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Author Topic: Simulation Settings (eg. Tolerance, Tidal options, etc.) and persistence  (Read 4930 times)


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  • Posts: 2

I tend to like keeping my Tolerance setting turned up to 1.00 in order to improve simulation accuracy (to minimize the nasty things that tend to happen when the sim is sped up too much, even by accident).

The problem I've noticed is that the simulation settings don't remain persistent. Every time I add a new body to the simulation, all of the sim settings are reverted back to the defaults. Sim settings are also not saved to a simulation. When a sim is re-loaded, the sim settings are reverted back to default.

What I'd like to do is be able to set the simulation options like a global option: I want Tolerance to be set to 1.00 for all simulations and I want Tidal Heating and Tidal Evolution turned on at all times.

From what I can see, this isn't possible. Every time I load a new simulation or modify an the current simulation, the sim settings revert back to default. Is there any way to persist my settings? I would love to see this feature in a future release...unless I'm doing something wrong?


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  • Posts: 517
  • Brazillian dude
Yea, indeed that's a problem. I personally like to have the grid on all the time and I always have to go to View to activate it


  • *
  • Posts: 2
I personally like to have the grid on all the time and I always have to go to View to activate it
I'm glad it's not just me. :)

I often have habitable zones turned on as well, for reference, but I'm forever having to turn them back on when switching scenarios. Same problem.


  • Developer
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  • Posts: 108
A lot of settings are actually saved with the simulation.

We haven't done a very good job of signaling which settings reset and which dont,
and which settings are global or per-simulation.

This is something we have been discussing a lot and want to address asap.