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Author Topic: Share your creations!  (Read 232116 times)


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #300 on: November 30, 2018, 01:35:07 PM »
The Solar System's Sun Is UY Scuti. It swallows all planets before Saturn, and Saturn and planets beyond it burn a lot.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2018, 07:30:58 AM by UniversePoker777 »


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #301 on: December 01, 2018, 07:41:35 AM »
When the yellow-white hypergiant Rho Cassiopeiae eats all planets before Jupiter, everything gets warmed up more than UY Scuti.


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #302 on: January 04, 2019, 01:05:47 AM »
The planet Namek from the Dragon Ball Series recreated.

Compare to how its depicted in Dragon Ball

I will be posting more Dragon Ball inspired planets soon.


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #303 on: January 06, 2019, 03:23:05 PM »
Another Dragon Ball planet, this time Sadala.

In the Dragon Ball series, the planet Sadala was the original home planet for the Saiyans; this is where Goku (Kakarot) and Vegeta were born; it exists in two universes in the series. Universe 7's Sadala was destroyed due to internal strife, and the Saiyans moved to planet Vegeta (originally Tuffle); in Universe 6, the Saiyans were unified and protectors of the universe, and their home planet was never destroyed.

For the purpose of this, I re-created Universe 6 Sadala.


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Pasal system!!!
« Reply #304 on: February 02, 2019, 05:19:37 PM »
Welcome to my first system to be included here it is the Pasal system

Pasal: A yellow-white star 9 times more massive then our sun, It is the only star.

Vorm: A habitable planet and the first planet of the system it is very oily on the rocks and the life on the oil use it to get moist.

Osis: A moon 1.25E+21 Kg or 0.0170 times the mass of moon it is the only moon around this planet

Torax: A mars like planet 1.10 times more massive then the earth it has no water sadly it's surface contains grease and a weird substance on the surface.

Oranae: A moon around Torax 0.00452 times less massive the moon.

Mastol: The major moon of Torax 0.0140 times less massive then our moon tho it still has a round shape.

Vormix: The first gas giant and the largest planet so far 1.61 times more massive then jupiter.

Nestifiar: The first moon and a possible captured object from the past it is 0.0234 times less massive then moon.

Moltus: A volcanic moon with a lot of yellow substance making it look cool.

Impifire: A moon around Vormix 1.52 times more massive then our moon it has a lot of blue oil

Lis: A very volcanic moon 0.619 times less massive then our moon it has a weird blue substance on the surface.

Vortix: The largest moon around Vormix: it has a yellowish-gold atmosphere with a very active surface.

Gampis: A rocky planet that is 1.08 times more massive then our earth it has a weird substance on the surface

Ciscia: A asteroid and the first moon of Gampis it is 0.0000140 times less massive then moon.

Linaturiman: The 2nd moon it is also a asteroid it is 3.33E+17 Kg or 0.00000453 times less massive then our own moon.

Dorth: A ice giant 2 times more massive then our earth it is spinning on a tilt like Uranus.

Lorith: The only moon around Dorth it is 1.65 times the mass of moon it also has a volcanic activity every 2 days.

Hormis: Another rocky planet far away from it's star it is 1.31 times the mass of our Earth it is very toxic here.

vort: A major moon of Hormis it is the only one around the planet it is 1.53 times more massive then our moon it also has an weird substance on the surface making the moon pretty to some people.
Corlix: The largest ice giant 3 times the mass of Jupiter.

Voris: A moon around Corlix it is one of the large moons around the large Ice giant 2.36 times more massive then our moon it has a atmosphere and a pretty surface

Nusta: The 2nd moon around the massive Ice giant this planet has one of the strangest surfaces of any moon it is 1.20 times more massive then our moon.

Torana: The 3rd moon around Corlix it is 2.76 times more massive then moon it is the largest moon in this planet's moon system.

Tusaci: The smallest major moon around Corlix it is 0.661 times the mass of moon making it small it's surface has a lot of dark-yellow salt on the surface.

Baxton: A large ice giant 1.31 times more massive then Jupiter it has it's own ring system, Scientist still observer this planet to discover more rings or moons.

