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Author Topic: Can't Open "Earth and 2000 Moons" simulation  (Read 5279 times)

The Ventifact

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Can't Open "Earth and 2000 Moons" simulation
« on: September 08, 2014, 08:22:28 AM »
I can't seem to get this simulation to load. I was only able to get it once, now it just crashes Universe Sandbox every time I try to open it. Is this a bug/glitch? Or is it purely just because of the 2000 moons? Most likely that...

Anyway, I have PC that can run that simulation, albeit with quite a low frame rate, but it can do it nonetheless. I am not even going to attempt the Earth and 5000 Moons... holy crap!!! XD

Can anyone else get it to open? I am guessing no, because most folks on here don't have don't have high end PC's (except for a hand full I've seen). I have to do ctrl+alt+del and kill the process to exit.

For posterity (and for the devs), here are my specs:

- i7 3770
- GTX 770 SC (super clocked)
- 16GB of DDR3 RAM

Also, I attached the log file to this post. It appears the log file stops after trying to load the simulation.


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Re: Can't Open "Earth and 2000 Moons" simulation
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2014, 08:28:34 AM »
There are a couple of game-breaking sims at the moment, I'm not sure if they are all the same for everyone or everybody's game-breakers are different.

The Ventifact

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Re: Can't Open "Earth and 2000 Moons" simulation
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2014, 08:57:23 AM »
Yeah, I noticed that. I saw a few posts about simulations not loading for people. I'd have to test this, but I think all the simulations open for me, except for a couple of the "Stress Tests" simulations, as stated previously.

EDIT: Okay, there is a handful of others that don't load. It's mostly the experimental simulations, but for the most part, many of the simulations seem to open.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2014, 09:45:08 AM by The Ventifact »


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Re: Can't Open "Earth and 2000 Moons" simulation
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2014, 08:26:00 AM »
That simulation and a few others are experimental, and not really designed to reasonably run on a current machine. They're more of stress tests to see what happens.

The Ventifact

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Re: Can't Open "Earth and 2000 Moons" simulation
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2014, 10:38:28 AM »
That simulation and a few others are experimental, and not really designed to reasonably run on a current machine. They're more of stress tests to see what happens.

Are you going to figure out ways to make it run? Or is it just the nature of how US2 works? Are you guys going to leave the stress test simulations as-is, or actually make them work for benchmarking?

I guess it doesn't really matter, most people couldn't run those simulations with reasonable performance. Only folks with a Titan Z would be able to do it (and hardly anyone will want to drop 3k on that GPU).


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Re: Can't Open "Earth and 2000 Moons" simulation
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2014, 11:02:14 AM »
We'll likely remove some of the outright broken ones, as they shouldn't be there, tempting you to click on them and crash stuff. But, quite likely a computer a few years down the line could actually run them. We do a lot of crazy testing, and purposely break things to see what the limits are.

The Ventifact

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Re: Can't Open "Earth and 2000 Moons" simulation
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2014, 04:00:53 PM »
We'll likely remove some of the outright broken ones, as they shouldn't be there, tempting you to click on them and crash stuff. But, quite likely a computer a few years down the line could actually run them. We do a lot of crazy testing, and purposely break things to see what the limits are.

Ah yes, I guess I forgot about breaking stuff. Sometimes breaking a game is the best way to figure out how to fix it.

Anyway, thanks C7. Universe Sandbox 2 is shaping up to be a really cool simulator. :)