hanpanhesha 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䴀 worry Shasha
  <Texture> Purple gas giant.png </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe ㈀ 㸀 䈀 䈀 ㄀ 㰀 ⼀ 䌀 䈀 䐀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Elode; a = 10.7 AU; i = 1.2; m = 13 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan Miepanheqiao 㸀 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaopanpan
  <Diameter> .06 Moons </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry Shasha 㸀 ⸀ 㔀 Panqingqingben Sha Sha Sha 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䴀 worry
  <Texture> Rock.png </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㘀 㔀 㘀 㸀 㰀 ⼀ 䌀 㔀 㘀 㔀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Kyr; a = 328916 km; e = 0.03; m = 19; peri = 145 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 㸀 䬀 Jianqiaobenhan bowl 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaozhoupan
  <Diameter> .02 Moons </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry Shasha 㸀 ⸀ ㈀ Panqingqingben Sha Sha Sha 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䴀 worry
  <Texture> Rock.png </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㘀 㠀 㘀 㸀 㰀 ⼀ 䌀 㠀 㘀 㠀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Kyr; a = 386209 km; e = 0.01; m = 45; peri = 12 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 㸀 Changpanheqiao Sha bowl Shu 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaopanpan
  <Diameter> .008 Moons </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry Shasha 㸀 ⸀ 㤀 Panqingqingben Sha Sha Sha 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䴀 worry
  <Texture> Rockb.png </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㜀 ㈀ 㸀 㰀 ⼀ ㈀ 㜀 㜀 ㈀ 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Kyr; a = 806215 km; e = 0.02; m = 109; peri = 215 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan Youyupanyou 㸀 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaopanpan
  <Diameter> .028 Moons </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry Shasha 㸀 ⸀ ㈀ 㠀 Zhouqingqingben Sha 㰀 ⼀ 䴀 worry Shasha 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Texture> Rock.png </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㔀 㐀 㔀 㸀 㰀 ⼀ 䌀 㐀 㔀 㐀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Kyr; a = 958211 km; e = 0.03; m = 281; peri = 207 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 㸀 䔀 Benhanwanshu 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaopanpan
  <Diameter> .03 Moons </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry Shasha 㸀 ⸀ ㌀ 㔀 Zhouqingqingben Sha Sha Sha 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䴀 worry
  <Texture> Rockb.png </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㠀 䐀 㠀 㸀 㰀 ⼀ 䌀 䐀 㠀 䐀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Kyr; a = 1491500 km; e = 0.02; m = 69; peri = 341 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 㸀 Changwanqiaoben bowl 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaopanpan
  <Diameter> .009 Moons </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry Shasha 㠀 ㌀ ㄀ 㸀 ⸀ ㈀ Xiang Za most 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䴀 worry Shasha
  <Texture> Rockb.png </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㐀 ㈀ 㸀 㰀 ⼀ ㈀ 㐀 㐀 ㈀ 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Kyr; a = 1691826 km; e = 0.04; m = 7; peri = 12 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 䐀 Zhuiqiaoshuwan 㸀 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaopanpan
  <Diameter> .11 Moons </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry 㸀 ⸀ ㄀ ㄀ Shasha Zhouqingqingben Sha Sha Sha 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䴀 worry