Bor: A moon in between the 2 separate rings making it lonely

Lunay: A Europa like moon 2.47 times more massive then the moon it contains a lot of ice.

Vormista: A weird ocean world it is some how habitable even tho it is far from the star it's atmosphere contains little amount of Carbon Dioxide it is 2.50 times more massive then the moon.

Taxa: The last moon around Baxton it is 2.68 times more massive then the moon.

Low end pc might not handle this since there is rings.
Well the download should appear in my Attachment spot and enjoy!
« Last Edit: February 10, 2019, 02:14:27 PM by nickroffical »


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #305 on: February 02, 2019, 05:37:23 PM »
Not just Earths or Venuses, but I also have MERCURIES! It is a 500 degree Mercury, which is hotter than most broilers. The first row below this 500 degree mercury photo shows the image upload link, and the second row shows the simulation download link.



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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #306 on: February 03, 2019, 01:59:52 PM »
Another Dragon Ball planet, this time Sadala.

In the Dragon Ball series, the planet Sadala was the original home planet for the Saiyans; this is where Goku (Kakarot) and Vegeta were born; it exists in two universes in the series. Universe 7's Sadala was destroyed due to internal strife, and the Saiyans moved to planet Vegeta (originally Tuffle); in Universe 6, the Saiyans were unified and protectors of the universe, and their home planet was never destroyed.

For the purpose of this, I re-created Universe 6 Sadala.

you must have the system downloadable.


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #307 on: February 05, 2019, 04:33:50 PM »
A system with a red dwarf and planets so here is the list

Ross-795: A redish orange dwarf 1600 k (1327 c) 950 jupiters in mass (0.907 suns) and 546704 km

Ross-795 b: The first planet and a tidally locked planet 1.51 times the mass of earth and 7581 km it is the warmest planet.

Ross-795 c: A cold habitable world also tidally locked it is the 2nd planet it is 21 times the mass of moon and 3686 km it is known for possible life.

Ross-795 d: The 3rd planet and is also tidally locked it is 80.9 times the mass of moon and 6339 km.

Ross-795 e: The last planet and a tidally locked planet it has a atmosphere and it  is more red then mars but it is still has some looks that make it look like mars it is 3.14 times the mass of earth and 9471 in km.

Well that is all the objects enjoy the system.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2019, 05:38:34 PM by nickroffical »


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #308 on: February 08, 2019, 03:38:09 PM »
Thank you for showing all the orbits. I can make stuff like this now:


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #309 on: February 09, 2019, 01:26:07 PM »
Thank you for showing all the orbits. I can make stuff like this now:
boi you must put a download for the thing.


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #310 on: February 09, 2019, 04:10:03 PM »
Thank you for showing all the orbits. I can make stuff like this now:
boi you must put a download for the thing.
It's on page 7 of this very thread. I've made some small improvements since. I'll post the latest version as soon as a collision happens. I'm up around 20 years of simulation without a collision, but with 268 objects and some orbits at less than 5 hours, it takes a week to run even on a good PC.


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #311 on: February 10, 2019, 02:16:01 PM »
Thank you for showing all the orbits. I can make stuff like this now:
boi you must put a download for the thing.
It's on page 7 of this very thread. I've made some small improvements since. I'll post the latest version as soon as a collision happens. I'm up around 20 years of simulation without a collision, but with 268 objects and some orbits at less than 5 hours, it takes a week to run even on a good PC.

I dont really care how long it will take even tho i will have to say the simulation must at least have a downloadable file so we can check it out.


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #312 on: February 10, 2019, 03:48:36 PM »
Thank you for showing all the orbits. I can make stuff like this now:
boi you must put a download for the thing.
It's on page 7 of this very thread. I've made some small improvements since. I'll post the latest version as soon as a collision happens. I'm up around 20 years of simulation without a collision, but with 268 objects and some orbits at less than 5 hours, it takes a week to run even on a good PC.
I said the downloadable file is on page 7 of this thread.

I dont really care how long it will take even tho i will have to say the simulation must at least have a downloadable file so we can check it out.


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #313 on: February 14, 2019, 11:32:07 AM »
Here's the latest revision of my Firefly/Serenity system. It's the system that I used to create the video a few posts ago.


