So I got the game yesterday, love every minute of it, *totally made mars Venus and mercury habbitable*
But I noticed a strange bug,
When you open a simulation, like in the solar system one that apears when you load the game, the game will glitch with the presence of certain bodies when you place them.
I had it happen with Europa, Ganymede, random small moon, and others, lots of them. And I think it changes randomly, cause I had Sedna work once, then later it didn't.
What happens is,
First, the body is placed, in my case, an orbit of earth,
All bodies are lit up in a direction mostly from above but off to the side, and its like someone placed a new star, but the light from that and the sun don't combine into a bright spot anywhere,
The ability to pause and un pause with space ceases to work.
The body goes shooting off behind earth like its velocity was set to zero, using auto orbit does nothing, and any other bodies that are placed then also do the same.
If the glitch causing body is left in the simulation, it seems everything begins to fall apart in weird ways.
When said body is removed from the sim via undo, everything returns to normal, I haven't tried using the cut tool yet,
Also, I've had earth freeze randomly somehow at its real life distance from the sun(though may be from losing a tiny bit of its atmosphere), and sometimes the climate gets stuck and then sudenly it'll poof to what it should be, like it'll be frozen a few minutes after a collision and then sudenly it'll be just a solid rock with no water or anything, then proceeding as normal.
The first bug doesn't occur when I hit the new button and make things from scratch as far as I know, and the earth freezing one has happened in both.
Other then that this game is awesome.