Ba teach me tge ways of bug mudering i have problems with centapeds and they creep the crap outta me id right hades or being in a room with those ![Angry >:(](
1: Prevention, avoid keeping food around to avoid attracting bugs that eat your food, and thus bugs that eat bugs and so on. Avoid having many open windows (that's pretty hard for me as I have only ventilation in the bathroom and no air conditioning during the summer), avoid living close to forests, swamps or other places that bugs are fond of, avoid organizing your home in ways that creates many dusty places and other havens for bugs. Inspect them often so unpleasant bugs don't start building their own colonies so they don't develop into technologically advanced societies that may end up threatening your home with nuclear weapons if left alone for long enough.
Consider spraying anti-[bugs you don't like] spray in places where you least like them to be. I don't like spiders on the ceiling and in corners as they're harder to fight, so I spray most in there, and in window frames and around the door frame so they're less likely to want to enter when I open them, oh and under the tables. And below the bed. And in the refrigerator. Ok just spray it everywhere.
2: Protection, if you don't want to touch the bugs, wear clothes that cover as much of you as possible. That makes you more calm when you have to deal with them. I can offer you specially crafted spider-googles at a discount price if you'd like, and a homemade, super-effective gas mask that makes sure you're safe from centipede exhausts during battles. You don't want to succumb to that.
3: I guess there are different strategies for different bugs, for spiders I usually move the swatter slowly close up to the spider at first (they rarely react when I do it slowly), and then swat it quickly. I've never seen centipedes in my house so Idk about them. Maybe you could just try asking it how many legs it has, and then it'll become really confused, and then you exploit the situation swat it. With a bit of manipulation you can often make bugs go where you want them to if you nudge them gently from the correct angles.
I think there are also some fly swatters that can electrocute bugs but I've never tried such a thing.