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Author Topic: [IDEA] Extended/Split Screen Option  (Read 2629 times)


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[IDEA] Extended/Split Screen Option
« on: February 06, 2015, 01:23:31 AM »
I run US2 with my large monitor combined with my laptop screen.  I usually keep the laptop screen free for background tasks or the occasional web browsing while playing, but I thought I could utilize the laptop screen for just my Graphs and what not, and use my secondary larger monitor for the normal view.  This would stop my graphs blocking my view, so I can see the simulation and my graph at the same time, on different screens.

An example of this, JourneyMap for minecraft, actually has an option for using a browser running off google maps or something that records your world on a different window (the browser), so I like to use the laptop for the map, and the monitor for the gaming.