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #314 on: February 14, 2019, 04:39:54 PM »
Here's the latest revision of my Firefly/Serenity system. It's the system that I used to create the video a few posts ago.
What game is this for since im carious  :P


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #315 on: February 15, 2019, 05:05:00 AM »
Here's the latest revision of my Firefly/Serenity system. It's the system that I used to create the video a few posts ago.
What game is this for since im carious  :P
It's a TV show that was prematurely canceled by Fox and finished up in a major motion picture. There have been many Firefly/Serenity games but this works with the roll-playing games. The system isn't made for the games though; It's made for the show because the material they released after the show doesn't remotely make sense if you have knowledge of astronomy. I've detailed a lot of this in documents in the zip file.


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #316 on: February 17, 2019, 06:34:39 PM »
People seemed to like the video, so I made another one.


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #317 on: February 20, 2019, 12:32:03 PM »
Welcome to the Holas system lets get to the list of objects

star and planets(including moons)
Holas: A star 2.50 times the mass of sun and is 1043250 km is is 2 times more brighter then sun and is at a temperature of 5878 k

Hanteris: A ice giant 26 times more massive then earth and 43686 km in radius it is 163 c making it the hottest planet

Viga: A earth like object 1.70 times more massive then earth and is 7771 km in radius it has it's own probe  and moon the planet is at 12 c

Viga observer: The observer of Viga it observers it in space to see how it will change in the future

Lonis: A moon around Viga it is 1.50 times more massive then our moon and is at the radius of 1803 km

Varis: Another rocky planet this one is 1.36 times the mass of earth and at the radius of 8686 km it has 3 moons around it

Vortis: A asteroid at the mass of 1.03E+18 and the radius of 30.4 km it is unknown about this moons past of being around the planet

Tasacas: Another asteroid around Varis this one is at the mass of 5.31E+16 and the radius of 14.5 km this also has a unknown past like Vortis

Votis: The large moon of Varis of 900 km and and at the mass of 6.62E+21 mass it is believed to had formed around the planet

Vupiter: A gas giant 1.50 times the mass of jupiter and at the radius of 100415 km i wont list all of it's moons since there is a lot of them

Jaturn: Another gas giant this one is 159 times more massive then earth and at the radius of 66792 km it has 2 moons

Lisan: A asteroid around Jaturn this moon is 3.21E+17 mass and radius of 27.3  km this moon is sometimes the first moon and sometimes the 2nd moon

Misix: A major moon around Jaturn this one is 1.34 times the mass of moon and at the radius of 1423 km it is like lisan were it is sometimes the 1st and 2nd moon

Malatis: A ice giant 15.8 times the mass of earth it is at the radius of 40014 km it has 4 moons

Mistis: A moon around Malatis it is 2.04E+21 Mass and at the radius of 420 it is one of the pretty objects of the ice giant

Lida: The 2nd moon around Malatis this one is slightly more smaller then Mistis at the mass of 3.83E+20 kg and the radius of 262 km

Voris: The 3rd moon and the 3rd largest moon of the mass of 7.8E+20 and the radius of 359 km

Nitas: The largest moon around Malatis at the mass of 1.04 times the mass of moon and 1592 km it encounters volcanic activity every now and then

Velos: the last gaseous planet and 3rd ice giant at the mass of 17.5 times the mass of earth and 44783 km this is the 4th most massive planet is has 3 moons

Nestove: A major moon about 1.20 times more massive then moon and the radius of 1559 km it is the most volcanic moon

Evate: A large major moon about 2.81 masses of moon and at the radius of 1997 km it is the least popular of moons

Lova: the only asteroid around Velos this is at the mass of 7.08E+17 and radius of 34.5 km


2039 QR39: A asteroid around Holas i wont explain the size of the asteroids since they're all small

2025 TL25: another asteroid this ones past is mysterious out of the asteroid

2026 PLA26: Another asteroid this one's secrets are being discovered as this asteroid is being observered

Dwarf planets (including moons)

Limos: A dwarf planet around Holas it has 4 moons this dwarf planet is 1200 km in radius

Tagis: The first moon it is likely a captured asteroid like the others it is unknown when it was captured

