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Author Topic: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc  (Read 41263 times)


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #60 on: October 23, 2015, 10:44:12 AM »
You somehow got the quotes wrong, but anyway:
It's not the Schwarzschild radius I care about when I assume that, inside the actual (matter) body of a black hole, atoms or even their cores can't sustain their structure. Gravity becomes stronger there than the other three forces and thus the particles that used to be atoms will be separated. Sprinkling Iron on a quark-gluon soup  (which is something different than plasma) would be as hard a task as getting some oceans to swim on the water in your bowl.
The strange matter described in the wiki articles, is actually made of strange quarks, which are a rather well known thing indeed. Due to the different masses of particles it seems likely that given nearly infinite time (time dilation) along with a gravity nearing infinity as well, the particles would build distinctive layers just like liquids of different density in a container at rest and under the effect of gravity.

Don't take documentaries at face value. Especially not when they are about theories that can't be tested yet. Nobody can tell what's beyond the event horizon of a black hole because nobody can have a look there and nobody can go there and return to tell us about.
Even if someone was able to survive a travel to the event horizon, they would actually never reach it from their perspective as time would slow down for them to the point where it literally takes eternity to move but a micron.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #61 on: October 23, 2015, 02:53:58 PM »
You somehow got the quotes wrong, but anyway:
It's not the Schwarzschild radius I care about when I assume that, inside the actual (matter) body of a black hole, atoms or even their cores can't sustain their structure. Gravity becomes stronger there than the other three forces and thus the particles that used to be atoms will be separated. Sprinkling Iron on a quark-gluon soup  (which is something different than plasma) would be as hard a task as getting some oceans to swim on the water in your bowl.
The strange matter described in the wiki articles, is actually made of strange quarks, which are a rather well known thing indeed. Due to the different masses of particles it seems likely that given nearly infinite time (time dilation) along with a gravity nearing infinity as well, the particles would build distinctive layers just like liquids of different density in a container at rest and under the effect of gravity.

Don't take documentaries at face value. Especially not when they are about theories that can't be tested yet. Nobody can tell what's beyond the event horizon of a black hole because nobody can have a look there and nobody can go there and return to tell us about.
Even if someone was able to survive a travel to the event horizon, they would actually never reach it from their perspective as time would slow down for them to the point where it literally takes eternity to move but a micron.

False. From an outside viewer's point of view, it takes an eternity to get to the event horizon, but to a viewer who's falling into the black hole, time continues normally.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #62 on: October 23, 2015, 06:23:50 PM »
Who else here watches How The Universe Works

I watched it since the very first episode when it was first on tv and I love it


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #63 on: October 25, 2015, 12:09:29 AM »
Even if someone was able to survive a travel to the event horizon, they would actually never reach it from their perspective as time would slow down for them to the point where it literally takes eternity to move but a micron.

False. From an outside viewer's point of view, it takes an eternity to get to the event horizon, but to a viewer who's falling into the black hole, time continues normally.

You got me there.
Almost :)
I shouldn't edit when in a hurry. Originally the sentence was about someone sending a probe to the event horizon but then I noticed that time wouldn't actually slow down for the observer. My edit didn't really correct that though or at least didn't convey what I was talking about.

In fact time wouldn't change at all for either of the two from each of their perspectives but the one approaching the event horizon would see the observer's time speed up while the observer would see the  traveler's time freeze.

Now imagine the traveler being able to actually return from the event horizon to report their experiences to the observer. The observer as well as the universe surrounding the two would have aged quite a bit, whereas time for the traveler appeared to not change at all and neither for the observer.
Did time really not slow down for the traveler?

I'd say, the fact that the traveler didn't feel the effect of it, doesn't mean it didn't happen. It just depends on the reference frame. Including the universe (even if only to the point where the observer is) in the reference frame makes obvious that time must slow down for the traveler even if they can only notice that by watching the universe.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #64 on: October 26, 2015, 05:18:15 AM »
You somehow got the quotes wrong, but anyway:
Gravity becomes stronger there than the other three forces and thus the particles that used to be atoms will be separated. Sprinkling Iron on a quark-gluon soup  (which is something different than plasma) would be as hard a task as getting some oceans to swim on the water in your bowl.
The strange matter described in the wiki articles, is actually made of strange quarks, which are a rather well known thing indeed. Due to the different masses of particles it seems likely that given nearly infinite time (time dilation) along with a gravity nearing infinity as well, the particles would build distinctive layers just like liquids of different density in a container at rest and under the effect of gravity.

