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Author Topic: I can't figure out how to add CO2 to the Moon! Terraforming problem...  (Read 4379 times)

I got this game about a week ago, and I have had a lot of fun with it. I found a youtube video that said something about terraforming the Moon. I clicked on it, and I noticed it was on Alpha 13.1. It didn't even look like I was playing the same game. So when I tried to copy what he was doing I noticed that he had Carbon Dioxide under materials, and I did not... Is it removed or am I not looking in the right place?


  • Development Team
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  • Posts: 544
It was removed temporarily, since it was causing some confusion about what it did. We're looking to hook it back up when we update the planetary temperature and atmospheric simulation.

Ok. I was just confused. Are you able to give a time of when the planetary temperature and atmospheric simulation update will be avaliable? (Examples: 2015; Q3; September)


  • Development Team
  • *****
  • Posts: 544
It's not likely going to be a single update, those two features are made up of a lot of smaller, dependent bits and pieces. We're already working on the framework that the simulations will use.

The plan is to start with the base temperature simulation and then add on top of it to simulate more dynamics, such as the seasonal energy balance, and the influence of atmospheric composition.

It's hard to give any kind of estimate, other then it will take some time before we get to higher level stuff, like simulating the CO2 level of the atmosphere.