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Is this an acceptable idea...

17 (81%)
1 (4.8%)
Maybe, i think?
3 (14.3%)

Total Members Voted: 21

Author Topic: Lens Flare on stars, and Glowing atmosphere ( For higher graphics only )  (Read 3451 times)


  • ****
  • Posts: 31
  • I just bought universe sandbox 2 ( 9 17 14 )
I've been thinking, Universe Sandbox has a great graphics simulation...
But what's missing is?, stars glowing off their lens flare for a much nicer gameplay...

this is just a suggestion!

Edited from photoshop, ( sorry it sucks ) just a suggestion....

Gordon Freeman

  • *****
  • Posts: 480
Lens Flares would get a bit flashy and epileptic if too many stars were in at once, but otherwise, it sounds good.

Lord DC

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  • Posts: 318
  • Omnitae - Leader of Omnipotencia
    • Steam profile
there should be a way to toggle it in the options for each individual star, otherwise, just like Gordon mentioned, things will get epileptic


  • *****
  • Posts: 219
*spawns largest star in the game* my eyes died


  • *****
  • Posts: 77
  • Australian Alpha Tester and Astronomer
Dont worry about how good your photoshopping looks, I cant photoshop at all...


  • *****
  • Posts: 76
  • There's an "I" in the middle of "Hurricane"
It's ok, your photoshop looks awesome. better than mine  ;)