If someone was able to survive a travel to the event horizon, they would actually never reach it from their perspective as time would slow down for them to the point where it literally takes eternity to move but a micron.
Shame, no neutron star supper for me :(
Anyway, I think from your point of view you are travelling in a straight line but to the viewer it seems you are spiraling down, I think


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #65 on: October 29, 2015, 12:17:31 PM »
How can you simulate Exotic matter in US2? Because setting the gravity to -2 doesn't work.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #66 on: October 29, 2015, 01:22:41 PM »
Who else here watches How The Universe Works

I watched it since the very first episode when it was first on tv and I love it

I love that show to


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #67 on: November 04, 2015, 10:04:13 AM »
Who else here watches How The Universe Works

I watched it since the very first episode when it was first on tv and I love it

I love that show to
Me too :)

Lord DC

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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #68 on: November 05, 2015, 08:59:49 AM »
It would be very awesome to update the explosion effects of the Explode power.

IT would also be awesome to watch antimatter and normal matter collide and give off amazing energy.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #69 on: November 06, 2015, 12:19:57 PM »
It would be very awesome to update the explosion effects of the Explode power.

IT would also be awesome to watch antimatter and normal matter collide and give off amazing energy.
Yes, also game doesn't have a shockwave when stars giving up on living.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #70 on: November 16, 2015, 10:16:48 AM »
Maybe a death-star-explode button?


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #71 on: November 28, 2015, 09:21:11 AM »
So what is new in the new 17.Something Update?


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #72 on: March 03, 2016, 08:58:26 AM »
I agree with string theory but still believe that tachyons can exist. They have the physics on their side. It all stacks up. Light can't be the fastest thing it the universe maybe in our galaxy but definitely not in the universe.   


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #73 on: March 03, 2016, 11:09:22 AM »
Dark matter is already implimented in Galaxies. The red dots are Dark Matter particles.

These other suggestions are very good ones, although I'm sure it'd be hard to impliment some of them...

I'm sorry but you are so very wrong, dark matter is invisible. They don't have any distinct color. They were found because they bend light, they have stopped us from seeing many different galaxies in the past. 


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #74 on: March 03, 2016, 04:19:17 PM »
Dark matter is already implimented in Galaxies. The red dots are Dark Matter particles.

These other suggestions are very good ones, although I'm sure it'd be hard to impliment some of them...

I'm sorry but you are so very wrong, dark matter is invisible. They don't have any distinct color. They were found because they bend light, they have stopped us from seeing many different galaxies in the past.

If you knew in what context I was saying that, it would make more sense. Yes, I know dark matter is invisible, but In Universe Sandbox, currently it is simulated in galaxies and is represented by red dots. Not quite sure why, but it is.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #75 on: March 04, 2016, 11:16:33 AM »
(aka white holes would look white).

Of course they would be white it's the whole understanding of white and black holes they are opposites.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #77 on: March 04, 2016, 11:19:23 AM »


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #78 on: March 07, 2016, 11:32:16 AM »
Not once the black hole gets very small, in which case it will explode into light and other subatomic particles.

Wouldn't it implode.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #79 on: March 08, 2016, 02:30:36 PM »
Not once the black hole gets very small, in which case it will explode into light and other subatomic particles.

Wouldn't it implode.

Really there's no difference but in technicality, "implode" implies there's an inside to an object, while with black holes (their singularities, at least) have no inside to speak of.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #80 on: April 04, 2016, 12:33:46 PM »
no is where it collapses into itself, Well explode is is internal pressure that creates a burst outward.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #81 on: April 04, 2016, 12:35:38 PM »
I guess the only difference is they way it happens but it's still a difference that should be pointed out.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #82 on: April 05, 2016, 09:52:19 AM »
no is where it collapses into itself, Well explode is is internal pressure that creates a burst outward.

Exactly. Imploding implies collapsing and rebounding outward, which a black hole simply cannot do as something infinitely small has no size, and therefore the word "collapsing" has no meaning here.