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Author Topic: [QUESTION/SUGGESTION] will there be tectonic plates and volcanic activity?  (Read 3049 times)


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I know the developers are working on the Roche limit for bodies in close orbits, but I'm also wondering if you guys are planning on adding super volcano's and plate movement on other planet and moons.

because I always thought it would be cool to see the atmosphere turn dark from all of the ash and eruptions happening on its surface. But if you aren't going to implement a full volcanic activity to the game it would be nice to see subtle phenomena cause by planet orbiting close or planetary bodes colliding.


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I sincerely doubt anything like actual simulation of eruptions etc. will happen anytime soon, but I'm sure we'll get to stuff like visual effects soon c;


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Re: [QUESTION/SUGGESTION] will there be tectonic plates and volcanic activity?
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2014, 10:44:51 PM »
+1 to this. Plate movements are an awsome way of creating unique terrestrial planets.