Lopo: Like Tagis this asteroid is a possible captured it holds the 2nd spot

Pemis: The 3rd asteroid it was the 3rd captured like Lopo and Tagis it's past is unknown

Edis: The 4th moon and like Tagis Lopo and Pemis it is captured

Pladis: Another Dwarf planet this one is like Pluto with the white and red colors this one is at the radius of 1562 km

Pharon: The moon around Pladis it is at the radius of 483 km it's the only moon of Pladis and it looks like it's main object due to a rare surface material

2050 TUL50: A Dwarf Planet that does not have a true name yet it is 450 km in radius it has no moons due to a small size

2094 KL94: the farthest dwarf planet it is 320 km it is very dark here due to it's distance from the star it also has no real name yet

Well there you go a single star system with a lot of stuff orbiting it

« Last Edit: August 01, 2019, 04:44:37 PM by nickroffical »


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Ta micro-cluster
« Reply #318 on: March 22, 2019, 03:04:46 AM »
Welcome to the Ta micro-cluster containing 25 stars some having planets around them the objects here range in sizes.

The micro cluster formed 12.5 billion years ago mostly dust particles, the  first star formed 4.6 billion years later and the other stars formed 100 million years later after the first star did, it was later discovered in 2028 and it is believed to pass our solar system in 540 million years causing destruction in the solar system it's self since the micro-cluster went by.

Whats the largest star types here
The largest stars here are the Hyper-Giants and 1-2 Super-Giants, Since these 2 types are the largest in this micro cluster they will be the ones making this micro-cluster still likely not visible.

Distance from sun
it is approximately 6000 light-years away even tho it is not visible from our home planet.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2019, 05:49:18 PM by nickroffical »


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #319 on: April 19, 2019, 09:44:27 AM »
Welcome to the Damos system this system is very solar system like with many planets asteroids and dwarf planets in the system, I will also do listing different this time so here i go.

Moon amount around objects

Venistis: 0

Polom: 0

Calandis: 1

Hars: 0 (2 undiscovered meaning they're not in system yet)

Mitosim: 10 (90 other moons are not discovered)

Voton: 2 (80 other moons have not been found)

Normas: 5 (25 other moons were not found yet

Valastom: 3 (19 other moons were not discovered yet)

2055 LOM55: 1

2088 LOM88: 1

Plomo: 1

Sadom: 0

2080 LKM80: 2 (I will include this asteroid since it has 2 of them)

Torpas: 0 (3 asteroid like moons were not discovered yet)

The asteroids in this system have no true names in the system yet because the objects are too far from Damos.

Star and planet sizes
(note no asteroids and dwarf planets are appearing here)

Damos: 1.50 times the mass of sun and a radius of 904150 km.

Venistis: 20 times the mass of moon and a radius of 4248 km.

Polom: 2.31 times the mass of Earth and a radius of 7485 km.

Calandis: 2.84 times the mass of Earth and is the radius of 8713 km.

Hars: 25 times the mass of moon and a radius of 3908 km.

Mitosim: 3.20 times the mass of Jupiter and a radius of 150309 km.

Voton: 240 times the mass of earth and a radius of 52713 km.

Normas: 17.5 times the mass of earth and a radius of 25157 km.

Valastom: 24.2 times the mass of earth and a radius of 40703 km.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2019, 04:12:15 PM by nickroffical »


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #320 on: May 03, 2019, 05:33:31 PM »
I made the Star Wars Galaxy 3 years ago, in 2016.
Plus a pack and a size comparison using the planets & moons from it, along with some spaceships.

