-So I was checking out the Creating Pulsar tutorial. Guys, Sirius B is not a neutron star. Get that fixed please. (EDIT: bolded for emphasis)
-By the way, why can't I do the same with stars like PSR xxxxxxx? Why does the magnetic thing only work with Sirius B?
-There are way too many fragments coming out of collisions by default I guess
-Performance is significantly slower. I now average 9 fps in the performance test. It used to be 11 in all the log z betas. The startup is laggy, and the solar system sim doesn't run smoothly. The planets seem to move step-by-step, you know? The camera view flows smoothly though for some reason.
-The left click infobox is now on the right side of the screen? Sorry but that's not good at all. I know it used to obstruct the view, but you could have made it smaller and more transparent maybe... I don't know. It's not nice the way it is.
-I've already reported a bug by the way. That's it, I'll play and test more later