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Author Topic: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc  (Read 41242 times)


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Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« on: August 28, 2015, 01:22:25 AM »
Is it possible to add Antimatter, Dark matter, matter in the minus scale (exotic matter) and maybe white holes
because they could be interesting to experiment with.

Antimatter and exotic matter could just be a setting to a planet.
Dark matter could be an influential force to galaxies and maybe solar systems; for example, increasing the escape velocity or actually do I know what it really does to stuff?

White hole could also be a setting where they also bend light but they repel it and have them be the contrast to Black Holes (aka white holes would look white). This could also lead to wormholes, or not.

But exotic matter and white holes decay because they shouldn't exist within the laws of physics so maybe there could be a slider to enable these kind of things.
Also black holes should explode when hawking radiation gets the better of them.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2015, 01:31:00 AM »
Dark matter is already implimented in Galaxies. The red dots are Dark Matter particles.

These other suggestions are very good ones, although I'm sure it'd be hard to impliment some of them...


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2015, 01:33:54 AM »
Also brown dwarf types:

From left to right: Y brown Dwarf, T Brown Dwarf, L Brown Dwarf and an M type star


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2015, 01:37:29 AM »
Dark matter is already implimented in Galaxies. The red dots are Dark Matter particles.

These other suggestions are very good ones, although I'm sure it'd be hard to impliment some of them...
Not really, just look at this simulation of the milky way and time accelerate it.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2015, 09:40:42 AM »
Also, the faster the spin the more oval it becomes
(example 1: haumea with a spin of 4 hours, very egg-like)
(example 2: earth with a spin of 23.7 hours, not egg-like :( )


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2015, 05:03:12 PM »
That would be cool.

I would make a white hole and black hole collide.

or orbit eachother and place stars around it. O____O


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2015, 10:21:43 PM »
Hawking radiation wouldn't result in an explosion, sadly. It's simply too slow.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2015, 01:21:18 PM »
Hawking radiation wouldn't result in an explosion, sadly. It's simply too slow.
Hmm... watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nHBGFKLHZQ


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2015, 01:23:29 PM »
That would be cool.

I would make a white hole and black hole collide.

or orbit eachother and place stars around it. O____O
That would be awesome :)


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2015, 01:37:16 PM »
Also, thinking about the possibility of gravity-antigravity overcoming one or another: example, -2 earth-mass planet's antigravity being overcome by a black hole's gravity.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2015, 03:56:38 PM »
Hawking radiation wouldn't result in an explosion, sadly. It's simply too slow.

Not once the black hole gets very small, in which case it will explode into light and other subatomic particles.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2015, 12:17:05 PM »
Hawking radiation wouldn't result in an explosion, sadly. It's simply too slow.

Not once the black hole gets very small, in which case it will explode into light and other subatomic particles.
Oh I see...

Gordon Freeman

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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2015, 04:30:39 AM »
A black hole and a white hole of equal absolute mass would not interact gravitationally...


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2015, 08:38:45 AM »
A black hole and a white hole of equal absolute mass would not interact gravitationally...
Yeah because of the infinite density-thing. I want to see whether this was possible
Also, thinking about the possibility of gravity-antigravity overcoming one or another: example, -2 earth-mass planet's antigravity being overcome by a black hole's gravity.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2015, 03:42:46 AM »
Oh and what I meant by slider is the on/off button in US2 where it toggles stuff, or it could be a dropdown box. Either of them.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2015, 12:40:55 AM »

This is a fine line to summarize the suggestions in this post, because I have scattered them around and not bothered to suggest them altogether. Let it begin!:

1. Antimatter slider to a planet because evaporating planets, stars & anti-planets, anti-stars are fun :)

2. Creating an exotic planet would require you to put a minus sign in front of the mass which means the object would repel all but negative mass (Also known as anti-gravity).

3. Evaporating black holes, meaning they would shrink and go poof out of existence.

4. White holes would be the negative of Black holes where light would bend and repel and only eat exotic matter objects.

5. Just a small thing, L Brown dwarves (planets 88-104 Jupiter mass),  T Brown dwarves (planets 87-58 Jupiter mass) and Y brown dwarves (planets 57-wherever gas giants start to naturally heat up, Jupiter mass).