  <Texture> Rock.png </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㤀 䄀 㸀 㰀 ⼀ 䄀 㤀 㤀 䄀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Kyr; a = 2110724 km; e = 0.01; m = 107; peri = 321 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 㸀 䬀 Qiaoheqiaoyou bowl Han 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaopanpan
  <Diameter> .6 Moons </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry Shasha 㸀 ⸀ 㔀 㠀 Zhouqingqingben Sha Sha Sha 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䴀 worry
  <Texture> Rockb.png </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 䄀 䌀 䄀 䌀 䄀 䌀 㰀 ⼀ 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Kyr; a = 4018006 km; e = 0.03; m = 19; peri = 5 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 㸀 䄀 Yousha bowl Chanwanzhuipan 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaozhoupan
  <Diameter> .31 Moons </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry 㸀 ⸀ ㌀ ㈀ Shasha Zhouqingqingben Sha Sha Sha 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䴀 worry
  <Texture> Rockb.png </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㤀 䐀 㤀 㸀 㰀 ⼀ 䌀 䐀 㤀 䐀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Kyr; a = 6800750 km; e = 0.03; m = 17; peri = 277 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 㸀 Changqiaoheqiao Sha bowl Chanwanzhuipan 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaozhoupan
  <Diameter> .3 Moons </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry 㸀 ⸀ ㌀ ㄀ Shasha Zhouqingqingben Sha Sha Sha 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䴀 worry
  <Texture> Rock.png </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 䄀 ㄀ 䄀 ㄀ 䄀 ㄀ 㰀 ⼀ 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Kyr; a = 8911154 km; e = 0.01; m = 167; peri = 356 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 㸀 䐀 Wanqingyuwan Ben 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaozhoupan
  <Diameter> .0008 Moons </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry Shasha 㸀 㜀 㘀 㤀 㤀 㠀 ㄀ 㔀 㜀 䴀 Xiang most 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䴀 worry Shasha
  <Texture> Dust.png </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㐀 㐀 㐀 㸀 㰀 ⼀ 䌀 㐀 㐀 㐀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Kyr; a = 10104166 km; e =. 26; m = 316; peri = 23; i = 35.6 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 䬀 Jianqiaobenqing 㸀 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaopanpan
  <Diameter> .45 Earths </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry Shasha 㸀 ⸀ 㔀 㘀 climb Qiaohehanzhi Sha Sha Sha 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䴀 worry
  <Texture> Ice.png </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 䘀 䘀 䘀 㸀 㰀 ⼀ 䌀 䘀 䘀 䘀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Elode; a = 15.3 AU; i = 2.3; m = 56 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 㸀 㰀 ⼀ 䔀 You bowl Shu Yiqiaopanpan 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Diameter> .03 Moons </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry Shasha 㸀 ⸀ 㐀 Panqingqingben Sha Sha Sha 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䴀 worry
  <Texture> Ice.png </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 䔀 䔀 䔀 䔀 䔀 䔀 㰀 ⼀ 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 ഀഀ
  <Orbit> Body = Kyano; a = 78000 km; i = 34; m = 23; node = 245; peri = 389 </ Orbit>
  ਍ 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䈀 Jian Qing mix
- <Body>
  ਍ 㰀 Yiqiaozhoupan 㸀 You Benxiang Hehanwanxiang 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ Yiqiaopanpan
  <DiameterThe XML page cannot be displayed
Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

