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Author Topic: Plane Tilts, Portals, Dust Balls and Galaxies  (Read 2290 times)

Gordon Freeman

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Plane Tilts, Portals, Dust Balls and Galaxies
« on: May 31, 2015, 05:58:22 AM »
Mostly a huge suggestion dump:

Plane Tilts

Essentially an option to change the inclination of all/selected orbiting bodies proportionate to their distance from parent, instead of having to manually change every orbit to match the tilt of a body. Not sure how easy (or possible) this would be to develop.


I think wormholes are a must-have for any space sandbox. Basically, wormholes could be selected and re-rooted to other wormholes.


A place-able spherical or circular mass/disk of non-attracting particles to experiment with the gravitational gradient.

Random Galaxy Generator

A menu of objects based on the Hubble Classification System. Selecting from E-, S-, SB-, or Irregular-Class galaxies opens a menu of parameter to set, such as Max/Min distance from core, Number of arms, Total Mass, Single/Binary core, etc.


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  • Australian Alpha Tester and Astronomer
Re: Plane Tilts, Portals, Dust Balls and Galaxies
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2015, 11:02:32 PM »
A crucial feature I would really like is the box tool.  It was in US1, but was removed in US2...

Basically, you can highlight huge swaths of space, eg, a cloud of fragments, and then delete them as a whole, or zero all their velocities, or auto orbit them all, etc.  I think its the most useful and multipurposeful tool one could add at this stage.  It could also be used to view the total momentum of the group just like in US1.


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Re: Plane Tilts, Portals, Dust Balls and Galaxies
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2015, 07:12:15 AM »
You actually can box-highlight in US², click and drag while holding CTRL.


  • *****
  • Posts: 77
  • Australian Alpha Tester and Astronomer
Re: Plane Tilts, Portals, Dust Balls and Galaxies
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2015, 11:55:23 PM »
Really?  I was holding shift.  I will go test that right now...

IT WORKS!  Where have you been all my life?  xD