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Author Topic: A video of what I've observed in Alpha 16  (Read 5127 times)


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A video of what I've observed in Alpha 16
« on: August 26, 2015, 08:01:05 AM »

Can please dev adress issues I've pointed out in this video?


My gripes/Bugs/weird stuff:

WARNING: On screenshots earth was hit with asteroid of 800km in diameter and 920 degrees celsius surface temperature.

1. There is no icon showing you that you have currently planet selected when zoomed out. Irritating, I can't tell which planet I have selected. Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/88u2m3 (I have selected sun here). It's a bug that happens when you go to the menu on the side.

2. After asteroid impacts earth, hardly any fragments hit earth again. This awesome effect of multiple impacts and it's shock waves is totally gone. Why remove such amazing and spectacular effect? Also the craters look much worse than alpha 15.2... In 15.2 I could had multiple craters but here it just doesn't happen...

Crater: http://prntscr.com/88u3mz

Instead fragments flew off in weird directions with this... smoke as if they were falling down: http://prntscr.com/88tylk

Another screenshot:

3. While I like the fact that rock vapor appears, it's still far from realistic. It happens too fast. Rock vapor is still only on half of the planet instead of entire.

4. Sometimes when colliding earth, asteroid doesn't even touch the surface. http://prntscr.com/88u8ww

5. Sometimes the planet etuiquette is on the far right: http://prntscr.com/88u03c

6. I had weird bug where green areas on earth were still green after impact with 800km asteroid that had temperature of 920 degrees celsius.


7. Why when using "launch" option we have now this crosshair instead of actual generated object? It wasn't as confusing...!

1. After rock vapor dissapears, there should be super-heated bedrock on the surface with lava all over the globe and around continents (suggested in other thread).

2. Can we disable please automatic physics breakout time adjustment? In Alpha 15.2 it worked well and accuracy didn't suffer. It was laggy for a moment but then it was all fine and looked spectacular. It's my main problem with current version of the game... I can't have accurate simulations with breakout time being all over the place.

My PC: Core i3 3.3GHz, 8GB RAM, Radeon HD7850 2GB, Windows 10 x64.

I've posted this on Steam forums but never heard from developer. Can Dan Dixon or anyone from Giant Army adress to my points and maybe explain why they are the way they are now?


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Re: A video of what I've observed in Alpha 16
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2015, 11:35:26 AM »
1. indeed, that menu should be right next to the object you selected. I hate it now that it is on the right side of the screen.

2. Indeed, the collisons (which are a very important new feature in US2) seem to have gotten worse.


4. That's not a big deal

5. yea I hate that

6. that's not totally green. doesn't seem like a big deal

7. That's a good thing. When you have the object in your hand, it obstructs your view. The crosshairs are much better

what the hell do you mean by rock vapor


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Re: A video of what I've observed in Alpha 16
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2015, 12:39:03 PM »
I agree collisions are a little worse and craters quite pixels  :-\
You are right also the shock waves ,are too fast,i didn't understand the point 3.
However we must remember that an alpha and that these defects will be corrected certainly in the next update  ;)


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Re: A video of what I've observed in Alpha 16
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2015, 03:27:02 PM »

See the Yellowish and Orange-ish area that occupies globe? That is not a shock wave.

That's a rock vapor, a molten rock that has almost temperature of the sun. It behaves like a gas cloud that causes oceans to boil, making them drop down extremely fast and causes super-heated bedrock to cover entire planet (which is sadly not present in current build...). After the impact it spreads from the place of impact in every direction as a result of energy that has been released the moment asteroid hit. It generates incredible heat that kills every living creature, causing everything to vaporise, combust and burn. It spreads too fast in current build and it should spread slowly (should take one real time day) across entire globe from the crater to the other end of the globe. Also I think it should spread from the dome of impact and not from the sides.

Like on this video:

Watch it to see what I mean.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2015, 03:32:01 PM by Eggtooth »


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Re: A video of what I've observed in Alpha 16
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2015, 10:51:47 PM »
Rock vapor doesn't exist lol. Just google image it