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Author Topic: Vegitation possiblities  (Read 3365 times)


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Vegitation possiblities
« on: October 27, 2014, 10:51:05 AM »
At some point in the distant future, when i get a new PC and GA has made millions of dollar's/credit's/scripted from Universe Sandbox 2...i um lost where i was going with this...okay back on topic, when vegetation is added in, will the wildlife have unique property's that help it thrive on the planet's surface or have adaptations? lets say   planet G3-7S  was in the habitable zone but it was warmer then earth, savanna warm for example, would the grass tree's etc. look like  savanna grass or something like it? or will it just be normal green grass, anyhow just wondering :)


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Re: Vegitation possiblities
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2014, 04:51:04 PM »
will the wildlife have unique property's that help it thrive on the planet's surface or have adaptations? lets say   planet G3-7S  was in the habitable zone but it was warmer then earth,
Good question, but i honestly dont know


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Re: Vegitation possiblities
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2014, 12:33:25 AM »
We already have climate, so a hotter planet has visually smaller ice formations, etc.  So when organics and vegetation come in, it will probably use a very similar system to the existing climate simulation, by which I mean instead of water changing colour to white when it becomes cold (ice), organics will turn greener and lusher in warm wet planets (rainforest) and brown/green on warm dry planets (savanna).