Hello! I'm a postdoctoral astrophysics researcher looking for dark matter using the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope.
For an upcoming talk I'm giving I would like to use Universe Sandbox 2 to sell a point I'm making about dark matter holding galaxies together. I'd like to run a simulation of a galaxy with dark matter, and then suddenly delete the dark matter from the system (while the sim is running), and see the system lose its structure.
Right now you can create a system with dark matter enabled and change the initial value of the dark matter particles, but there doesn't seem to be a way to delete existing dark matter from a running simulation (like you can with deleting the star from a solar system or the black hole from a galaxy).
Is what I'm trying to do currently possible in US2 or has it not been added yet?
(I've emailed/tweeted the US2 team about this as well; I'll edit this post if they answer. Wanted to ask the community, too)