6. If dark matter exists, then the milky way shouldn't rip apart and maybe use it as a way to increase the gravity range on an object so orbits don't go haywire.

7. Finally, the shock waves could echo through space, for example: planetary collisions, supernovae, planet explosions...

That is all I have.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #16 on: September 13, 2015, 10:00:58 AM »
1. there is no natural antimatter in big enough amounts to fill a coffee cup in this universe at least not long enough to have it form atoms, let alone bodies.

2. negative mass would require antigravitons of infinite mass (basically an infinite number of infinitely massive pointsize black holes aka singularities)

3. for any old black hole to evaporate from Hawking radiation you'd need a new timestep unit: Universe Ages.
The ones you could probably see evaporate, would likely be rather unspectacular. You'd also want to vacuum clean the universe around the black hole you want to see evaporate, but the same quantum effect that causes the radiation would feed the black hole on a far larger scale.

4. see 2.

5. That is already in it, no?

6. not sure what you are talking about, the milky way wasn't ripping apart last time I had a look. Orbits go haywire because of calculation errors. And honestly, you doubt the existence of dark matter? It's a more convenient name for "We have no clue what it is, but it is out there!".

7. Shock waves won't likely affect the quantum foam because the matter of it is too short lived, so there is very little to nothing that could act as a medium to transmit them.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2015, 08:49:00 PM »
Hawking radiation wouldn't result in an explosion, sadly. It's simply too slow.
Hmm... watch this video:
no black hole with a mass of 10-22 exists in the universe, and an explosion three times the energy of little boy and fat man is minuscule and probably would not be visible in universe sandbox

Lord DC

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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2015, 09:33:49 PM »
darvince has the point of truth!


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #19 on: September 18, 2015, 11:52:55 AM »
5. That is already in it, no?
No, the last time I check there weren't any brown dwarf classes in the game.

6. not sure what you are talking about, the milky way wasn't ripping apart last time I had a look. Orbits go haywire because of calculation errors. And honestly, you doubt the existence of dark matter? It's a more convenient name for "We have no clue what it is, but it is out there!".
I just can't seen to see it in universe sandbox because the core always rips apart when you slowly accelerate time, and this gives a lot of misconceptions the new players. Also, Dark Matter is Awesome! Holding entire galaxies like that is too cool for me!

Hawking radiation wouldn't result in an explosion, sadly. It's simply too slow.
Hmm... watch this video:
no black hole with a mass of 10-22 exists in the universe, and an explosion three times the energy of little boy and fat man is minuscule and probably would not be visible in universe sandbox
Oh okay, thanks for the information.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #20 on: September 18, 2015, 02:48:14 PM »
5. That is already in it, no?
No, the last time I check there weren't any brown dwarf classes in the game.

6. not sure what you are talking about, the milky way wasn't ripping apart last time I had a look. Orbits go haywire because of calculation errors. And honestly, you doubt the existence of dark matter? It's a more convenient name for "We have no clue what it is, but it is out there!".
I just can't seen to see it in universe sandbox because the core always rips apart when you slowly accelerate time, and this gives a lot of misconceptions the new players. Also, Dark Matter is Awesome! Holding entire galaxies like that is too cool for me!

Hawking radiation wouldn't result in an explosion, sadly. It's simply too slow.
Hmm... watch this video:
no black hole with a mass of 10-22 exists in the universe, and an explosion three times the energy of little boy and fat man is minuscule and probably would not be visible in universe sandbox
Oh okay, thanks for the information.

Brown dwarves are in-game already. that's why any gas giant above 13 Jupiter masses until becoming an M-class star become so heated, they are large enough to produce lots of their own heat. But there is no separation of L-T-Y classes as there should be.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #21 on: September 19, 2015, 12:11:12 PM »
Either the internet is wrong or something else but here is the brown dwarf classes source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_dwarf


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #22 on: September 19, 2015, 02:44:23 PM »
...That lists L-T-Y, and just because they don't look like that in-game doesn't mean they don't exist in-game...