End of file reached in invalid state for current encoding. Error processing resource 'file: / / / C: / Users / Bee / AppData / Local / Te ...
਍ 㰀 ⼀ Yun Jian Shahanpanpan 㸀 ...
> .14 Moons </ Diameter>
  ਍ 㰀 䴀 worry Shasha 㸀 ⸀ ㄀ Panqingqingben Sha Sha Sha 㰀 ⼀ 㸀 ഀഀ 䴀 worry
  <Texture> Ice.png </ Texture>
  ਍ 㰀 䌀 Qingshuqinghe 㸀 䔀 䔀 䔀 䔀 㰀 ⼀ 䘀 䘀 䌀 Qing Shu Qing


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Re: Elode system
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2011, 07:14:48 PM »
Bump~ We are lazy with Universe Sandbox, aren't we?


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Re: Elode system
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2011, 03:37:37 PM »
I cant open the xml... is this a 2.0.14 problem, the fact that it's xml, or something else?

Dan Dixon

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Re: Elode system
« Reply #16 on: January 09, 2011, 04:11:57 PM »
Can you post the xml file you're using so I can try it?


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Re: Elode system
« Reply #17 on: January 09, 2011, 04:43:14 PM »
The one on page 1.

Dan Dixon

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Re: Elode system
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2011, 05:13:58 PM »
Please post the XML file so we can both be sure we're talking about the exact same file.


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Re: A planetary system
« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2011, 05:40:52 PM »
Hey! It's finished, but I'm gonna make you wait!


Here it is...

There's only one XML file...


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Re: Elode system
« Reply #20 on: January 09, 2011, 06:35:08 PM »
Post the XML file please, because that one is full of things like ランダムな言葉は私の耳から生まれている.


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Re: Elode system
« Reply #21 on: January 09, 2011, 06:39:54 PM »
That means "random words are born out of my ears."

Dan Dixon

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Re: Elode system
« Reply #22 on: January 09, 2011, 06:49:32 PM »
If you post the file I don't have to make it myself.

You've already made it so it should be easy for you.

Please post it so I can investigate the problem.


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Re: Elode system
« Reply #23 on: January 09, 2011, 07:52:23 PM »
It's on the post I quoted!


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Re: Elode system
« Reply #24 on: January 09, 2011, 08:50:47 PM »
No, that is the one with funny East Asian characters. (Naru even showed the file)


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Re: Elode system
« Reply #25 on: January 09, 2011, 09:04:18 PM »
Code: [Select]
  <Mass>2 suns</Mass>
  <Settings>timestep=30 seconds</Settings>
  <Mass>3.28 jupiters</Mass>
  <Name>Planet-Sol Orbiter</Name>
  <Orbit>body=Kykuòë; a=315500 km; i=87</Orbit>
    <Mass>.67 earths</Mass>
    <Diameter>.5 earths</Diameter>
    <Orbit>body=Elode; a=0.709 AU; e=0.01; i=0.2761; m=145; peri=16</Orbit>
    <Mass>.827 earths</Mass>
    <Diameter>.27 moons</Diameter>
    <Orbit>body=Rhodondron; a=127002 km; i=15; m=90</Orbit>
    <Mass>3.22 earths</Mass>
    <Orbit>body=Elode; a=1.8273 AU</Orbit>
    <Mass>0.45 earths</Mass>
    <Orbit>body=Chyanoi; a=238910 km</Orbit>
    <Diameter>1 km</Diameter>
    <Name>Landsurv 2</Name>
    <Orbit>body=Chyanoi; a=18929 km; i=82; m=0</Orbit>
    <Diameter>2.3 jupiters</Diameter>
    <Texture>blue gas giant.png</Texture>
    <Orbit>body=Elode; a= 4.5 AU; e=0.1; i=0.8320; m=98; peri=298</Orbit>
    <Diameter>.24 moons</Diameter>
    <Orbit>body=Xyrtif; a=803922 km; e=0.04; m=101; peri=23</Orbit>
    <Diameter>.56 moons</Diameter>
    <Orbit>body=Xyrtif; a=1753829 km; e=0.03; m=34; peri=183</Orbit>
    <Diameter>.34 moons</Diameter>

    <Orbit>body=Xyrtif; a=3428307 km; e=0.01; m=147; peri=146</Orbit>
    <Diameter>.93 moons</Diameter>
    <Orbit>body=Xyrtif; a=5281003 km; e=0.02; m=350; peri=14</Orbit>
    <Diameter>.04 moons</Diameter>
    <Orbit>body=Xyrtif; a=747113 km; e=0.05; m=342; peri=182</Orbit>
    <Diameter>.85 moons</Diameter>
    <Orbit>body=Xyrtif; a=10576219 km; e=0.005; m=89; peri=97</Orbit>
    <Diameter>.06 moons</Diameter>
    <Orbit>body=Xyrtif; a=23762318 km; e=0.03; m=13; peri=156</Orbit>
    <Diameter>.78 jupiters</Diameter>
    <Texture>purple gas giant.png</Texture>
    <Orbit>body=Elode; a=10.7 AU; i=1.2; m=13</Orbit>
    <Diameter>.06 moons</Diameter>

