Hi! So.
I realize that Universe Sandbox 2 is, patently, about smashing planets together. But! It is also a really nifty way to build and 'design' star systems, small sections of galaxies, and other stuff useful for those geeks among us who want to use the game to help us with making up fictional universes for RPGs and books and whatever else.
Some features that would make this really, really helpful are:
- Being able to save/load. (I know, future update! But I hope not TOO Far in the future!
- Being able to measure the distances between stars, planets, etcetera, with some kind of interstellar measuring tape. (I can kind of do this by moving the camera around and stuff, but, it's finicky and I can't figure out how to do it properly.)
- Being able to make short notes attached to any given body. (EG: 'This is where the Little Green Men live', 'A large asteroid made that crater', etc.)
- More customizable random generator options for making a random star system (especially random star type), or maybe even some kind of stellar evolution system so you can run your star system for 30 000 000 000 years and watch planets accrete out of dust? (I bet that last one's unlikely in terms of processing power.)