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2015, 03:51:57 AM »
Either the internet is wrong or something else but here is the brown dwarf classes source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_dwarf
Have some brown dwarves:


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #24 on: September 21, 2015, 02:19:41 PM »
Either the internet is wrong or something else but here is the brown dwarf classes source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_dwarf
Have some brown dwarves:
Yes! The more, the merrier!


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2015, 09:20:36 AM »
I actually prefer to make stars out of random gas giants, because that way I can finetune the habitable zone and get a tiny but fastpaced planetary system. It helps me to avoid increasing timesteps too much. That's great for watching gravity change orbits at certain setups and learning how to balance orbits without calculating them exactly.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #26 on: September 24, 2015, 01:53:44 AM »
I actually prefer to make stars out of random gas giants, because that way I can finetune the habitable zone and get a tiny but fastpaced planetary system. It helps me to avoid increasing timesteps too much. That's great for watching gravity change orbits at certain setups and learning how to balance orbits without calculating them exactly.
Same, but stars can't grow to become blue giants otherwise they blow up :(


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #27 on: September 24, 2015, 02:24:39 AM »
1. there is no natural antimatter in big enough amounts to fill a coffee cup in this universe at least not long enough to have it form atoms, let alone bodies.

2. negative mass would require antigravitons of infinite mass (basically an infinite number of infinitely massive pointsize black holes aka singularities)

3. for any old black hole to evaporate from Hawking radiation you'd need a new timestep unit: Universe Ages.
The ones you could probably see evaporate, would likely be rather unspectacular. You'd also want to vacuum clean the universe around the black hole you want to see evaporate, but the same quantum effect that causes the radiation would feed the black hole on a far larger scale.

4. see 2.

5. That is already in it, no?

6. not sure what you are talking about, the milky way wasn't ripping apart last time I had a look. Orbits go haywire because of calculation errors. And honestly, you doubt the existence of dark matter? It's a more convenient name for "We have no clue what it is, but it is out there!".

7. Shock waves won't likely affect the quantum foam because the matter of it is too short lived, so there is very little to nothing that could act as a medium to transmit them.

Basically, Arian said it all. Most of this is too theoretical and far removed from the observed universe, but even if we ignore that:

1. All antimatter would do is create some explosions, which you can do just fine by smashing planets together.

2. Even though this type of exotic energy would be pretty interesting, it's hard to imagine how it should be implemented. What would "exotic planets" even look like? No one knows and as such it would probably not fit the realistic style, that US2 is aiming for.

7.  I'm assuming you're talking about gravitational waves (that sadly haven't been discovered yet either) and while I agree, that these would be extremely awesome, they would require the whole gravitational simulation to be rewritten according to general relativity.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #28 on: September 24, 2015, 02:48:14 AM »
I actually prefer to make stars out of random gas giants, because that way I can finetune the habitable zone and get a tiny but fastpaced planetary system. It helps me to avoid increasing timesteps too much. That's great for watching gravity change orbits at certain setups and learning how to balance orbits without calculating them exactly.
Same, but stars can't grow to become blue giants otherwise they blow up :(

Well, you can turn off realistic. Besides, in order to make any star blue, you can just increase the temperature. Of course, if you want to see a blue giant as part of a stellar life cycle, that's not possible, because it's not possible in reality either. If a star doesn't start out as a giant, it doesn't become one.


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Re: Antimatter, Dark matter, -2 kilograms, etc
« Reply #29 on: October 01, 2015, 01:34:43 PM »
Well, you can turn off realistic. Besides, in order to make any star blue, you can just increase the temperature. Of course, if you want to see a blue giant as part of a stellar life cycle, that's not possible, because it's not possible in reality either. If a star doesn't start out as a giant, it doesn't become one.
Oh I see, but how do you do that in the game?

Also, doesn't exotic matter look exactly the same as regular matter; just minus mass with anti-gravity properties (and white holes are light warping fake stars? Because I don't know about whether light has mass or whether there is a minus version of it...)