1: Removed level 1 city placed by Mudkipz on R8T3, on a zone he claimed the same turn.
2: Fixed the colors of the borders between some of Mudkipz's zones and at his sea bases on all turns. This took a lot of time. Mudkipz, please use another image editor or make sure that the grey lines bordering fields you color keep the same color.
3: Moved Atomic's level 1 cities to the lower left corner from R8T5 and on.
4: The scoreboard for round 9 is uploaded below.
5: Darvince can only spend 24 resources this round, so his turn is invalid.

6: Removed Darvince's zones from Atomic's turn and made that turn 1. Darvinceredopl0x.
7: Fiah's turn is also sort of too dependent on Darvince's turn to be valid, redo too plox.

8: Applied bong's turn to turn 1 to make turn 2.
The next turn is reserved for Darvince, and the next one after that one is reserved for Fiah. Redo your diplomagic stuff doing those turns as you want.
Here's the end result!!!!!