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Author Topic: a few suggestions  (Read 2720 times)


  • Formerly 'bong'
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a few suggestions
« on: December 19, 2014, 07:20:49 PM »
make some kind of mode where the planet is lit on all sides and does not spin or something of the sort. i was checking out the climates and was trying to recreate an iceage but it's annoying that 50% of the time NA is on the dark side, and you always have too keep scrolling. btw the tidally locked planet is really cool

if possible, make the ice a bit smoother in travel

i love how craters fill with water if they're near the coastline, very cool

also, i shot a few mimas's and the city lights went out, nice.
however, they also took out NA's lights even though it was in europe
just wondering, where'd you get the textures for pluto? :D

edit: for the collision templates:
make an option to pause in the beginning of the sims
also for some reason, the fragements from the original object don't make any explosion when they go back to earth
but nice shockwaves

fragment thingy
« Last Edit: December 19, 2014, 07:34:03 PM by blotz »


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Re: a few suggestions
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2014, 08:14:25 PM »
Blotz, there is an option to stop (or rather, hide) the rotation, basic tab after you've clicked on the object, display settings section and 'hide rotation' is the option you're looking for.


  • Formerly 'bong'
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Re: a few suggestions
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2014, 07:52:36 AM »
oh thanks