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Author Topic: [BUG] Window always on top  (Read 5509 times)


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[BUG] Window always on top
« on: August 23, 2014, 07:03:50 AM »
The previous problem that I had is gone, great, but now theres this really odd problem. It opens just fine, however, when I click any interactable thing, even the main menu button, I am suddenly unable to switch to other windows/items in the taskbar.

It occasionally happens when I double click the title bar to resize and it even happens if I don't resize the window.

This is with Alpha 9.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 11:48:59 PM by C7 »


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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 02:10:53 AM by FiahOwl »


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A similar thing happens here too. Just click minimize, dude


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I have the same problem, posted about it here in more detail.

The logs are attached here as well as in the other post.


  • Development Team
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The first log posted doesn't have any errors, however the other log posted by Bla does. We'll try and get that one fixed. I've seen it in other logs as well.

Invalid values set in the UI are causing an out of bounds exception. Should be a fairly easy fix.


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I didn't test very far after it made it unable to switch to a different window on the taskbar, which is probably why theres no error.

Bla shows the same problem, so you guys should be able to work with that one.

Edit: Still in 9.1. I assume you guys are still working on it, though you guys thought it would be an easy fix.


  • Development Team
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Quite possible the issue in bla's log and the switching are not related to eachother. Still trying to track down the "window always on top" problem.


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I did send a couple of logs for other bugs, maybe you'll spot it in there, no idea.


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Cool, I'll look through the support emails. Thank you.


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Go fullscreen, when you alt-tab it will still show up in the background but you can put whatever window you were gonna use infront of it.


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I would use fullscreen if the text wasn't so tiny.


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Re: [BUG] Window always on top
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2014, 07:10:07 AM »
Still in 11.1, though I read something in the update about steam forcing it to be windowed, so I'll see if that helps