Home One (Mon Calamari Cruiser) from Ep VI had a mass of 5004829 kg and a radius of 650 m.
The Imperial Star Destroyer from Ep IV-V-VI had a mass of 933806 kg and a radius of 800 m.
The Finalizer (Resurgent Star Destroyer) from Ep-VII had a mass of 5.65E+10 kg and a radius of 1.457905 km.
The Executor from Ep VI has a mass of 1.56E+13 kg and a radius of 9.50 km.
Polis Massa from Ep III has a mass of 6.87E+17 kg and a radius of 35.5 km.
The Death Star from Ep IV and Rogue One had a mass of 1.23+18 kg and a radius of 60 km.
Death Star 2 from Ep VI had a mass of 2.93E+18 kg and a radius of 80 km.
The Starkiller Base from Ep VII shows a mass on here of 8.05E+21 kg and a radius of 600 km.
The forest moon of Endor (named Endor on here) from Ep VI shows a mass on here of 2.94E+22 kg and a radius of 920 km.
The sistermoon is identical to the forest moon
Mustafar from Ep III has a mass of 4.07x our Moon's and a radius of 2100 km.
Yavin X has a mass of 12.1x our Moon's and has a radius of 2833 km.
Jakku from Ep VII has a mass of 20.5x our Moon's and a radius of 3200 km.
Hoth from Ep V has a mass of 26.5x our Moon's and a radius of 3600 km.
Dagobah from Ep V has a mass of 27x our Moon's and a radius of 4450 km.
Felucia from Ep III has a mass of 28x our Moon's and a radius of 4550 km.
Yavin VIII has a mass of 27.2x our Moon's and a radius of 4738 km.
Geonosis from Ep II has a mass of 60x our Moon's and a radius of 4769 km.
Mygeeto from Ep III has a mass of 36.9x our Moon's and a radius of 5044 km.
Yavin IV from Ep IV has a mass of 34.1x our Moon's and a radius of 5100 km.
Tatooine from Ep I-II-III-IV has a mass of 73.2x our Moon's and a radius of 5232 km.
Tython 5 has a mass of 40.7x our Moon's and a radius of 5232 km (same as Tatooine's).
Naboo from Ep I-II-III-VI(2004 DVD release) has a mass of 80.8x our Moon's and a radius of 5276 km.
Ryloth from Star Wars Rebels has a mass of 45.7x our Moon's and a mass of 5300 km.
Lothal from Star Wars Rebels has a mass of 1 Earth.
Corellia has a mass of 49.1x our Moon's and has a radius of 5500 km.
Mon Calamari has a mass of 50.1x our Moons and has a radius of 5515 km.
Hosnian Prime from Ep VII had a mass of 80.3x our Moon's and has a radius of 5654 km.
Coruscant from Ep I-II-III-VI is identical to Hosnian Prime.
Takodana from Ep VII has a mass of 69.6x our Moon's and a radius of 6050 km.
Taris VI has a mass of 69.5x our Moon's and has a radius of 6100 km.
Alderaan had a mass of 78x our Moons and a radius of 6250 km.
Ahch-To from Ep VII-IX has a mass and radius that's currently unknown, but believed to earth-like.
Garel from Star Wars Rebels has a mass and radius that's currently unknown, but believed to earth-like.
Cato Neimoidia from Ep III has a mass and radius that's currently unknown, but believed to earth-like.
Kashyyyk from Ep III has a mass of 1.01x our Earth's and a radius of 6382 km.
Utapau from Ep III has a mass of 1.22x our Earth's and a radius of 6450 km.
Sullust has a mass of 2.49x our Earth's and a radius of 6877 km.
Saleucami from Ep III has a mass of 1.70x our Earth's and a radius of 7460 km.
Korriban has a mass of 2.83x our Earth's and a radius of 8445 km.
Kamino from Ep II has a mass of 3.14x our Earth's and a radius of 9365 km.
Lefrani from Ep III has a mass of 8.22x Earth's and has a radius of 28126 km.
Bespin from Ep IV has a mass of 87.7x our Earth's and has a radius of 57743 km.
Endor Prime has a mass equal to Jupiter's and has a diameter of 69842 km.
Jestefad from Ep III has a mass and radius equal to Jupiter.
Yavin Prime from Ep IV has a mass of 1.28x Jupiter's and a radius of 92523 km.

I also did a vehicle size chart.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2019, 04:22:20 PM by Gregory »


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Tymos system
« Reply #321 on: May 12, 2019, 11:35:07 AM »
Welcome to the Tymos Majoris system containing 2 massive stars so lets get right to it

                                           Tymos Majoris star
This blue hyper giant is known for being larger then UY Scuti at just 8.50 au in radius even tho it is very massive it is has around 4 planets around this star making it unique

                                          planets around Tymos Majoris

Avenae: This gas giant is known for being close to Tymos Majoris even tho this object is not hot it is still the hottest gas giant in the system it sadly has no moons around it, it is one of the massive gas giants in the system.

