(upgrading your artillery base shouldn't let you use its upgrade the same turn you upgrade it, that would be like getting resources for upgrading an extractor or city)
I don't think this should be a thing all of a sudden? I planned my turns so that i would have be able to have level 2 arty this turn, otherwise i probably would've built it a turn earlier. The manual doesn't state i can't use arty at the level i just upgraded it that turn.
the turn a city and extractor is upgraded, it makes resources (and is presumably finished by the beginning of the next round.) i assumed an artillery base can also shoot the same turn it is upgraded and i think it makes sense.
And Mudkipz... I thought you agreed to not attacking Matty before next round. In any case, why do you ask whether next round is fine and then attack him this round... Seems sort of pointless to me.
lol, but arty is fun, i target practice and nid n00kz.
and i guess the main point of deciding when to attack matty was so we could have a fair chance at claiming regions, so i didn't think bombarding it is a problem.