    <Orbit>body=Kyr; a=328916 km; e=0.03; m=19; peri=145</Orbit>
    <Diameter>.02 moons</Diameter>
    <Orbit>body=Kyr; a=386209 km; e=0.01; m=45; peri=12</Orbit>
    <Diameter>.008 moons</Diameter>
    <Orbit>body=Kyr; a=806215 km; e=0.02; m=109; peri=215</Orbit>
    <Diameter>.028 moons</Diameter>
    <Orbit>body=Kyr; a=958211 km; e=0.03; m=281; peri=207</Orbit>
    <Diameter>.03 moons</Diameter>
    <Orbit>body=Kyr; a=1491500 km; e=0.02; m=69; peri=341</Orbit>
    <Diameter>.009 moons</Diameter>
    <Orbit>body=Kyr; a=1691826 km; e=0.04; m=7; peri=12</Orbit>
    <Diameter>.11 moons</Diameter>
    <Orbit>body=Kyr; a=2110724 km; e=0.01; m=107; peri=321</Orbit>
    <Diameter>.6 moons</Diameter>
    <Orbit>body=Kyr; a=4018006 km; e=0.03; m=19; peri=5</Orbit>
    <Diameter>.31 moons</Diameter>
    <Orbit>body=Kyr; a=6800750 km; e=0.03; m=17; peri=277</Orbit>
    <Diameter>.3 moons</Diameter>
    <Orbit>body=Kyr; a=8911154 km; e=0.01; m=167; peri=356</Orbit>
    <Diameter>.0008 moons</Diameter>
    <Orbit>body=Kyr; a=10104166 km; e=.26; m=316; peri=23; i=35.6</Orbit>
    <Diameter>.45 earths</Diameter>
    <Orbit>body=Elode; a=15.3 AU; i=2.3; m=56</Orbit>
    <Diameter>.03 moons</Diameter>
    <Orbit>body=Kyano; a= 78000 km; i=34; m=23; node=245; peri=389</Orbit>
    <Diameter>.14 moons</Diameter>
    <Orbit>body=Kyano; a=165000 km; i=34.5; m=41; node=234; peri=12</Orbit>
    <Diameter>5 earths</Diameter>
    <Texture>blue gas giant.png</Texture>
    <Orbit>body=Elode; a=25 AU; i=1.3; m=156</Orbit>
    <Diameter>.8 moons</Diameter>
    <Orbit>body=Pural; a=201493 km; e=.02; m=34; peri=45</Orbit>
    <Diameter>1.2 moons</Diameter>
    <Orbit>body=Pural; a=358299 km; e=.01; m=300; peri=218</Orbit>
    <Diameter>1.1 moons</Diameter>
    <Orbit>body=Pural; a=532710 km; e=.017; m=122; peri=76</Orbit>
    <Diameter>1 km</Diameter>
    <Mass>.506 moons</Mass>
I know why it doesn't work. Your body tags are messed up. They don't end and don't look correct.


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Re: Elode system
« Reply #26 on: January 09, 2011, 09:05:15 PM »
Thank you for fixing that, lol.


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Re: Elode system
« Reply #27 on: January 09, 2011, 09:12:37 PM »
The tags aren't messed up... and yeah, teh one with the asian characters.


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Re: Elode system
« Reply #28 on: January 09, 2011, 09:14:34 PM »
The tags aren't messed up... and yeah, teh one with the asian characters.
They are messed up.


    <Mass>3.22 earths</Mass>
    <Orbit>body=Elode; a=1.8273 AU</Orbit>

See? There is a "</Body>" tag missing.


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Re: Elode system
« Reply #29 on: January 09, 2011, 10:08:26 PM »
Also for the star...