Tevanen: A Earth like planet known for possible life it has a population of 500 million, the planet has one moon (Limosta) even tho this planet has some features earth likely doesn't have.

Loco: A ice giant known for being larger then Uranus and Neptune but smaller then Saturn and Jupiter in terms of radius of the planet it has 3 moons (Literu, Nusti, Eptas).

Loso: A ice giant that had some collisions in the past it is smaller then saturn in radius but is more massive then saturn it has also 3 moons (Bona,Nustaci,Ovanae).

                                                       Mintal Majoris

This Red super giant is known for being the 2nd largest object in the system after all it is a companion star of Tymos Majoris even tho this object is not as large as Tymos Majoris it is still large.

                                                      Planets around Mintal Majoris

Tilum: Another earth like planet this one is also known for possible life and that the planet is known for it's nice looks from space it has 2 moons (Mors,Obust).

Cicum: Also a Earth like planet this one is also known for life like the other 2 planets tho this one looks a lot different in color in terms of earth like planets in the system even tho it is the largest rocky planet in the system, It has one moon (Orsa).

Temodis: A very reflective object this one is known for being very large, No one knows if this is a rocky or gas since it is so bright it does how ever got 2 moons (Monae and Beron).
Adromadom: A gas giant with the longest name of a object in the system it is not as large as the previous planet but is still quite large in size it has the most moons of 4 (Selina,Oras,Liob, And Salumin).

Colix: A ice giant that is also larger then Jupiter it ain't as large as the other 2 gas giant this planet has no moons around it sadly.

                                                           History of the system

The system formed around 750-800 million years but the planets formed later after the stars birth even tho both stars were expanding to their current size that they are right now even tho the system did had some collisions in the past.



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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #322 on: May 23, 2019, 07:01:22 PM »
I made my best size comparison simulations of manmade and natural object to scale.

The 1st simulation is of both the fictional and real objects.
The 2nd simulation is of just the real objects.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2019, 11:07:38 PM by Gregory »


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #323 on: May 23, 2019, 08:28:45 PM »
My size comparison chart of all the real and fictional objects in 1 sim.
The other sim shows just real objects.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2019, 11:08:50 PM by Gregory »


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #324 on: May 23, 2019, 08:38:16 PM »
A size comparison of all notable manmade balls, including common sports balls and those that need to be implemented in the next update.
Like a beach ball with a beach ball appearance, as well as the world's largest beach ball implemented in the next update.
A cage ball and kin ball as well as Sputnik-1's also included (the cage ball and Sputnik-1 attachment go to the bodies folder).

A cannonball can be used to launch into objects.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2019, 12:59:43 PM by Gregory »


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #325 on: May 23, 2019, 08:53:05 PM »
A size comparison of all basketballs.
From the common regulation sizes, to oversized basketballs.


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #326 on: May 23, 2019, 09:09:15 PM »
Amazing size comparison of everything. I like your videos. Upload them on YouTube.


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #327 on: May 23, 2019, 09:11:47 PM »
A beach ball size comparison, from standard beach balls, to the largest beach ball that's ever been made.
Too bad beach ball models haven't been made in US2 and need to be implemented in the next update.
The most standard size though is 20.32 cm in radius with a mass of 110 g.
The largest one ever made was 9 m 98 cm 4 mm 4 micrometers in radius and had a mass of 1,000 kg.

The beach ball files such as the standard beach ball and the largest beach ball are bodies and put into the Bodies folder.
The bottommost file beach ball sizes is put into the simulations folder.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2019, 11:14:19 AM by Gregory »


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #328 on: May 23, 2019, 09:18:38 PM »
Here's the sizes of bowling balls, including lawn bowling balls.
The largest bowling ball file is put into the Bodies folder.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2019, 09:34:10 AM by Gregory »


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Re: Share your creations!
« Reply #329 on: May 23, 2019, 09:20:46 PM »
The sizes of regulation pool balls.